ChRiSlive220401 - april FOOLS is every day???

 ChRiSlive  april 220401  or

Confidential/FYeo  CRSFU 220401 Miriste/Xile

Are U now “classified” for communication with  me?

Extreme storms again here, I wont be online for the next days…

april FOOLS is every day???

wishing you all in the local & global mental asylum an APRIL fools birthday.. befitting the FUBAR "game of THORNS"

that makes the TV series : "game of thrones" seem like children's entertainment in comparison..


AS I look outside at "monsoon Monty" still awaiting an official statement from

a) MSp (by recorded post please, before your visit to MIR.)

b) from the supposed "authorities" voted by local sheeple into "office"

(email repeated ; On 1/29/22 10:31 AM, ChRiS wrote:> CHALLENGE TO & CLAIM AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT OF MONTENEGRO

ii) all i see & hear is funding & prejudiced support for :WHITE FACED UK RAINers" .. the OBVIOUS RACISM , local & global is SICKENING... where was all this "HELP" for darker skinned Syrians, Afghans or Yemenis OR EMPATHY & SUPPORT FOR THE 450 MILLION or more KIDS in WAR - torn parts of YOUR WORLD! who are ignored because some WHITE faces are SUFFERING ( even as you assist some blatant NAzTies among them), .... just highlights the CORRUPT, biased & prejudiced "regime" that is called : "democratic"..

iii) I was once in your "titanic system" and played all those games, I "dropped out" in 1995 whilst still a relatively affluent "wizz kid" ..and as a "GOOD AGENT" since have suffered obstructions, sabotage, jealousy, prejudice & all types of violations & attacks..

iv) mark my words; a painful "vengeful tsunami" will be your punishment... local & global.

v) for the locals;

- you will be brought to JUSTICE ; for multiple violations a form of "COLLECTIVE MOBBING" sponsored by members of past & present the MNE govt.

since 1995 I have made several hundred videos; 1000s of blog pages, my 5,700 campaign files , since 2014 (at risk due to damp/mould) MY Crazy life in parts at  ; , at

& recently at  with a noted 157,000 locked in damaged PC.

previous ;

On 1/29/22 10:31 AM, ChRiS wrote:






> * VIOLATION OF THE E.C.H.R (Council of Europe) articles


> aims;


> to ENFORCE THE European Parliament to consider an appeal blocking Montenegro as member.


> &


> to support compensation by numerous individuals whose rights have been duly violated.


> RELEVANT Notes from the Montenegrin constitution;


> Article 6 " rights and liberties shall be inviolable. • Inalienable rights


> Everyone shall be obliged to respect the rights and liberties of others. "


> article 7


> "Infliction or encouragement of hatred or intolerance on any grounds shall be prohibited. "


> article 8


> " Direct or indirect discrimination on any grounds shall be prohibited "


> article 9


> " international agreements and generally accepted rules of international law shall make an integral part of the internal legal order, shall have the supremacy over the national legislation "


> article 25


> During the proclaimed state of war or emergency, the exercise of certain human


> rights and freedoms may be limited, to the necessary extent.


> The limitations shall not be introduced on the grounds of sex, nationality, race,


> religion, language, ethnic or social origin, political or other beliefs, financial standing


> or any other personal feature.


> There shall be no limitations imposed on the rights to: life, legal remedy and legal aid;


> dignity and respect of a person; fair and public trail and the principle of legality;


> presumption of innocence; defense; compensation of damage for illegal or


> ungrounded deprivation of liberty and ungrounded conviction; freedom of thought,


> conscience and religion; entry into marriage.


> • Human dignity


> • Right to life


> • Regulation of marriage


> There shall be no abolishment of the prohibition of: inflicting or encouraging hatred


> or intolerance; discrimination; trial and conviction twice for one and the same


> criminal offence (ne bis in idem); forced assimilation.


> Measures of limitation may be in effect at the most for the duration of the state of


> war or emergency.


> ___________________________________




> That ALL the ministers, officials, police & other employees of the Montenegrin state & its regions, have been, for the most part corrupt,


> since three decades, have violated the above mentioned articles amongst others, (and those of the Council of Europe & United Nations)


> and may not be trusted with deciding the health or other status of any individial, at any time.



> ii) The CLAIM


> A) During the previous 3 decades and particularly from early 2020 to date, national & local "officers" have APPLIED what may only be described as "gestapo" tactics to OPPRESS persons who have not responded to regime dictates!


> B) That repeated violations by employees of the Montenegrin government relate to an in-bred prejudicial attitude repeated by its bureaucrats, officials, operatives, court appointees & private agents, often using financial threats.


> C) The precise damages shall be ultimately decided by INTERNATIONAL court and as such this claim represents such status on an interim basis


> We hereby take a lien of 10 (TEN) MILLION Euros for each individual case. without high limit (or additional claim against officials etc for malicious damages)


> for the people


> F & U Miission


> Montenegro


> Christopher Richard Smith



> CSvEE220128MiR


> -- 

> F&U mission via REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op 

> for ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN

> EXile Home base

> Montenegro



the "others" will ASSume we are arguing , but although comms with B of B are classified , U = "colleague" ;)

Confidential/FYeo  CRSFU 220309 Miriste/Xile

from; ChRiSMITH / F & U N.G.O via Protonmail (encrpypted)

to;   Mhail Spevak


The weather is extremely bad, after heavy rain last weekend we have had 2 incredible storms with the strongest winds

however I made EXTRA efforts to communicate, but without reply.

* Please send your office address immediate

(although I may not be on line for the next days as more storm expected.)

* confirm claim & settlement.

* confirm receipt of packages at your office


file notes;

CSvEE_MSp_AR_NL.rtf        Ref; -CRSFU220214MP-AR-NL

Universal_Tribunal001.rtf  REf; -220305CRSfuV_pamn_MNE

(65k to MSp/GFa/c Bd from BofB)

Plus List



F&U mission via REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op 


EXile Home base





date as per email transmission

Open Letter to International court

cc: (see email bc)

ref :  "govt. laws and rules, but no equality of chance or justice in MNE"

Having lodged incidents of HR violations at the ECHR, I have investigated the social and

foootball environment thoroughly after 6 years "research" in the Balkan region.

Report overview;

* the MFA is unable or unwilling to punish corrupt or fraudulent individuals.

* "cronyism" and BLATANT bias exists throughout the society at all levels.

* the OSCE employees are incompetent. COMMUNICATIONS are still obstructed!

* officials and officers of all institutions are corrupt or at least apathetic.

* Associates involved in opposition or alternatives are also "profiled"

There is a significant damage to youth opportunities, and repetitive violations of HR!

The details apertaining to the above have been sent to our office for PUBLIC MEDIA release

depending on subsequent events or by the known deadline.

e & o e

Smith C.R.

NGOra action group (Balkans) 

F & U Mission





FYI ?? Re: Fwd: Re: Momo Saveljic FSCG from CRS / MeRdoo/CS161002 FKCS (ref FK

Sent date:

10/12/2016 11:39:46 AM


<>, <>


<>, <>, <>, <>, "treds" <>, "Cam-pain" <>


On Mon, 10 Oct 2016 08:14:24 +0000, wrote:

    do we have to make his PUblic? 

    FSCG Dejan Savicevic         

      cc    OSCE

    ----- Forwarded message from -----

    Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2016 08:45:31 +0000



    Subject: Re: Momo Saveljic FSCG from CRS / MeRdoo/CS161002 FKCS (ref FK




    On Sun, 02 Oct 2016 20:09:10 +0000, wrote:

        to Momo Saveljic

        General secretary of football Association of Montenegro (central region)


        From: Christopher R. Smith as Volunteer/Manager & MonteREDS D.o.o  & as "de facto" board member


        Strategic & Youth development Manager, & "sponsor" of FK Crvena Stijena (FKCS)


        Background :


        Some months ago I had my first meeting with board members of FK Crvena Stijena; specific to discuss assistance, management & development of FKCS. after some exchanges and delays an agreement was signed by Gojko Zizic ("President") and Svetolik Mrvaljevic ("Coach") , eventually signed & witnessed on 16th September, 2016 by D.Rolovic, who has assisted me with training of various youth players I informally gathered to make the basis of "FK MonteREDS" competing in a local summer football tournament, (I have previously sponsored Dejan's soccer school kids, and found him to be trustworthy).




        Gojko approached me in August asking how many youth players could be registered in the MFA 3rd division league, as we were "too late" for the regional youth league.


        Five players agreed and I sponsored them to the amount of 5 x e25 = 125 euros. This and the handing over of passports & identification cards for this reason was witnessed.


        I promoted the club even before having a signed agreement on a "GOOD WILL" basis,


        Your colleagues have been informed of several "concerns" about the events at FKCS, which may or may not be actionable.


        However, I am today informed by the youth players that have been "used" by FKCS that the money was NOT used to register. and that the "coach" is playing them under "other names".


        I wish to know , urgently.


        a) which players of FKCS ARE registered to play in your league?




        b) if proven, what sanctions you will take against Gojko Zizic ("President") and Svetolik Mrvaljevic ("Coach")




        I do this not to be "mean-minded" or because of the cash spent, (I reserve the right to take indepedent action,if fraud is proven) but ..

        1) To PROTECT THOSE YOUTH PLAYERS from abuse


        2) To protect the club FKCS that I am still hoping to "manage" (with D.Rolovic) via our company. as I am also informed that the opponents coach (FK Blue star) threatened to report FKCS should they lose today!


        3) and I must care about relations with other european clubs that I wish to develop. Which can only benefit the FSCG also.


    ----- End forwarded message -----

CS P_14823 COMPLAINT at UN.txt

from 00_CS P_14823 COMPLAINT at UN Re_ CSVUW14617.txt

To: <>

Cc: <>; "Pro File VELIKI FORMATI" <>; <>; <>; <>

Subject: CS 14823 COMPLAINT at UN Re: CSVUW14617  

Date: 04 September 2014 13:23

Thursday 4th september ;                                                                                       almost 100 sms and mails have been blocked in relation to a "mot for profit" event starting tomorrow , all costs will be claimed withint this complaint about systemised "profiling" ,                      (thanks for reply, these are the attachments that were previously disrupted.regards, CS) 

  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: ChRiS 

  To: ; 

  Cc: ; Pro File VELIKI FORMATI ; ; 

  Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 2:18 PM

  Subject: Re: CSVUW14617

  MY REF : CSVUW14617

  Printed text from ; "HUman Right Council - Complaint procedure form"

  I. Individual


  Christopher Richard

  British passport

  Tripa Kokolja 15, 81000 Podgorica, MONTENEGRO

  Tel + 382 68 6 14427

  website(S) ; BLOCKED! 

  own behalf

  II ; see attched letters ; I claim systematic profiling (against me) prejudices & discrimination ; violating; freedom of movement; communication ; right to fair process; right to family ; right to life v B.R.D ; UK ; France ; USA , the European Union & over all the UN for failing to enforce its UDHR in said states.

  III; see letter to EU petitions dated 02.12.10 & to British embassy (Podgorica) Various this year.

  IV ; 1 - see above.

  2 - If you intertpret this, I have done all within my means, in my opinion.

  V . NO! 

  (comments) ; I have enclosed the most supporting information available, considering many documents have gone missing & websites with my complaints deleted (or blocked) I have signed and dated each section (and scanned the original) as i expect THIS document to be tampered with, but a copy is elsewhere.C.R.S end 14618-14h.




Note BENE!

in the early 1950s LIVERPOOL F C (then in the old second division of the english league) changed manager/coach

BILL SHANKLY ("Shanks") applied... but was not appointed as he insisted on TEAM selection control..& all matters relating to the TEAM development.. several years later , Lfc were still in the 2nd division and the coach was

"resigning due to stress of managing Lfc under pressure" ...the CHAIRMAN (then Mr T Williams) WENT TO VISIT Shanks..

and offered him the job... SHANKS BUILT the success of modern LIVERPOOL... created the style on & off the field..

"a messiah" (in the words of loyal REd supporters) turned the club intoa global entity and after the club won THIRTEEN

LEAGUE champions titles and EUROPEAN champions SIX times, without Shanks, and the basis HE alone created IT WOULD NOT have been possible, IF your chairman wants me, he must come to convince me, here!

AND if YOU HAVE A "NEW contract" to offer me, email it NOW, because on 7th March we will be BUSY , walking & talking 

(so wear comfortable shoes & a rain coat)



It "sickens" me, that for the first time in a long time I got a comination of bronchitis / heavy cold (no not C19!) BECAUSE i was obliged to sit out side a local cafe / restaurant as the friendly manager told me that the community police were around and HE would be penalised if a "non vaxed" person was found in his establishment!  (gestapo? ) 

I am excluded from :

- social contact (pubs , restaurants, cafes )

- my love of football (soccer) watching at stadium, sharing a live Tv game pub, PLAYING (yes even at my age) 

and although i recently trained & sponsored kids football & a girls Dojo, that is also OUT!!!!!!

- no cinema


D) DO YOU not see / feel the MASSIVE damage being done, NOT ONLY to a youth growing up in a society ruled by fear (well they might get nuked thanks to your "john wayne military" ) ??? that people refuse handshakes, a kiss of the cheek, the HUMANITY that my parents generation sacrificed for.  ...

E) I REALLY DO NOT FEEL THAT you understand society or socialism... it IS the community Family & warmth of human exchange & contact that was being eroded long before C19 got MARKETED!! (and exploited by business and ANY government who wishes to USE the opportunity handed to them to control the sheeple!!! ) 

I was fortunate to grow up in LOVE,a true SOCIALISM, (not made by politics, but by HUMANITY) sharing with friends & neighbours, I now live alone, and have so far, survived, the APARTHEID ......


When I was captain of the lads local amateur Team, I played at Centre bck/sweper/libero or central defendin/holiding midfield (the Quarterback role for the americans) .. FOOTBALL (soccer) then was physical and on heavy winter fields.. in all weathers, my speciality , apart from sliding tackles (later I converted to full back when I couldnt train and therefore couldnt play as well . due to missing sessions as business took me away from home,..) I was able to SPRING (jump) high , higher than the opposing forwards who were often much bigger/taller ...

i would like to show this to kids, but all has been sabotahed, by either local idiots or the PLANdemic suspension of so many social activities I love... also , some fane think Klopp the current Lfc coach discovered his form of counter-pressing... but in my time, as  aplayer and supporter, i copied the "LIVERPOOL way" of Shanks & Bob's teams...

HOUNDING opponents into mistake and puching them back (playing a high line, for offside) ..

we surpressed opponents oushed them back & back so the game (and the mistakes) were made in their half of the field...

take note


es I see, nice videos BUT...

I do not feel you understand ME, what I am, who I am or my capabilities ..I do NOT need to "sell myself" ..

I have options

- local

- yours

and the LBIRD co-op  at the biggest club in the world !

N,G.O. actions

plus strategic initiative

I have stated my conditions!

PLEASE, I again demand that you respect me, READ, absorb & ask questions of what you do NOT undersand of my last THREE emails..?



On 2022-

02-24 07:03, wrote:


THis is for you:





2/12/22, 8:17 AM


Info <>


ChRiS FandU <>, Chris <>, ChRiS FandU <>, Fumission <>, Ngo <>, Campaign <>


Harv Tuttle <>

ref ; FK MLADOST BACSKY PETROVEC (season 22/23)

IF I accept this proposal, it means I will exclude other activities , so; this must be compensated!

I must receive a contract from the CHAIRMAN of FK MLADOST BACSKY PETROVEC

to be new Youth development & international communications Manger

Conditions (to be stated in English & Serbian)

* They must agree a 5 year contract with me

*  They must indemnify me against any local "PLandemic restrictions"

*  The club must provide free (rent) accomodation and include utlilities of a fair standard

*  To include computer with "zoom" capacity to enable communication with international clubs.

*  The club to pay my local travel expenses (in Vojvodina region only, NO international travel) to view young players!

*  I will manage youth team & training of youth players, ( I may or may not invite a local coach to assist)

*  The club MUST confirm it respects the articles of the E.C.H.R (Strasbourg) & UDHR (UN) conventions.

PLUS ; most important ; THE Club must provide from the regional state authority a written & authprized

confirmation of the invitation to join this club and become resident, which MUST include an official "travel document"

to ease the passsage via the border of MNE/Serbija!


Obviosuly I COULD improve the status of your club greatly ..IF


Re: March 7 we will come


ChRiS-campaigni70902 <>


2/11/22, 5:31 PM

To:, ChRiS FandU <>


Ngo <>, Fumission <>, 1TEAM <>

ChriS> you have NOT read my last mail PROPERLY  : RESPECT??? (before replying to me!)

On 2/10/22 5:48 PM, wrote:

> > Dear CHRIS,

> >

> > I will come to Lustica March 7th,

> > I bring a new contract for you, ????????????????????????

> >

> > AND I have one suggestion:

> > Footbal club in my homeland

> > in city Backi PETROVAC celebrate

> > 100 year establish club.

> > We prepare publication- big book and anather

> > programs for peoples.

> > My idea- conect this club with some club

> > You are a connectio people.

> >

> > I provide you accomodation in Backi Petrovac.

> >

> > Please - surf google Backi PETROVAC,

> > footbal club establish in 1923

> > this is big deal.

> > Big deal for history Slovaks in Vojvodina.

> >

> > In my neighberhood is city Novi Sad  (24 kilometers)

> > southeast - FK Vojvodina.

> > In this club I have a frends.

> >

> >








> > EST 1923 LIKE


> > SSK




> >




> >



& global groups (VIA)



F&U mission via REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op


EXile Home base





Hello again Michal,


Hopefully you will have grasped the hostility of my recent mails ; 


My mood wasn't helped by a serious bought of bronchitis/heavy cold (10 days during which U arrived here without warning)

However, I start to feel much better and today re-started my fitness program,and I am sleeping in the "living room" 



Problems with you / here :


* Damp in bedroom (Miriste) construction fault.

- You provided security flyers far too late for the HT plan this winter!

- NO reaction since the proposal for "restoration" from you (Slovak co-op initiative)

- no response to HT request to supply cheap (20e) cell phone for above (email from HT)

- lighting failures / no ladder

- kitchen equipment lacking /AND sink water faucet is faulty (frustrating as I had all my own stuff in Pg)

- No tools / no Tv / no wash machine  (NOTE there is NO room for wash machine here, but U need to understand!)

- No vacuum/ (i had a beko cleaner in Pg) 

- I bought a winter jacket before you brought my jacket from Berlin

- I told you I dont need or want bike here / now its another problem

- The electric fan & toaster both broke / Nemanja has my other radiator, but I wont pay him (he owes ne BIG!

- as told u, Passport last seen at RR97b (Pg)





- The artmedia people are not friendly - I wont ask them to help with washing (towels are the main problem)

(I can give you them next time on 7 march)

-  NO point in bringing ladder / painting materials as need a LONG DRY period to air the rooms (probably April)

-  I dont know why you think I would go ANYwhere with Nemanja - he is a cheat and a shit!

-   proposal for "restoration" (Slovak co-op initiative)

-  I arranged for your son to join a local facebook test group, but you didnt see it.. will try again in Spring

-  cost of monthly rent  (a; Block VI & b; Stari Aerodrome) and if Uk later buy one or other?

-  EXPLAIN your idea for Kids test in Vojvodina

-  On 7th March to discuss above problems etc / and settle next period.





I have the M.O.D contacts for your job - I will give you on 7th March.


tell your boss of bosses that ; 5 year contract for strategic intel via my NGO base/net ; 500K euros

(first year ; buy this location from you for NGO, gold card to 25k limit & 10,000 cash float for nGO expenses!


you should also

see ; (unedited)


“Freedom is never granted; it is won. 

Justice is never given; it is exacted.”




MONtv; (also unedited)


NOTE; VERY IMPORTANT  ; PLEASE , Michal, do NOT reply to any of the above until you have absorbed ALL

(and  discuss on 7 march)





Hello Michal,

AS you know I am rarely online SO I will be brief and to the points:

1. I will not be availble before March 7 for you!

2. Nemanja owes me so much (financial & morally) 

- a) I will nOT pay for any radiator repair

- b) I will not attend anything with Nemanja BEFORE he clears his debts to me!

3. anyway by the time the radiator is repaired probably the weather has improved!

4. NO point in bringing ladder / painting materials until better / prolonged good weather

(probably april)

5. DO NOT arrive without agreement again, PLEASE, if situation changes I will TELL YOU



p.s. I will NOT be asking anything of the unfriendly staff of "Art media" 


and after leaving my bed for the first time in 10 days , I return to find that the Bathroom LIGHTING is not working

and I need a ladder to replace the light-bulb!



I wrote this "ANGRY mail " after  you & Mrs? left ...that sunday

if you had not made a "surprise" visit i could have shown you 

also the loose kitchen sink faucet & the bedroom lamp too high to replace,,,

and to take away the "toaster" it isnt working either

I also IF you had respect , was willing to give you some special contacts that may help your M.O.D connections.

but you should read this slowly ad carefully THIS TIME!

just the day before sending this the electric fan broke too..



thanks for the water (* the only good thing...)

you have been here in MNE too long,  as a property owner etc adopting 

their selfish attitude.... sad!

*you are NOT "Victor Lazlov" are you?

I have informed you SO MANY TIMES;

- to give me several days warning,,,if coming here

 (there may be other 

things or  reasons too...or I am absent)

- to wait for my acceptance 


I reluctantly moved heer due to EXTREME circumstances ; here is no ash machine, no utilities, only basics

NO tv ( no wifi is my choice) ...

..for OBVIOUS reasons....

but you do what YOU want, when it suits you


I am sick, the I have been in bed/couch since thursday night... 

I caught 

a touch of bronchitis the previous Tuesday for the first time in more than 10 years... 

(ILLEGAL "outside rules"..then on tuesday waiting in the cold I

 caught a cold on top...

 (no doubt it will be listed as c19 if i attend a

stupid local doctor/clinic..

I am challenging the constitution, as no "state of emergency" declared

 by any govt!

I wrote TO YOU in previous mails that the bike is USELESS to me here

(dont you read them??) 

If you had waited its already end january

..i could have asked the caffe to keep it in Radovici...

 NOW I have a 

bike, which you say has a problem HERE, 12 kms from the nearest town *

no repair shop...!

thanks for giving me another problem

 the "football trials " were postponed , but I am too sick now, and 

kids too weak that to parent paranoia , 

anyway you didnt join the event


p.p.s. YOUR kitchen frying pan is about 20 years old here. and no 


so might consider MY situation in FUTURE , and CLLECT MY other Radiator from Nemanja!??

or is managing mutiple jobs & 

being landlord of several properties getting too much ??



F & U mission (N.G.O)

-- F&U mission via REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op for ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN EXile Home base Montenegro EuROPA __________________________


Weekly horoscopes – Gemini

Monday’s meeting between Mars, Moon, Venus, and Saturn in Aquarius, your 9th house, can bring significant insights and reassessments regarding your worldview, beliefs, travel, and studies. You may literally be taking an exam.

By midweek, the Moon sailing through Pisces, your career sector, happily blending with Uranus and Pluto, shifts your attention to vocational matters. Its conjunction with lucky Jupiter and visionary Neptune promises success, especially if you work in a profession where your fantasy plays a key role.

On Thursday, the Moon joining Mercury, your ruler, in Aries, suggests a lively social life. Yet, this is only a prelude to a much bigger event: Friday’s New Moon in your 11th house. The Luminaries’ dance with the planets in Aquarius hints at ambitious projects related to travels and studies. Friends are enthusiastic supporters, and you can also apply for scholarships and tenders or suddenly find new sponsors.

With Mars now close to Saturn, you will move slower than you would like, but success is inevitable. Saturday’s Mercury-Sun conjunction is highly favourable for networking: blend business with pleasure! Yet, the Moon already in Taurus, your 12th house, reminds you to get some rest and recharge,  as weariness can make you scattered.

_______________________EXTRA EXTRA, DARE to CARE>>>>>?????????????????????????


Aaron Maté> @aaronjmate

US and NATO allies arm neo-Nazi units in Ukraine as foreign policy elites yearn for Afghan-style insurgency  by @RealAlexRubi

 via @TheGrayzoneNews ///..." (UScorp) and NATO allies arm neo-Nazi units in Ukraine as foreign policy elites yearn for Afghan-style...Corporate (UScorp) media and foreign policy hardliners want to create a new Afghanistan in the middle of Europe by flooding Ukraine with weapons. The arms industry is very pleased. Following urgent...

8:34 PM · Mar 20, 2022·

UNsub> as USAcorp OIL profits compete with WAR-Biz & big pharma frauds for RECORD money POTS! of evil GREED! as ...

Both Ends of the Earth are Burning: Last week the Arctic was 50 degrees warmer than average  and Antarctica 70 degrees warmer than average–.. "you will be sorry!" ....!

... "   Micro-plastic particles, from clothing, tires, and cosmetics have been found across the entire planet, from the summit of Mount Everest to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.   "

MARCH 28, 2022

Antarctica on Edge 


"few weeks ago East Antarctica’s temperatures soared by 50F to 90F above normal. (Ref: Antarctica Crushes Records, March 23, 2022) A couple of weeks later East Antarctica’s Conger Ice Shelf (1,200 sq km) completely collapsed and two additional calving events occurred at other glaciers, all in the same week. in 2007 Richard Alley (Penn State) said it was already melting 100 years ahead of schedule.... about March 15th Conger Ice Shelf, East Antarctica completely collapsed. This collapse followed record temperatures of 40C+ warmer than seasonal norms ..

In February 2019, John Englander, gave his best guesstimate: By mid-century, we could get a couple of feet of sea level rise. with emphasis, he said: “Reduce emissions immediately!” " the past three years makes the annual rate of increase from 1950 to 2000 look like a cakewalk....“We will see more ice shelves break up in the future with climate warming,” King said.  things can change quickly… Our carbon emissions will have an impact & Antarctica will come back to bite the rest of the world’s coastlines and it may happen faster than we think,” Ibid.

UNsub> But BOBBY, your USAcorp MEd1A has all the global sheeple looking at "unique WAR in Europe" (UK RAIN) wait until they get their feet wet, before arriving at the beach??? :p  ...or hope that Asians & Africans REVOLT against USAcorp; see


Hunger Stalks Central Asia as the Ukraine War Unfolds (BY VIJAY PRASHAD )... 

"On March 16, 2022, Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev  pointed to the spikes in food prices and currency volatility as some of the worrying economic consequences being faced by the country as a fallout of this conflict.

" food products such as baked goods, cereals, vegetables and dairy—had increased by 10 percent. .. “harsh sanctions” imposed on Russia by the West are already impacting the global economy, ..& Other heads of governments in Central Asia have similarly expressed the need for their governments to enter the food production arena," the enormous vulnerabilities in the global food chain, exacerbated by the privatization of food production.

." The UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Food Price Index reached “a new all-time high in February.” Ideas of “food security,” , have been around since the first World Food Conference in 1974; at that meeting in Rome, the member states of the UN reflected on the famine situation in Bangladesh and called for measures to ensure international stability of food prices and to make governments responsible for the abolition of hunger in their respective countries......(BIG) that wheat harvests in Kazakhstan decreased by 30 percent due to the (PLAN)demic restrictions. This has had an impact on food prices within Central Asia.

UNsub> watch (original) Films (Omen 1 & 2.the EVIL PLANdremic prophesized?)

"countries like Tajikistan have been encouraged by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to import food and export cotton and aluminum...." Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Agriculture has now urged its farmers to increase production of wheat..(&) to enhance the domestic production of sugar to meet the country’s internal demand  ..the poorest households in the Kyrgyz Republic——spent 65 percent of their income on food; the current inflation will be catastrophic for them.  .." greater self-sufficiency is important—particularly in food production—" " What the IMF says about liberalization of food chains makes little sense these days. Worries of starvation and bread riots .."wake-up call for countries to focus on finding more sustainable local and regional solutions and to solve problems that have been part of the economic, social, and political fabric of Central Asia for decades. (This article was produced by Globetrotter.)

===================excellent article ; DO you care about DARKER faced KIDS DYING TOO???????

MARCH 29, 2022

What is “Unbelievable” Violence?   


" kind of violence I fear perpetuating is one that values some children’s lives, namely those of Ukrainians, at the expense of others, namely the more than 450 million other children around the world who today live in conflict zones deemed to be worth little or no media coverage....."ubiquitous mass media has implored us to react – because the events at hand are beyond tragic: more than one hundred Ukrainian children killed and 1.5 million having fled to other countries.  We are shown haunting images: a memorial of empty strollers in Lviv; a Romanian “toy bridge” that connects to the Ukraine.


"the prevalent insinuation that their suffering is uniquely horrific and therefore worthy of unprecedented coverage...!( calling this ) “the worst catastrophe since World War II” is shocking.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

" not to mention the 14,000 killed in eastern Ukraine prior to 2022, following the 2014 Maidan coup that brought NATO aspirants Petro Poroshenko and now Volodymyr Zelensky to power. ..."?? qualifies it as a worse disaster than the millions who died in Vietnam, Rwanda, Iraq, the Republic of Congo, or the many other places of preventable conflicts since World War II?  ????????????????

Katharina Ritz, a Red Cross official, reminds us, “I think it’s not about Is it Ukraine or not? Now it’s Ukraine and Yemen and Syria and Iraq and Congo and so on. … the facts: Two million children were killed and an additional four million to five million were seriously injured during the Iran–Iraq conflict. WMDs were even used by then U.S. ally Saddam Hussein to terrorize civilian populations, without any condemnation or crippling sanctions. About the savage eight-year Iran–Iraq conflict, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Secretary of State (goebels2) Kissinger eerily remarked, “I hope they kill each other.”

"While the fear and pain are real, so too is the widespread psychosis that the definition of “real” violence is conditioned by relative proximity. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere..." absent from the collective conscience of the mainstream, is cultural violence, specifically the use of prominent social norms to justify hegemonic, inequitable, and de-humanizing power relations.  Perpetrators of war rationalize their actions through the belief that the “enemy” is morally inferior..."that some children’s lives matter more than others in this world. Who can forget the 500,000 Iraqi children whose deaths were directly owed to sanctions under President Clinton? Who can forget the chilling remark made by then Secretary of State Madeline Albright: “The price was worth it.”... 

What is “unbelievable” violence? With the almost half-trillion dollar U.S. defense industry quietly supplying weapons and making huge profits; with shares of U.S. giant Lockheed up by around 16% since the invasion, against a 1% drop in the SP 500; and with UK’s BAE Systems, the largest player in Europe, up 26%, " Or are the pending deaths of children everywhere now acceptable and worth it? (full article; ) Heidi Morrison is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin, & author of Global History of Childhood Reader (Routledge, 2012) and Childhood and Colonial Modernity in Egypt (Palgrave, 2015)...

& BY  JEFFREY  ;MARCH 27, 2022..."The Price America Paid for Madeleine Albright;  The Awful Mortuary of Empire

Albright speaking at a February 1999 press conference, where she threatened the Serbs by announcing that the Clinton administration is adding 51 US warplanes to its attack force in Europe...."

"By end of 1995 alone, UN Food and Agricultural Organization had determined that as many as 576,000 Iraqi children had died as a result of sanctions. The mortality rates were soaring with terrifying speed. The infant mortality rate had gone from 47 percent per 1000 in 1989 to 108 per 1000 in 1996. For kids under five the increase in the rate was even worse, from 56 per 1000 in 1989 to 131 per 1000 in 1996. By 1996 the death count was running at 5,000 children a month... ; 

.."tributes to Madeleine Albright, who died this week at 84, are sickening to read. " her obituary should read very simply: Chief architect of a sanction regime that killed 500,000 Iraqi children, whose deaths she said were “worth it.” Ms. Albright’s sanctions on Iraq killed 1 million civilians, half of them children, (USAcorp) still invaded Iraq, toppled their government, occupied their country for the next 17 years and continues to bomb it at will...."

+ Albright may be dead. But her policy of “hands-off” killing through sanctions continues to function as the most lethal weapon in the US arsenal. Look no further than Afghanistan where upwards of 175 newborns are dying every day as a consequence of crippling sanctions. Her lifelong obsession was not the Middle East but Russia. She never stopped pushing for NATO expansion right to Russia’s borders, sparking an antagonism that has only intensified ever since.

UNsub> USAcorp policies! = MURDER..anywhere ; the "american dream - IS OUR GLOBAL NIGHTMARE! ..!!!!!


/...MARCH 28, 2022 Rising Threat of Nuclear War...

BY PATRICK COCKBURN (picAbandoned nuclear weapons depot in Northern Germany.?) 

" Kurds were ..truly terrified them was the prospect of Saddam Hussein’s forces using chemical weapons..." had been assured by President Bush and Tony Blair, (B-Liar)  along with the rest of the world, that the Iraqi dictator was hiding his weapons of mass destruction (WMD). ... in 1988, Iraqi forces had used mustard gas and nerve agents to kill 5,000 Kurdish civilians in the town of Halabja – were frightened that the calamity would happen again." Much of the population fled .. Iraqi government chemical and biological weapons turned out to be a myth, but the terror they caused was very real.

UNsub> says Biden warns Putin not to use ChemoWAR, but USAcorp/NATO/C1A black ops already have, regularly!!

" Russia has claimed that biological weapons were being developed in Ukrainian laboratories funded by the Pentagon. ..

.Whatever the real threat from chemical weapons, the risk of WMD being used has risen to a level never seen in Europe since 1945. Most ominously, the danger of a nuclear exchange is higher now than it was at the height of the Cold War between the Western powers and the Soviet Union." " emphasis in the US and USSR was on nuclear weapons between 2,000 and 3,000 times more powerful than the bomb which destroyed Hiroshima. This made “mutually assured destruction” an overwhelmingly powerful deterrent against launching a nuclear strike."

"But in recent decades, the emphasis ..has been on the development of smaller nuclear devices with a third or half the power of the Hiroshima bomb. The purpose of this reduction in destructive capacity is to make it feasible to deploy such weapons on a battlefield to destroy a convoy or an enemy stronghold...." Russophobia " is the mood of the day, just as Germanophobia was in 1914. A literary course on Dostoyevsky is dropped in California and Tchaikovsky is purged from a concert programme in Cardiff. .." previous dread of a nuclear Armageddon has largely evaporated. The fact that it never happened has fostered a feeling that it never could have happened – though any realistic risk assessment suggests that the danger today is greater than it ever was in the past....


Time is Ticking: Israel’s Balancing Act in Ukraine is Likely to Backfire

BY RAMZY BAROUD  ...Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, began calling their Ukrainian and Russian counterparts. " "However, the headlines quickly moved on, with terms such as ‘Israeli oligarchs’, ‘Jewish oligarchs’, and other combinations of Israel-friendly oligarchs dominating the news. Business interests quickly began replacing the supposed concern over the safety and welfare of ordinary Ukrainians...." Channel 12 reported, on March 10, that many Ukrainian refugees were “stuck at Ben Gurion Airport, facing cold and callous treatment”....

"newcomers to Israel would eventually be incorporated into the country’s illegal settlement enterprises.. from history, " who arrived in their hundreds of thousands in the early 1990s. Not only do many of them now reside in illegal Jewish settlements, but to some extent, they also represent the backbone of some of Israel’s far-right political parties, the likes of Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu...." also a violation of the rights of these vulnerable refugees, who will be expected to live in another war zone in the service of Israel’s Zionist ideology.

"Shamelessly, Israel finds tragedies as political opportunities worth exploiting.  the Russia-Ukraine war has also exposed the opportunism of other countries around the world – Israel’s exploitation is doubly shameful as it hopes that war-torn Ukraine would help it sustain its own war waged against the Palestinian people..." Zelensky has taken every opportunity to express his solidarity with Israel in the past," Palestinians were the ones dying in their thousands..."“We must become Icelanders in soccer, Israelis in defending our land, Japanese in technology,” he said...(holocuast ref) "Many others joined in, in Israel and the US, attacking Zelenky’s supposed audacity."

" By allying fully with Ukraine, Israel could find itself at risk of losing Russia’s somewhat tolerant position pertaining to Israel’s ‘security’ in Syria and throughout the Middle East. " .."Though from the onset, Israel attempted to exploit the Russia-Ukraine war to its advantage, future scenarios are quite bleak for Tel Aviv..." ( Ramzy Baroud is a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle.  website is )

-----MARCH 29, 2022 (Biden Gets a Chance to Get the Refugee Issue Right)

BY MELVIN GOODMAN national security columnist for" 

" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.  I lift my lamp beside the gold door.”  The words of Emma Lazarus on the Statue of Liberty....."

" Only several thousand refugees entered the United States during the four years of the Trump administration, and 6,600 in Biden’s first full year in office..."

UNsub> both TRUMP & Biden are from IMMIGRANT families ??? ( 

Unfortunately, the Biden administration initially followed Trump’s refugee foot-dragging in terms of vetting, screening, and approving refugees. .." his administration thoroughly bungled the refugee situation on the way out of Afghanistan, "" Obama and Trump administrations never granted half the number of visas sanctioned by the Congress "average wait time for an applicant as of 2019 was at least four years.  Tens of thousands of Afghans with links to the United States were left behind, and the vast majority of evacuees to the United States were given only temporary protective status, ...

"At least 1,300 Ukrainians were taken into custody along the border with Mexico between November 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022.  "(Poland also permits Western military weaponry to cross its territory for the Ukrainian military despite threats from Putin.) (Germany accepted one million refugees from the Middle East in 2015 during the worst days of the Syrian War.)

"Foreign Minister Yair Lapid stated that Israel had a “moral duty” to take in more refugees,.." Shaked announced that Israel would accept 5,000 non-Jewish refugees on a temporary basis, and would allow the 20,000 Ukrainian non-Jews in the country to stay only until the end of the fighting.  Other Israeli hardliners warned that acceptance of refugees would  “flood the state of Israel with gentiles.”

"protect his relations with the ultra-Orthodox community, which opposed immigrants from Ethiopia and Sudan in the 19990s .. Netanyahu, denied requests from Ukraine and Estonia to purchase powerful spyware tools—the Pegasus system—in order to hack Russian mobile phones.  Israel willingly sold Pegasus to several authoritarian governments (including Hungary, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) that use the spyware as a tool of domestic repression. Following the end of the Vietnam War, the United States resettled more the 130,000 Vietnamese refugees.  In 1999, the Clinton administration evacuated more than 20,000 Kosovar refugees out of Macedonia to the United States. " Trump administration placed onerous restrictions on the asylum system and, as a result, there are more than 670,000 cases pending in various immigration courts."

( Jeffrey> + "Detention of immigrants and refugees was once reserved only for those who threatened public safety or posed a flight risk. Now (USAcorp) has the largest immigrant detention gulag in world."

+ ICE is shoveling millions to private companies for detention contracts,

"Unlike the recent evacuation of Afghans, Kosovars were adjudicated as refugees under U.S. law, giving them access to assistance, residence and family reunification. Meanwhile, thousands of Afghans remain warehoused in American-run processing centers in Europe. The Afghans are without status, unable to apply for permanent residence and have no right to reunite with spouses or children. (!) Congress for its part has yet to pass legislation to establish a pathway to  permanent residence and family reunification. & I haven’t mentioned the nightmare faced by refugees from Central and South America. " ...."To paraphrase President Barack Obama, “this is not who we are.”  Or is it?..."

UNsub: the USAcorp "regime" is built on gemocide & violence ; distrubutes WAR BiZ, bigh pharma (legalized drugs) &

polluTES our LAND, air, WATER, seas, FOOD & minds of your KIDS, WORLDWIDE ..via their FUBAR "game of THORNS" ..

their "american dream " = OUR global NIGHTMARE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

extra "snips" ;;;

* + 23% of Americans who died in the last five years had a net worth of zero or less....!

* Google worker in California claims the tech giant tried to relocate her to Brazil after she criticized the company’s contract with Israel…..

*  Zhang Jun, China, at the UN Security Council session ; “We call on Israel to halt the expansion of settlements, stop the eviction of Palestinians, stop the demolition of Palestinian homes, "Don’t expect Zhang to apply a similar logic to China’s occupation of Tibet.."

* Russia, if you’re listening: after the “de-Nazification” of the Azov battalion, perhaps you could turn your attention to the LA Sheriff’s Department,

* + Average Wall Street bonus:

1985: $13,970

2021: $257,500

Federal minimum wage:

1985: $3.35

2021: $7.25

* 33 years ago this week the Exxon Valdez clipped Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound. The resulting oil spill killed an estimated 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, as many as 22 killer whales, and billions of salmon and herring eggs.

* nearly 20 million people into severe food insecurity (that means HUNGER) in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, while nearly eight million more are expected to go hungry in South Sudan, which is now facing a fifth consecutive year of severe flooding: “Trauma is real and people are suffering in silence.”

UNsub> HATE these modern "word-excuses" "food (in)security" = means they are going hungry or starving ; stop this BS!!!

* people burning or cutting down trees to make charcoal or to open up land for farming, have transformed vast portions of the once lush island of Madagascar into a dust bowl:

* “Since 2000 Canada has had the most expensive and severe floods and droughts in its history, lake water quality has declined, groundwater has become increasingly contaminated”

* Kyushu University estimates that 25.3 million metric tons of plastic waste has entered the Earth’s oceans and nearly two-thirds of that cannot be monitored. More ominously, another 540 million metric tons of plastic waste—nearly 10% of all plastic produced so far—remains trapped on land, much of which will eventually find its way into the seas.

* he still "lives" ?  Apparently, even the deepest precincts of Hell have rejected Kissinger...

* In France, half the men who were between the ages of 22 and 30 in 1914 were dead by the war’s end in 1918.

* The first major battle with modern weapons was fought in 1897 at Omdurman where english troops under Lord Kitchener enfiladed Sudanese peasants with Maxim machine guns capable of firing 600 rounds a minute. In a single day, 12,000 Sudanese were killed and 15,000 wounded and maimed for life. ...



  1. the english plastic money league finally sells the last bit of tradition gies,, the USAcorp sport-commercial will fill the "pauses" with MORE advertising..
    LIVERPOOL v watford;
    proposals" (not predictions)
    Joe VVD
    Hendo (as the role is wing-half!) Robbo
    Ox Thiago

    DioGO & Curtis (Milly) on after 60 m?


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