
Showing posts from March, 2022

6; MY alternative planet ; a.k.a "searching for Intelligent life forms" (still) :p

  UNsubC-monty_6; MY alternative planet ; a.k.a "searching for Intelligent life forms" (still) :p  MY rhyme of this time, isnt it a crime? isnt it a crime..? to be a hypocrite, at this time..! to cry for the pain of the sheeple of Uk RAIN? they put a USAcorp thug in power now they mostly hide & cower their enemy is also a dictator arent all leaders> sooner or later? the main SCREAM med1A  criticize but none of them are wise.. they tell you to host a WHITE :refugee: what about all the dark FACEd victims they no longer see? I am sick of all this hypocrisy and of the bugs that begin with C (19-22) sheeple die but many of you caused the poison swamp of today all i do is fight their evil way.. but alone or not, win or lose, there is nothing more me to choose.. I hate their FUBAR :game of THORNS: , & your apathy! I give my all, be or not to BE! ChRiS SMITH 220328 see previous; why