from april fools to may daze/// will you wake too??

Local Loco The destruction of nature (a.k.a "construction" ) continues with the brutal programme to lay cable throughout the Lucista peninsula, for the sake of the few "rich players" (a/k/a/ " Mamula majmun ( monkeys/monKEES )" ..!) ... the world of sharks, jackals & obedient sheeple ignore all the other wars but scared of C19 etc , and assist only WHITE refugees here in Balkans too, with financial support NOT available to locals... and ignore the environmental catastrophe which is more likely to kill them all, this last week we had a virtual hurricane here & I was woken twice in the morning by earth(quake) tremors ! Global asylum previous ; ChRiS >?.. I, sort of, fell in love with artist KATE BUSH , at a time I was married to Jacqui, (the most wonder ful widfe a man could have) when rarely, I was at home...on watching saturda...