a GOLDEN REd OCtober 22-23? updating the F & U ngo opposition to their #gameofTHORNS ..calendar PLUS review
a GOLDEN REd OCtober
22-23 rescue plan?
.......................if you dare to care add your response & READ the comment section (scroll down to lower part of this ChRiSLOG page)
updating the F & U ngo opposition to their #gameofTHORNS ..calendar PLUS review
Calendar/diary of DEFIANCE
ChRiS versus WARbiz, pollution policies, addictive pharma, & FAKE inflation corrupt govt/corporates!
"did not start their fire" ..YOU failed to stop fuelling their poison ; USAcorp WARbiz, NAzTO; Bush x 2, Obama drones & TRUMPets! Mad boris & barbie PMs' Syria, Iraq, Afghan & Palestine apartheid, EU wont accept non white refugees! still no justice for 97 how could U be at ease?
to be continued ..
Pfizer hoax, handwash, mask & VAX cons, fake inflation, property obsession, govt liars,manciteh frads, UEFA, FIFA & english FA corrupt, english plastic money league dominated by TV, foodbanks & soft "b-liar-ite plastic labour" (no) alternative to fascism,
belingcat scandals ; assange hero of wikileaks
more alternative media update from Alex. Mercouris ...VERSUS watching the zombie faced <kate> woman repeating SLy TV PR_opaganda which claims ukrainian fascist regime is "winning" < youtube.com/watch?v=qcSVhQTHlek >
articles from the :Alternative media : come fast & thick (as in
STUPID) MSM is not worth the time...
but both the PLASTIC USA dems & the "labour party" are as washed out &
"central" as the counter-punch(?) if it was boxing match their punch
wouldnt threaten a paper bag: ("highlights")
STUPID) MSM is not worth the time...
but both the PLASTIC USA dems & the "labour party" are as washed out &
"central" as the counter-punch(?) if it was boxing match their punch
wouldnt threaten a paper bag: ("highlights")
is NOT THIS the WORLD that you deserve?
221 012/13/14..
ChRiS> .. another over-load of so-called "alternative media" so IF you cant be BOTHERED to get off your BACKSIDE ; to FIGHT, block, BOYCOTT,
complain DEMO & PROTEST, v #gameofTHORNS then carry on reading "clever PREACHing to the CHOIR" articles..
ChRiS> .. another over-load of so-called "alternative media" so IF you cant be BOTHERED to get off your BACKSIDE ; to FIGHT, block, BOYCOTT,
complain DEMO & PROTEST, v #gameofTHORNS then carry on reading "clever PREACHing to the CHOIR" articles..
although imperfect the > S.C.O. shows
some "potential" to balance USAcorp-ameriCANT world order dictatorship?
counterpunch.org/2022/10/10/ir anian-and-turkish-moves-to-joi n-shanghai-cooperation-organiz ation-raises-its-profile
some "potential" to balance USAcorp-ameriCANT world order dictatorship?
(USAcorp's foreign "MENU:) ; " Haiti’s instability and violence. In the background is a history of U.S military interventions and other intrusions that have trashed Haiti’s national sovereignty and, with an
assist from Haiti’s elite, undermined ordinary people’s control of their lives.( 2022/10/10/remember-haiti-thin
SHEEPLE & their empowering of insane politicians & generals ignore the warnings.. " Nuclear war would be a global disaster, immediately killing many millions by blast and radiation, and over subsequent years bringing death to billions as black soot spewed into the stratosphere by nuclear fires crashed agricultural production and caused global famine...(
.. each sub carries well over 1,000 times the nuclear firepower of the 15-kiloton bomb that destroyed Hiroshima! "... USAcorp WARbiz is almost
everywhere ; " Yemenis refer to the “Saudi-American war,” or, simply, the “American war.” ( 2022/10/11/peace-is-a-fading-h
...ameriKANT USAcorp. President ; "if you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out.” <for a meal?> scythes his victim foes to pieces? <
difference between, Lt. William Calley in Vietnam who killed innocent civilians and what U.S. officials did to the people living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
" < counterpunch.org/2022/10/12/hi roshima-nagasaki-and-ukraine > .."
what if Russia uses the exact same justification for using nuclear weapons in wartime that the U.S. used — and continues to use..? "use of its old Cold War dinosaur NATO to provoke the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Pentagon bears responsibility for moving America and Russia perilously close to nuclear war,"
what if Russia uses the exact same justification for using nuclear weapons in wartime that the U.S. used — and continues to use..? "use of its old Cold War dinosaur NATO to provoke the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Pentagon bears responsibility for moving America and Russia perilously close to nuclear war,"
(of your world & infestation of YOUR soul...)
( 2022/10/13/real-climate-action -isnt-at-cop-27-but-it-is-in- a-thousand-rebellious-communit ies )
fake inflation crisis & other political lies...& corporate liars;
..." Forbes this past spring counted up some 2,668 billionaires on its annual list of global private fortunes "
(2022/10/11/americas-rich-domi nate-the-ranks-of-our-worlds- wealthiest-why ) " CEO compensation has increased 1,460 percent since 1978 "
would a society absent of insurance, & their scams , be more careful ,
& co-operative without banks? (2022/10/09/masters-of-perfidy ) <the fictional film " Rainmaker" by Grisham gives u a clue?> ...JUST AS "CORONA"USED various viral diseases to profil 500 billion... "pawn regime ukraine"is being used to INVENT an "economic crisis" & fake inflation...
reduce your profits?
whilst the disUNITED KINGdome is a FUBAR USAcorp colony with "labour" as plastic & pathetic "opposition" (as USAdems) to fascisTORY mis-rule
(beeb died decades ago ! ...
2022/10/09/extremism-the-bbc-a nd-why-the-center-cannot-hold ) “The Tories believe in the markets but the markets no longer believe in the
Tories!” – Ed Miliband,....." first time in NHS history the nurses union is polling members on possible strike action.
ARise'GET OFF your AR&es !! <
mailchi.mp/02ee64613c9e/diary- datetories-appoint-new-pm-what -next-2751970?e=28ebe3981f
as CORRUPT UEFA ENFORCES their POLICE state on the girls field too; <
irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer /arid-40982729.html >
whilst Bodo offer hope to the minnows versus the CORRUPT plastic money leagues of UEFA & co < rishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/ arid-40982762.html
"a s one of "plastic ethnic MP Braverman’s first pledges when she became home secretary was to resume the deportation of refugees, some clearly victims of torture, to Rwanda by December this year. <
www.counterpunch.org/2022/10/1 0/257950 > " that ZOMBIE Biden told his aides that he found the new British prime minister to be “really dumb”,
shows what SWAMP you sheeple have made for yourself by voting for selfish govt policies world wide!..." friends in Kiev whose most honoured national hero, Stepan Bandera, joined the Nazis in murdering Jewish and Catholic Poles by the thousand; ...saying “Muscovites, Poles, Hungarians and Jews are your enemies, destroy them!”
AND "GERMONEY" ( “cutting off our noses to save our faces”...) is also FUBAR ; its plastic fascist BundesRAT & sheeple as confused as ever, "follow" USAcorp/EU leaders anti-russian PR_opaganda with NO
conviction,the weakness of the individual always reflected in grey career-policiians (usually ex-lawyers) "celebrate unity" but are NOT 'unified" in anything..except selfish policies,.. :
counterpunch.org/2022/10/12/ge rman-unity-war-or-peace: " Washington policy in Europe has long been to hinder or prevent closer business relations between Russia and Germany, "...Biden’s words on February 7th:
“If Russia invades Ukraine, there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” (hello C1A black ops dept!) I recall attending a "LINKSRUCK"meeting where the "rebels students"were all at uni, wanting to be docs, bankers & lawyers!
" keep saying that the worldwide cost of living crisis is the result of “Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine”. But it would be truer to say that the economic turmoil is the result of an ill-considered decision to wage economic warfare against Russia which was never likely to work. <
counterpunch.org/2022/10/10/ho w-the-wests-sanctions-on-russi a-boomeranged
> " NOTE cockburns article FAILS though a) to appreciate that PUTIN had to act, otherwise there would be NAzTO nukes parked on their border aimed at moscow by now and b) Pfizer admitting that their VAX (to prevent spread) was UNTESTED & unproven as a prevention!!!!
...whilst their "FREE market" is just a global roulette WHEEL..
controlled by the few " senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler back in January 2020. They had attended a closed briefing on covid, predicted soon to become a plague. Promptly thereafter, both senators traded millions of dollars worth of stock, right before the stock market
crashed, " (2022/10/14/the-scandal-of-con gressional-stock-trading .. )
" Multimillionaires pack the halls of congress. That’s because the only people who can afford congressional campaigns are rich. "
fake inflation crisis & other political lies...& corporate liars;
..." Forbes this past spring counted up some 2,668 billionaires on its annual list of global private fortunes "
would a society absent of insurance, & their scams , be more careful ,
& co-operative without banks? (2022/10/09/masters-of-perfidy ) <the fictional film " Rainmaker" by Grisham gives u a clue?> ...JUST AS "CORONA"USED various viral diseases to profil 500 billion... "pawn regime ukraine"is being used to INVENT an "economic crisis" & fake inflation...
reduce your profits?
whilst the disUNITED KINGdome is a FUBAR USAcorp colony with "labour" as plastic & pathetic "opposition" (as USAdems) to fascisTORY mis-rule
(beeb died decades ago ! ...
Tories!” – Ed Miliband,....." first time in NHS history the nurses union is polling members on possible strike action.
ARise'GET OFF your AR&es !! <
as CORRUPT UEFA ENFORCES their POLICE state on the girls field too; <
whilst Bodo offer hope to the minnows versus the CORRUPT plastic money leagues of UEFA & co < rishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/
"a s one of "plastic ethnic MP Braverman’s first pledges when she became home secretary was to resume the deportation of refugees, some clearly victims of torture, to Rwanda by December this year. <
shows what SWAMP you sheeple have made for yourself by voting for selfish govt policies world wide!..." friends in Kiev whose most honoured national hero, Stepan Bandera, joined the Nazis in murdering Jewish and Catholic Poles by the thousand; ...saying “Muscovites, Poles, Hungarians and Jews are your enemies, destroy them!”
AND "GERMONEY" ( “cutting off our noses to save our faces”...) is also FUBAR ; its plastic fascist BundesRAT & sheeple as confused as ever, "follow" USAcorp/EU leaders anti-russian PR_opaganda with NO
conviction,the weakness of the individual always reflected in grey career-policiians (usually ex-lawyers) "celebrate unity" but are NOT 'unified" in anything..except selfish policies,.. :
“If Russia invades Ukraine, there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” (hello C1A black ops dept!) I recall attending a "LINKSRUCK"meeting where the "rebels students"were all at uni, wanting to be docs, bankers & lawyers!
" keep saying that the worldwide cost of living crisis is the result of “Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine”. But it would be truer to say that the economic turmoil is the result of an ill-considered decision to wage economic warfare against Russia which was never likely to work. <
> " NOTE cockburns article FAILS though a) to appreciate that PUTIN had to act, otherwise there would be NAzTO nukes parked on their border aimed at moscow by now and b) Pfizer admitting that their VAX (to prevent spread) was UNTESTED & unproven as a prevention!!!!
...whilst their "FREE market" is just a global roulette WHEEL..
controlled by the few " senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler back in January 2020. They had attended a closed briefing on covid, predicted soon to become a plague. Promptly thereafter, both senators traded millions of dollars worth of stock, right before the stock market
crashed, " (2022/10/14/the-scandal-of-con
" Multimillionaires pack the halls of congress. That’s because the only people who can afford congressional campaigns are rich. "
local & global is INEVITABLE!
p.s ... 5 pts ahead.. major? <
counterpunch.org/2022/10/11/br azils-lula-remerges-in-a-very- different-political-world
aother "moderate" - ???. "socialists should take note that "money" is an illusion and all property is theft, capping of constructions profits to 20% (inc re-sale) would "cure" FAKE inflation
p.s ... 5 pts ahead.. major? <
aother "moderate" - ???. "socialists should take note that "money" is an illusion and all property is theft, capping of constructions profits to 20% (inc re-sale) would "cure" FAKE inflation
( 2022/10/13/racism-and-sexism-i n-the-housing-industry )
p.p.s "when Neo-fascist Giorgia Meloni was elected Hilary Clinton, “focusd solely on her being Italy’s first woman PM, minister. .. women have played a prominent role the “pursuit of fascist goals.”.. women have taken the reins of far-right political parties and led them to increasing legitimacy. Just look at Marine Le Pen in France, Alice Weidel in Germany, Pia Kjaersgaard in Denmark or Siv Jensen in Norway.”
p.p.s "when Neo-fascist Giorgia Meloni was elected Hilary Clinton, “focusd solely on her being Italy’s first woman PM, minister. .. women have played a prominent role the “pursuit of fascist goals.”.. women have taken the reins of far-right political parties and led them to increasing legitimacy. Just look at Marine Le Pen in France, Alice Weidel in Germany, Pia Kjaersgaard in Denmark or Siv Jensen in Norway.”
( counterpunch.org/2022/10/14/th e-nazification-of-american-soc iety-and-the-scourge-of-violen ce
) "..." fascism washes (infests) across the globe, maintaining hope and the need for massive collective resistance has become a revolutionary act with no other option. "
) "..." fascism washes (infests) across the globe, maintaining hope and the need for massive collective resistance has become a revolutionary act with no other option. "
On 2022-10-06 15:47, chris@ursun.net wrote:
> the "left" of C-P is as weak as the dems & stifled by USAcorp
,,221 007-12 SEE comments section
There you GO, told you AGAIN & AGAIN ; VAX (passport) is/WAS a lie! (profiteering pharma) inflation crisis ANOTHER LIE; DEFY THEM!
will always fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
stop swallowing their LETHAL #gameofTHORNS &USAcorp/NAzTO/c1A & co WARbiz/pollution PR_opaganda!
..." failures reminiscent of Vietnam in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as
indirectly in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. "(
)//...." promoting anti-Russian moves while overlooking abuses by Ukraine of the Russian-oriented majorities in the Dombas ...cast a dark
shadow on NAzTO claims of virtuous politics".. <
>> how many millions have USAcorp murdered whilst enforcing the amerICANT nightmare upon the world??
... < 2022/09/30/compromised-talking
" normalization – a way of making fascism just another ridiculous aspect
of US political culture like people voting for candidates based on who they’d most like to have a beer with. " (by Paul Street, one of the few WORTHY C-P writers...)
( www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3noAT
* < 2022/10/04/war-and-resistance-
> + + Sleepwalking into WW3: Ukrainian troops can use weapons systems provided by the United States for strikes on territories they consider their own!
+ "first twenty years of the United States military campaigns against Native Americans <Indians> absorbed 5/6ths of all federal expenditures "
POLLUTION policies
What do Pakistan, Puerto Rico, and Jackson, Mississippi, have in common? ; all recently experienced climate-related catastrophic rains & flooding, (
) ...Roberts worthy read also at (
“Sea level has been fairly stable for 6,000 years, which is most of human civilization… but its risen eight (8) inches or twenty (20) centimeters in the last century, and the rate is tripling right now.”..
“Similarly, scientists now report that Greenland ice sheet has passed a point of system stability and is now “irreversibly committed” to a significant sea-level rise regardless of twenty-first-century climate
pathways.” Correspondingly, the rate of sea level rising of the past 30 years has more than doubled. "
* < 2022/10/04/will-china-deplete-
+ (155 mph hurricane) " DeSantis said the estimate of “hundreds of fatalities” has not been verified and is based on “911"
+ More than half of Puerto Rico’s electricity customers–over 700,000 people–were still without power more than a week after Hurricane Fiona hit the island...
+ more than 24,000 kilometers of fossil fuel pipelines planned around world, pretty much assuring that the planet (?) won’t come close to meeting the meager climate goals set in the Paris Accords.
+ UScorp oil and gas industry deliberately releases methane into the atmosphere as part of their “normal operations” at a rate of approximately 1 Nordstream-sabotage-leak every two and a half weeks…...
+ " Since 1986, pipeline “leaks” have average 76,000 barrels of oil & natural gas a year" (but current probably black ops)
+ Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters finds that PFAS in some pesticides at concentrations nearly one billion times higher than levels EPA says is safe.
+ This week Nigeria was hit with its worst flooding in decades with more than 300 deaths and more than half a million people displaced. ..
local & global mess of the AmeriCANT nightmare ; see other stuff at;
(additional comments)
* < 2022/09/30/a-feminist-revoluti
* < 2022/09/29/four-straight-years
* < 2022/09/29/why-the-swedish-lef
* <
* <
> and in october another
+ Free event - open to all. Hosted by 'Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas,' in association with the Labour Assembly Against Austerity.
..first (challenge the left to ACT>??? NOT "chat" Online Thursday, October 6, 7pm.
* < /2022/10/02/liberals-and-magic
UNLIKE ; true heroes ;" activists will often argue that their actions are either illegal but necessary to stop greater acts of illegality,
such as breaking into an armaments factory to stop the production of weapons that violate international law, or that their actions are lawful under statutes that demand citizens stop a given crime from occurring,
such as entering a US military base to prevent missiles from being launched from drones."
(counterpunch.org/2022/10/02/g oing-to-prison-as-an-act-of-re sistance-to-empire
* < 2022/10/04/tech-billionaires-a re-actually-dumber-than-you-th ink > I KNOW you are all IGNORANT! sheeple more rons created moron billionaires whom mixed up with cold hearted super nerd sharks (gates & co) mix with
the evil; result is the FUBAR mess of a world mis-managed since thousands of years!!
* <
2022/10/03/an-organizer-for-ou r-time-frank-watkins-and-the- rainbow-coalition
> mis-guided if he didnt understand our CO-OPerative is the best local & global initiative that still wont save 99.99% of the sheeple after 2030!
Jeffreys C-P "snips" < makes numerous warning & info of the disasters already damaging the world..very few of his readers seem to be reading never mind "counter"-PUNCHING "...
+ World’s Birds report. One in eight species are now at risk of extinction.
+ “Fascism, it’s always about using nationalism, and the nation, as a bludgeon to generate support for death policies, on behalf of death governments. For violence and repression and exploitation, internationalism is the antidote, always.”
+ A water manager in the Colorado Basin said the Southwest’s major reservoirs could run dry in the next three years.
+ A study conducted by the Royal Botanical Gardens warns that more than half of the planet’s palm trees are now at risk of extinction. *** Jas?? ****
+ Hillary was also excited to learn of Meloni’s enthusiastic support for the NATO blood-spattered intervention in Libya. Sisters in arms!...
+ Wall Street " Every point of inflation expands our margins.”
+ USApoormerica — ~150 million people — hold only 2 percent of their cuntry’s total wealth...
+ $1,900,000,000,000: amount cancelled in taxes for rich people.
+ " YouGov/Times poll: UK (USAcorp WARbiz colony)
Labour: 54 (+9)
Conservatives: 21 (-7)
Liberal: 7 (-2)
Greens: 6 (-1)
+ Of course, today’s Labour is yesterday’s Tory Party. "
+ " Orson Welles about Wooody Allen ; presents himself at his worst in order to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hangups.
Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
+ My “Hodor” Moment: I was in an elevator at the Hyatt-Regency in Indy (1977), when someone said, “Hey, man, can you hold that door?” It was Muhammad Ali, in the company of two dazzling women, one on each arm. I
held that door with everything I had and rode it all the way to the top….."
RIP Pharoah Sanders"
such as entering a US military base to prevent missiles from being launched from drones."
* < 2022/10/04/tech-billionaires-a
the evil; result is the FUBAR mess of a world mis-managed since thousands of years!!
* <
> mis-guided if he didnt understand our CO-OPerative is the best local & global initiative that still wont save 99.99% of the sheeple after 2030!
Jeffreys C-P "snips" < makes numerous warning & info of the disasters already damaging the world..very few of his readers seem to be reading never mind "counter"-PUNCHING "...
+ World’s Birds report. One in eight species are now at risk of extinction.
+ “Fascism, it’s always about using nationalism, and the nation, as a bludgeon to generate support for death policies, on behalf of death governments. For violence and repression and exploitation, internationalism is the antidote, always.”
+ A water manager in the Colorado Basin said the Southwest’s major reservoirs could run dry in the next three years.
+ A study conducted by the Royal Botanical Gardens warns that more than half of the planet’s palm trees are now at risk of extinction. *** Jas?? ****
+ Hillary was also excited to learn of Meloni’s enthusiastic support for the NATO blood-spattered intervention in Libya. Sisters in arms!...
+ Wall Street " Every point of inflation expands our margins.”
+ USApoormerica — ~150 million people — hold only 2 percent of their cuntry’s total wealth...
+ $1,900,000,000,000: amount cancelled in taxes for rich people.
+ " YouGov/Times poll: UK (USAcorp WARbiz colony)
Labour: 54 (+9)
Conservatives: 21 (-7)
Liberal: 7 (-2)
Greens: 6 (-1)
+ Of course, today’s Labour is yesterday’s Tory Party. "
+ " Orson Welles about Wooody Allen ; presents himself at his worst in order to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hangups.
Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
+ My “Hodor” Moment: I was in an elevator at the Hyatt-Regency in Indy (1977), when someone said, “Hey, man, can you hold that door?” It was Muhammad Ali, in the company of two dazzling women, one on each arm. I
held that door with everything I had and rode it all the way to the top….."
RIP Pharoah Sanders"
another footy interlude ;" PLUS! "
' is a world where one club dominates in Germany (and it has taken what
is widely regarded as an almighty crisis for Bayern to be two points off
the top of the Bundesliga), one dominates in France, two dominate in
Spain (and one of them is flirting with financial disaster) and one
dominated in Italy before making an unprecedented string of terrible
recruitment decisions. It is a world of grotesque inequality."
"domination is normal" MSM surrennders too )
"pundits" & modern fan nies should stop moaning about the blue mancs
"english plastic league"domination
and aim their bile at the UEFA/MSM Tv etc ... corrupt "authgorities" &
corporates WONT penalise Citeh..
because they would then be exposed themselves ; if manc's rent boy squad
had points deducted for breaking FFF rules
they would probably only have one title in the last 2 decades?...
blah blah ; from Keane & co as the manc derby ends 6-3 ... & JK talks
about "confidence" when clearly a "QUAD hangover"affects his cuurent
quad with several injuries & a FUBAR (World cupinterupted) season
ignores the loss of Gini & MANe since the (IMO) "peak of year 2019 <
another case of hope over experience (
society & the parents/teacherscoaches need to stop it!!
LIVERPOOL 3 brighton 3 <
better having 3 weeks break could have helped the squad, but when 11 of them are called to nationalist duty ..
there cant be much of a momentum built up after the win v Ajax, ..will need 2 wins v rangers to assist european progress from the group (i would give priority in this FUBAR season & aim for 7th trophy at the
final in Istanbul?)
USAcorp MSM flood the world with BS, local & global INSURRECTIONN is inevitable..
.........NATO Rejects Ukraine Membership Bid; UK Tory Government Heading to Oblivion
politicians & lawyers solve NOTHING!
we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
MSM & ignorant sheeple will still blame russia!
wake UP!
we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!...our co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
the sick F U B A R scientists who clone instead of promoting anti pollution policies local & global
agents of evil! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/l-TmbAYjHeI ... are equally as criminal as USAcorp WAR biz mongers & the USAcorp-NAzTO cia black ops < consortiumnews.com/2022/09/28/diana-johnstone-omerta-in-the-gangster-war/ > "

Putin Denounces West, Russia Will Follow Own Path; Russia Annexes Four Regions, Counterattacks Liman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTYjHuWKmPQ ...a counter to USAcorpMSM PR_opaganda ( such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RmqheAzseI < ia
‘Sabotage’ behind gas leaks in Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines, say EU, Nato officials > USAcorp/NAzTO cia black ops then blame russia of course;sheeple viewing this are too ignorant to question..)
https://nyadagbladet.se/utrikes/shocking-document-how-the-us-planned-the-war-and-energy-crisis-in-europe .....
‘Will of the people’ against ‘dictate of the West’: Highlights of Putin’s speech at signing ceremony for treaties of accession ...
Russians , chinese, and other non NATO community carers
scots should take MY strategic plan
( see https://archive.ph/LSazT )
"This is the time to forge a new social and economic vision for Scotland " ..SEE::::
https://liberation.scot ( The nation of Scotland has enshrined in its constitution, from the Declaration of the Clergy of 1310 and the Declaration of Arbroath of 1320, to the Claim of Right Act of 1689, the supremacy of the Scottish people over all other authorities of state. From which it is clear that the English principle of parliamentary sovereignty, is foreign, irreconcilable and unlawful in Scotland.
Embodied in the Claim of Right, our constitution provides that we, the people, lend our power to the government to serve the common good and to uphold our rights and interests. And we may withdraw this loan. Through the Convention of the Estates, a National Assembly comprised of the communities of Scotland, we may remove any government that fails to serve us or overrules the express will of the people.
The Westminster Government has grossly and repeatedly violated the provisions of the Claim of Right, a contractual obligation ratified by the nations of Scotland and England in the Treaty of Union of 1706. It has ruled Scotland, not as an equal partner in a political union but as a colony. It has thwarted the democratic will of the people and disposed of our assets to enrich the privileged few. It has moved to end our ancient sovereignty by replacing it with Westminster parliamentary sovereignty via Clause 38 of the EU Withdrawal Act. Yet the source of legitimate power in Scotland remains, and will always remain, the people of Scotland.
Therefore, to halt the eradication of our sovereignty, the abuse of our protected rights and the plunder of our territories and resources, and reaffirming our lawful authority, we echo the Irish Declaration of 1916:
We declare the right of the people of Scotland to the ownership of Scotland and to the unfettered control of Scottish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign government has not extinguished that right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Scottish people.
We, the signatories, will become the peaceful Liberation Movement of Scotland. We call on all Scots, from the civic, religious, community and business life of our country, to join us in urgently recalling the Convention of the Estates, in the form of a modern, Scottish National Congress, to defend and assert our rights and to end the abuses of a foreign government that now threatens our lives and very existence as a nation. ) .. yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com/2022/09/12/stone-of-destiny-or-cludgie-stone/ >
the UK ...........................The Labour Files: The Purge I Al Jazeera Investigations
and the effect of fake inflation & capitlist "economy crisis" on small enterprise (LIVERPOOL)
https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/the-cost-of-living-timebomb-threatening-the-anfield-community ...
Derek Ian Elder
hello C1A (black ops) & blame the ruskies of course!
USAcorp OWN twa ters!
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
followed you
D E McCluskey - Author
they want to control lives & Farage policies destroys lives!
pandoras box
followed you
Retweeted 2 of your Tweets
USAcorp colony ; UK state is enemy of HUMANITY!
WE know politicians/govts failed!,,,
LIverpool v Brighton : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_V2_FazFHs
Trent ; a player who spends the most of his game is NOT a full back , goals concered are the responsibility of defence/midfield unit not covering him, play to his strength or find a chopper harris clone! NOT playing i9n the World cupcould make the REdS
why should a corrupt MOnty be a member of a corruptd EU chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/08/why-monty-wont-join-eu.html
season : ..................221001
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
Replying to
if they dont give it WE take it! have some balls sheeple?
we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
.................OUR previous SUPPORTERS club LOG (discontinued because of a FUBAR english PLASTIC league corruption season interupted by commercial world cup of national dicrimination )
(not so random) images;

out gunned the blue manc fraud klub! Mo.. scored the vital goal but JOE was MY outstanding MotM too....
Legends? ; some;
ReplyDeleteOUR co-op. ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; JOIN with FREEDOM & UNION ngo NOW!
02 ....see email & pics for new LOG
d evil
any parent who enrolls their child in system that failed society since forever should be ashamed!
make your own community! its called humanity!
WE know all govts failed!
OUR co-op. ACTION improves LIVES!
come on! STOP attempt to give any credibility or status to yet another selfish career politician drowning in her own ego!
WE know all govts failed!
OUR co-op. ACTION improves LIVES!
Richard Murphy
So You’ve Been Bailed Out. But What Exactly Is Trussonomics? | Me on Novara Media this evening
So You’ve Been Bailed Out. But What Exactly Is Trussonomics? | Novara Media
Within three weeks of her premiership, Liz Truss has seen the economy bailed out by the Bank of England. What’s the thinking behind such a disastrous economic strategy? Richard Murphy explains.
without Shanks there would be NO LIVERPOOL as a global entity he made OUR club & this should be recited by the fan nies of the modern money /media dominated game : “The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.” (and his reference to "NATURAL enthusiam" (or ratherthe lack of i!
ReplyDelete< https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/10-of-bill-shanklys-best-liverpool-fc-quotes/>
ReplyDeletePre European night LIVERPOOL v rangers
... hoping the REdS give priority to getting 7th rather than the over-rated
english plastic money League; would be great to win in OUR Istanbul again!
all i see are Lfc fen way cloned fan nies moaning & whining...
they have NO idea how to be SUPPORTERS (even though WE want the USAcorp shark INFESTORS gone from OUR CLUB: www.thisisanfield.com/2022/10/awful-defence-shows-no-lessons-learned-5-talking-points-from-liverpool-3-3-brighton
Jk after 3-3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-ceAniWB90
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGRPjcRdfWI ??
( Brazil )
not just there ! local & global INSURRECTION is inevitable!
capitalist Fascism is destroying your world ; try spending the money during a global uprising smart - arse! ;)
#ChRiSlive; with FREEDOM & UNION ngo
< https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/oct/02/jacob-rees-mogg-business-partner-dominic-johnson-given-senior-minister-role>
WE want the USAcorp shark INFESTORS gone from OUR CLUB: capitalist Fascism is destroying your world ; try spending the money during a global uprising smart - arse! ;)
@EiEnough @Independent again & we campaign because failure to punish murder of our 97 leads to "paris22" & this because police are thugs who treat fans as criminal!
all govts failed!
#ChRiSlive; with FREEDOM & UNION ngo
Anthony I'Anson
Oct 2
Doesn't look like a stampede, look more like the security forces probably opened fire the way the fans started running away
Deletefickle fan nies everywhere...
"undeserved reference: to the departing monarch of the 28 billion rich family just reminds me how distant TIA is from socialist REd KOPITES of MY generation... this article reads like a Lfc-f s g PR_opaganda release...
obviously there has been a physical/psychological "hangover: from the QUAD attempt and despite hopes that the pause would give some rest to squad members , the records shows that the REdS perform best with an unbroken momentum, still feel that tthe 2019 calendar year was the peak, & Gini / MANe are difficult to replace their work load under-rated in the stands & in the fen way shark boardroom... this season is ridiculous 13 games before the stupid world cup interruption,,,
i dont care much for the english plastic money league, and hope that JK & co realize that the best bet is to give some priority to winning number 7 in Istanbul ..
as a corrupt UEFA will never penalize the blue mancs constant violation of FFF..FFS! ( https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/5-things-were-looking-forward-to-as-liverpool-return-from-international-break )
ReplyDeletedont care about eng ur lubnd or MCguire but all MSM & fan nies do is whine, there are no more football SUPPORTERS! & Trent ; a player who spends the most of his game is NOT a full back , goals concered are the responsibility of defence/midfield unit not covering him, play to his strength or find a chopper harris clone! NOT playing i9n the World cupcould make the REdS
1 in 1000 might secape their swamp...
ReplyDeleteREbELS could apply MY Strategy ; rather than; (This is: the time to forge a new social and economic vision for Scotland < https://archive.ph/LSazT >
Chris Forb Dix • för några sekunder sedan
Var god vänta. Detta måste först godkännas av Nya Dagbladet.
all goverments are maniulators & manipulated in their #gameofTHORNS
we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
plus (belated posting ) ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bRsWoNze60
( "
Russia Mobilises, Ukraine New Kherson Offensive, Suffers Heavy Losses, Slowed by Autumn Rains
" )
............. https://consortiumnews.com/2022/09/28/diana-johnstone-omerta-in-the-gangster-war ......more opinions on the "sabotage" being probably NAzTO / c1A black ops///
comments PLUS;
ReplyDeleteNO C-P?
the articles from the :Alternative media : come fast & thick (as in
STUPID) MSM is not worth the time...
but both the PLASTIC USA dems & the "labour party" are as washed out &
"central" as the counter-punch(?) if it was boxing match their punch
wouldnt threaten a paper bag: ("highlights")
..." failures reminiscent of Vietnam in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as
indirectly in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. "(
)//...." promoting anti-Russian moves while overlooking abuses by
Ukraine of the Russian-oriented majorities in the Dombas ...cast a dark
shadow on NAzTO claims of virtuous politics".. <
>> how many millions have USAcorp murdered whilst enforcing the amerICANT nightmare upon the world??
... < 2022/09/30/compromised-talking-heads > " failed to properly
investigate his troops’ reported massacre of hundreds of Iraqi
POWs."House Intelligence(?) Committee chair Adam Schiff; centrist
Democrat accumulated $60 million!..
" normalization – a way of making fascism just another ridiculous aspect
of US political culture like people voting for candidates based on who
they’d most like to have a beer with. " (by Paul Street, one of the few
WORTHY C-P writers...)
( www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3noATa47rs) : Eric is plastic left,
pretending balance whilst shifting anti-russian by each video...
so calling up official reservists is making this idiot angry??? arent
there a thousand other aspects like suicidal WArbiz by USAcorp &
What do Pakistan, Puerto Rico, and Jackson, Mississippi, have in common?
; all recently experienced climate-related catastrophic rains &
flooding, (
) ...Roberts worthy read also at (
counterpunch.org/2022/09/30/sea-level-acceleration ) "
“Sea level has been fairly stable for 6,000 years, which is most of
human civilization… but its risen eight (8) inches or twenty (20)
centimeters in the last century, and the rate is tripling right now.”..
“Similarly, scientists now report that Greenland ice sheet has passed a
point of system stability and is now “irreversibly committed” to a
significant sea-level rise regardless of twenty-first-century climate
pathways.” Correspondingly, the rate of sea level rising of the past 30
years has more than doubled. "
local & global mess of the AmeriCANT nightmare ; see other stuff at;
(additional comments)
* < 2022/09/30/a-feminist-revolution-in-iran >
* < 2022/09/29/four-straight-years-of-nonstop-street-protest-in-haiti >
* < 2022/09/29/why-the-swedish-left-will-continue-to-lose >
* <
* <
another footy interlude ;" PLUS! "
Delete"pundits" & modern fan nies should stop moaning about the blue mancs
"english plastic league"domination
and aim their bile at the UEFA/MSM Tv etc ... corrupt "authgorities" &
corporates WONT penalise Citeh..
because they would then be exposed themselves ; if manc's rent boy squad
had points deducted for breaking FFF rules
they would probably only have one title in the last 2 decades?...
blah blah ; from Keane & co as the manc derby ends 6-3
another case of hope over experience (
irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40971827.html ) " hopes academy in
Ghana helps end exploitation of young African players" a lawyer?
society & the parents/teacherscoaches need to stop it!!
SUPPORT my academy? NON profit with character improvement too! email
JA_FU_ME @ proton.me ??
all i read in the Lfc/fen way cloned fan zines/etc are moans ignorance &
none of them seem able to SUPPORT, they simply repeat BS & insult the
LIVERPOOL 3 brighton 3 <
irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40973660.html > heaping blame on
TRENT wont make the TEAM
better having 3 weeks break could have helped the squad, but when 11 of
them are called to nationalist duty ..
there cant be much of a momnentum built up after the win v Ajax, ..will
need 2 wins v rangers to assist european progress from the group (i
would give priority in this FUBAR season & aim for 7th trophy at the
final in Istanbul?)
________________________________ Conor Cody (IMO should have been re-signed by Lfc before they bought VVD, CC is arguably a more committed & better organising capt!
no Quad "hangover" or USAcorp sharks in the boardroom 100 years ago..." 11 with only moderate individual ability may be a formidable team as a collective force. ...
‘The secret to success in any football team is the team spirit,’< www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/the-untouchables-how-100-year-old-triumph-laid-path-for-the-liverpool-way/ > & SUPPORT ....the holy trinity of Shanks way was the best time for this... .. Rafa captured it briefly between 05=09 ...!
RANGERS PREVIEW | BRIGHTON REVIEW podcast ; www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcDRGvyouMI
Deletefan nies, pundits & "experts" need to lay off Trent ; (he is a wing-halfnot a full back!) the defence is out of form & I feel there is a true "hangover" physical/psychological ; hoped that the squad would have time to prepare & retain momentum after ajax game, but the ridicous nationalist games interupt; i wasnt surprised as many time in the past a "pause" has NOT heped the TEAM.. disgusted at some of the reaction,,.,, need to learn what being a SUPPORTER means..
Delete11 with only moderate individual ability may be a formidable team as a collective force. ...
‘The secret to success in any football team is the team spirit,’< & SUPPORT ....the holy trinity of Shanks way was the best time for this... .. Rafa captured it briefly between 05=09
i wonder if JK has lots it by passing much of his role to Lijnders?
ReplyDeleteRANGERS PREVIEW | BRIGHTON REVIEW podcast ; www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcDRGvyouMI
fan nies, pundits & "experts" need to lay off Trent ; (he is a wing-halfnot a full back!) the defence is out of form & I feel there is a true "hangover" physical/psychological ; hoped that the squad would have time to prepare & retain momentum after ajax game, but the ridiculous nationalist games interupt; i wasnt surprised as many time in the past a "pause" has NOT heped the TEAM.. disgusted at some of the reaction,,.,, need to learn what being a SUPPORTER means..
11 with only moderate individual ability may be a formidable team as a collective force. ...
‘The secret to success in any football team is the team spirit,’< & SUPPORT ....the holy trinity of Shanks way was the best time for this... .. Rafa captured it briefly between 05=09
i wonder if JK has lots it by passing much of his role to Lijnders?
‘Th Conor Cody (IMO should have been re-signed by Lfc before they bought VVD, CC is arguably a more committed & better organising capt!
no Quad "hangover" or USAcorp sharks in the boardroom 100 years ago..." 11 with only moderate individual ability may be a formidable team as a collective force. ...
‘The secret to success in any football team is the team spirit,’< www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/the-untouchables-how-100-year-old-triumph-laid-path-for-the-liverpool-way/ > & SUPPORT ....the holy trinity of Shanks way was the best time for this... .. Rafa captured it briefly between 05=09 ...!
Tumi Ras Lambo
Replying to
and 2 others
He doesn't play for money Mr
I meant.
Tumi Ras Lambo
Replying to
Mane was a massive threat which broke opponents defence easily to allow others to score. He is good at defending too, he doesn't pay for money like
but his heart.
REbELS could apply MY Strategy ; rather than; (This is: the time to forge a new social and economic vision for Scotland < https://archive.ph/LSazT >
Chris Forb Dix • för några sekunder sedan
Var god vänta. Detta måste först godkännas av Nya Dagbladet.
all goverments are maniulators & manipulated in their #gameofTHORNS
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bRsWoNze60 )
Russia Mobilises, Ukraine New Kherson Offensive, Suffers Heavy Losses, Slowed by Autumn Rains
dont care about eng ur lund or MCguire but all MSM & fan nies do is whine, there are no more football SUPPORTERS! & Trent ; a player who spends the most of his game is NOT a full back , goals concered are the responsibility of defence/midfield unit not covering him, play to his strength or find a chopper harris clone! NOT playing i9n the World cupcould make the REdS
" fickle fan nies on Zoom" shd be headline for this ; go to dictionary ; look up SUPPORTER : then find a true REd KOPite who will explain !
Deletefan nies, pundits & "experts" need to lay off Trent ; (he is a wing-halfnot a full back!) the defence is out of form & I feel there is a true "hangover" physical/psychological ; hoped that the squad would have time to prepare & retain momentum after ajax game, but the ridiculous nationalist games interupt; i wasnt surprised as many time in the past a "pause" has NOT heped the TEAM.. disgusted at some of the reaction,,.,, need to learn what being a SUPPORTER means..
11 with only moderate individual ability may be a formidable team as a collective force. ...
‘The secret to success in any football team is the team spirit,’< & SUPPORT ....the holy trinity of Shanks way was the best time for this... .. Rafa captured it briefly between 05=09
i wonder if JK has lots it by passing much of his role to Lijnders?
DeleteLIVERPOOL 2 rangers 0 ( Trent (great free kick & Mo pen after LuisD trip)
the global collapse under capitalist "victory" enabled the ameriCANT nightmare ; most modern fan nies havent a clue about life of a true KOPITE on the terraces!
FFF? (void)
this royal madrid "elitist" & the USAcorp yan ker sharks etc at Lfc, Man U, chelsea
blue mancs are the enemy of oUR game ; in perverse power since thieir english plastic money league /& corrupt UEFA /tv dominated footy!
the reason this TIA is just a parrot of MSM BS & Neville was a crap coach is clear ; lay of TRENT!
a player whose natural game (and is trained to be) creative in the opponents half is NOT a "FULL BACK" ...he is a WING half, or a midfielder whose creative game should be nurtured & not "disciplined too much or it will be stifled , southgate is a moron too but i dont want Trent to wast his game on the national side whose history cost many LIVERPOOL players injuries & fatigue in the past ... ( https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/10/gary-neville-says-trent-can-be-best-right-back-world-has-ever-produced )
fickle fan nies everywhere...
there is something difficult to grasp for our KING Kenny being "honoured" by those who have done nothing to ease the plight of core supporters who no longer afford to hold a season ticket or pay to see games home & away,,with "undeserved reference: to the departing monarch of the 28 billion rich family just reminds me how distant TIA is from socialist REd KOPITES of MY generation... this article reads like a Lfc-f s g PR_opaganda release...
obviously there has been a physical/psychological "hangover: from the QUAD attempt and despite hopes that the pause would give some rest to squad members , the records shows that the REdS perform best with an unbroken momentum, still feel that tthe 2019 calendar year was the peak, & Gini / MANe are difficult to replace their work load under-rated in the stands & in the fen way shark boardroom... this season is ridiculous 13 games before the stupid world cup interruption,,,
i dont care much for the english plastic money league, and hope that JK & co realize that the best bet is to give some priority to winning number 7 in Istanbul ..
as a corrupt UEFA will never penalize the blue mancs constant violation of FFF..FFS! ( https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/5-things-were-looking-forward-to-as-liverpool-return-from-international-break )
ReplyDelete220903 for the URGENT attention of the OMBUDSMAN (ECHR) Strasbourg
PLAINT ChRiStopher Richard SMITH v Montenegro & United Kingdom
FAST=TRACK application
Having made complaints via local lawyers, via my own F & U ngo
and directly with courts, police director, supreme courts
it is more than obvious that the state apparatus is doing everything to prevent my complaints being heard in public or through any institution resembling "Justice"
At this time I find myself as a virtually "outlawed REFUGEE"
After THREE enforced EVICTIONS which have clearly violated not only the local constitution but have political intent as they have occurred since MNE joined NATO (my ngo & myself having been public critics of NATO "WARbiz policies"
Local cort ref: PP br. 1997/22-A SUD ZA PREKRSAJE BUDVA
in brief ;
i) several years ago In Danilvgrad I was evicted (by the locks being changed whilst away from the houseI was BUYING) after asking the previous owner (P.Ivanovic) for a tax receipt for my on-time payments.
ii) On May 7th 2021 I returned home from lunch to find that(despite rent being paid to end May) that Podgorica apartment owner (policeman Alexsa Recevic) had changed the locks, gave me FIVE minutes to recover my belongings the next day.
iii) On August 2oth violent entry was made to property OWNED by F&U ngo (which I manage as humanitarian volunteer, unpaid) where I live, by the former owner Spevak (MHail, a.k.a."agent SERGEY" ; an employee of Slovakian M.O.D & NATO) an anonymous thug, and a local policemen who collectively FORCED their way into the (Miriste,HN) apartment, after threatening me for 2 hours.
I WAS then detained, interrogated, and oppressed without phone call to lawyer, without food or water until release (without sleeping accommodation) at 23h that night.
Subsequently I have regained some of my belongings, but have no facilities or home. and threatened with further arrest after surviving the period of COVID restrictions since early 2020 which destroyed the activities of F & U ngo, youth & community projects & my daily life & society.
The state of MONTENEGRO (with,I believe compliance of the UNITED KINGDOM govt. whom I asked to assist with emergency travel to Ireland, where I have relatives) have not onlly violated their own constitution but several ECHR articles;
= Interference in my right to LIFE
= violating family life
= by a form of psychological TORTURE
AS I do not have an office I am unable to download the application forms & have highly limited online access & funds.
please reply to ;
email ngo@mypod-net.org
221005 20h wednesday live ? Alexander Mercouris duran or rumble?
ReplyDeletegovt is NEVER the "answer" they have all failed & yet UK sheeple will elect another bunch of lawyer/liars again!
JOIN truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness; our co-op improvs LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
igorance picks out Trent & Hendo but VVD posing as CB is at least, if not more guilty for defensive errors ...
" fickle fan nies on Zoom" shd be headline for this ; go to dictionary ; look up SUPPORTER : then find a true REd KOPite who will explain ! p.s. fan nies wont accept that USAcorp sharks run the boardroom... #REdGEMnet
...........Trent showed again his creative value any so called "expert"(pundit) who calls
him a FULL back doesnt understand the game & should be sued under the TRADE DESCRIPTIONS act!
JK post match ; anal ysis :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP5ZYLk-jFQ
ReplyDeleteWhen "career activists, formerly of USAcorp govt, offer to help you, look in the "horses mouth"
??? https://grousebeater.wordpress.com/2022/10/05/tories-told-lies
Y_OUR FUBAR world ; the global sheeple are so gullible to swallow MSM that I feel its "possible" for USAcorp/NAzTO/c1A to NUKE a ukrainian city & blame russians, & CAUSE 100% their WW3 perverse WARbiz ; misled by zombie puppet biden!
too much chat about interpretation, is AJ really that differemt to MSM?? dont deal with the evidence that the sheeple are just so easily manipulated .. the journo is way off, the guy said calling her "fascist is "impolite" ..ha ha ha & "fascism is anti-establishment" get some wisdom oin your program ??? < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnS8lVqCv-o >
this is a FUBAR season, Lfc hungover from the QUAD attempt (with resulting injury list) a STUPID world cup interuption... it will be unpredictable and I dont expect any sense unless LIVERPOOL can prioritise winning 7 in OUR Istanbul ...feck the english plastic money league ,coorupt FIFA, corrupt UEFA (who will never deduct points for theirfraudulent open violation of "FFF" by blue mancs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2czFYSsW9PY
the fan nies are as soft as the b-liar infested labour party who allowed fascisTORY rule
...............funny..oR...scarey if players really care or focus on such BS! stats are just manipulated lies ! : https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0l8vk5KixGE : < https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4ocX1ZV4qGc >
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
The "new gestapo order MSM" is sponsored & is as corrupt as the governments EVERYWHERE!
local & Global INSURRECTION inevitable ;
updated calendar/diary of your FUBAR society at https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
..............221005 20h wednesday live ? Alexander Mercouris duran or rumble?
...........Trent showed again his creative value any so called "expert"(pundit) who calls
him a FULL back doesnt understand the game & should be sued under the TRADE DESCRIPTIONS act!
JK post match ; anal ysis :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP5ZYLk-jFQ
..,...221006 ,,,//007.. 008
ReplyDeleteamazing how "covid rises"as "winter approaches" fooled again sheeple?
just cut your profits instead?
WE know all govts & capitalism failed!
up for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
OUR co-op. ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; JOIN with FREEDOM & UNION ngo NOW!
LIVERPOOL 2 rangers 0 ( Trent (great free kick & Mo pen after LuisD trip)
the global collapse under capitalist "victory" enabled the ameriCANT nightmare ; most modern fan nies havent a clue about life of a true KOPITE on the terraces!
FFF? (void)
this royal madrid "elitist" & the USAcorp yan ker sharks etc at Lfc, Man U, chelsea
blue mancs are the enemy of oUR game ; in perverse power since thieir english plastic money league /& corrupt UEFA /tv dominated footy!
the reason this TIA is just a parrot of MSM BS & Neville was a crap coach is clear ; lay of TRENT!
a player whose natural game (and is trained to be) creative in the opponents half is NOT a "FULL BACK" ...he is a WING half, or a midfielder whose creative game should be nurtured & not "disciplined too much or it will be stifled , southgate is a moron too but i dont want Trent to wast his game on the national side whose history cost many LIVERPOOL players injuries & fatigue in the past ... ( https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/10/gary-neville-says-trent-can-be-best-right-back-world-has-ever-produced )
ReplyDeleteSubject: Bolsonaro
Date: 2022-10-08 17:01
From: "José Gregorio Díaz Mirabal with Avaaz"
To: "chris@ursun.net"
Dear friends, My name is Gregorio, a leader of over 500 Indigenous
communities in the Amazon Rainforest. But today I write as a friend.Our
mother, the Amazon, is being eaten alive. Brazil's President Bolsonaro
is leading an army of loggers and miners, gorging on nature's
destruction. Without urgent action, the rainforest could die. But
there's hope. In weeks, world leaders will meet for final negotiations
on a new global treaty to save nature. We cannot allow Bolsonaro to be
the voice of the Amazon at these critical negotiations as ours are
silenced and our people murdered. Our children would never forgive us --
so I need your help.With your support, a courageous delegation of
Indigenous leaders could travel from the last refuges of the natural
world to the very heart of decision-making. Our people have protected
and respected nature for over 10,000 years -- it’s critical we have a
seat at the table as the fate of the planet is decided.We'd meet world
leaders face-to-face, confronting the lies, and team up with Avaaz
campaigners at the talks to supercharge the campaign for bold
international laws for a treaty that can truly protect life on Earth. I
promise you: we won't stop pushing.Friends of the world, this is a
chance to stand with us in our fight to protect life on our fragile
pollution policies worldwide https://catalyst-journal.com/2022/09/oil-and-the-geopolitics-of-empire-in-the-middle-east
ReplyDeletethe alternative media (C-P as example) almost as soft as the gullible sheeple who havent a clue about the #gameofTHORNS they are enslaved to ; IF NAzTO nuked Kiev & blamed "the ruskies" (or just PUTIN) the moajority of the ignorant population of planet earth would swallow the lie!
the typical "asset"of USAcorp/NAzTO/C1A since Nixon /watergate from President..down/up throughout govt employees
corruption infested ; in the largest (USA) "democracy" to smallest )Monty) < counterpunch.org/2022/10/06/high-value-us-asset-fat-leonard-arrested-in-venezuela-possible-prisoner-swap > ////////...."caught in the corruption was Rear Admiral Robert Gilbeau, the first active-duty admiral ever convicted of a felony "... " compassion for the filthy rich and military brass apparently did not extend down to the sailors on the USS Reagan in their case over radioactive exposure after the Fukushima meltdown. judge :Sammartino: ? rejected their appeal.".." Francis “was a crook, but he was our crook.” "
more C-P "wishful thinking at ( 2022/10/06/ukraine-pays-the-price-for-great-power-tantrums ) whilst very CLEVER articles like < 2022/10/06/optimism-of-the-will-3 > excerpted in shortened form from Chapter 9 of Notes on Resistance by Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian, just REMIND ME that all these "inte;;igent democrats" will be writing such stuff on the day they are dying of radiation or drowning from Tzuname or choking from polution...? ACTION not "preaching" IS VITAL, but probably too late...
Even this ( OCTOBER 6, Nukes, War and Moral Sanity Y ROBERT KOEHLER) " Much of Planet Earth is moving beyond this glaringly lethal ignorance, but the most “powerful” nations on the planet remain spiritually underdeveloped. "....
IMPOTENCE of the UN ; (ignored by USAcorp WAR biz of course) "Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans their use, development and actual possession, was approved by the U.N. General Assembly in 2017 by a vote of 122-1 (the nine nations that possess nukes, along with most of the members of NATO, boycotted the vote). It has now been ratified by 68 countries, and signed by a total of 91."playing war — endlessly preparing to destroy part of ourselves — is suicidal behavior. ..."wealthiest and most militarily powerful nations on the planet are, in a spiritual — in a moral — sense, the world’s most underdeveloped nations "
SOFT C-P PR_opaganda , indirectly relating anti russion backing for the regime enabled by c1A black ops?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3noATa47rs
ReplyDelete- Liverpool the rise.... MY mentor ; the Dad i lost made me sad..
ReplyDelete..the man who MADE LIVERPOOL into a global entity a true socialist which knew life over politics & football... HONESTY & truth is PHILOSOPHY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTHFPCAUkPA
pre arse v LIVERPOOL Jk : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEAeKngau_k Lfc fenway cloned fan nies in meltdown..spoled brat fast food media! especial with POSER atkinson who constantly insults players & the sense of core supporters who canmt afford ZOOM or match tickets! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6op_Cy-cZo go to THEIR capital & spoil the arse nal party lads!
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-op ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
.....................008 felix mcgrath
show off LIVERPOOL sold to sharks or show UP their fascisTORY govt U are ruled by??
we figh for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-op ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
No "law" without Justice; U expect corrupt authorities to be "just"? wake up , Support community DEFIANCE & :
for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-op ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
local & global "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
When "career activists, formerly of USAcorp govt, offer to help you, look in the "horses mouth"
??? https://grousebeater.wordpress.com/2022/10/05/tories-told-lies
Y_OUR FUBAR world ; the global sheeple are so gullible to swallow MSM that I feel its "possible" for USAcorp/NAzTO/c1A to NUKE a ukrainian city & blame russians, & CAUSE 100% their WW3 perverse WARbiz ; misled by zombie puppet biden!
too much chat about interpretation, is AJ really that differemt to MSM?? dont deal with the evidence that the sheeple are just so easily manipulated .. the journo is way off, the guy said calling her "fascist is "impolite" ..ha ha ha & "fascism is anti-establishment" get some wisdom oin your program ??? < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnS8lVqCv-o >
this is a FUBAR season, Lfc hungover from the QUAD attempt (with resulting injury list) a STUPID world cup interuption... it will be unpredictable and I dont expect any sense unless LIVERPOOL can prioritise winning 7 in OUR Istanbul ...feck the english plastic money league ,coorupt FIFA, corrupt UEFA (who will never deduct points for theirfraudulent open violation of "FFF" by blue mancs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2czFYSsW9PY
the fan nies are as soft as the b-liar infested labour party who allowed fascisTORY rule
...............funny..oR...scarey if players really care or focus on such BS! stats are just manipulated lies ! : https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0l8vk5KixGE : < https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4ocX1ZV4qGc >
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
The "new gestapo order MSM" is sponsored & is as corrupt as the governments EVERYWHERE!
local & Global INSURRECTION inevitable ;
updated calendar/diary of your FUBAR society at https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
........Trent put in a long range , "daisy cutter" pass v rangers last out, that was perhapsthe best I have seen since the Midfield of Stevie or Xabi,, if these plastic pundits & TAW idiots call for Trent to be "stifled" & play a "trad FB" game they are absolutely fecking STUPID>>! Atkinson is a snobbish poser! my start; (proposed not predicted)
Delete.................A B ;
Trent Hendo Fab Kostas
Bobby (Jota after H-T)
Mo DarWIn LuisD
ReplyDeleteSHANKLY - Liverpool the rise.... MY mentor ; the Dad i lost made me sad..
..the man who MADE LIVERPOOL into a global entity a true socialist which knew life over politics & football... HONESTY & truth is PHILOSOPHY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTHFPCAUkPA
politicians solve ZERO, INSURRECTION is inevitable!
,,,,we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-op ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
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حسان علی
followed you
Betty B. Browne 🗨
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@EiEnough almost as dangerous as the sheeple who keep voting for selfish policies?
bill Jhite
liked your reply
nothing socialist about thisplastic party!
#ChRiSlive; with FREEDOM & UNION ngo
Tumi Ras Lambo
liked your reply
u mean his main motivation is not money, he gives much of his income to community!
#ChRiSlive; http://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
#REdGEMnet https://pic.twitter.com/UyKTACbSAD
..................Trent put in a long range , "daisy cutter" pass v rangers last out, that was perhapsthe best I have seen since the Midfield of Stevie or Xabi,, if these plastic pundits & TAW idiots call for Trent to be "stifled" & play a "trad FB" game they are absolutely fecking STUPID>>! Atkinson is a snobbish poser! my start; (proposed not predicted)
.................A B ;
Trent Hendo Fab Kostas
Bobby (Jota after H-T)
Mo DarWIn LuisD
pre arse v LIVERPOOL Jk : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEAeKngau_k Lfc fenway cloned fan nies in meltdown..spoled brat fast food media! especial with POSER atkinson who constantly insults players & the sense of core supporters who canmt afford ZOOM or match tickets! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6op_Cy-cZo go to THEIR capital & spoil the arse nal party lads!
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-op ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
ReplyDeletearse nal 3 REdS in nikesh7tewhite 2 (DarWIN Bobby)
,,,, on 32 minutes the TEAM looked at their best, giving Luis D a run on goal... Oliver (the "best ref" in their league) also penalised LuisD for an accidental hand ball a few mins earlier when through but when their defender accidentally handballed ; Zero! AND i dont want to see LIVERPOOL players leaving the pitch injured or going down under challenges , VVD , Matip Hendo should be reminding the arse nal kids that its a big boys game, thats alnother reason I would have played IBOU ,,he scares forwards, he is like a REd "King KONG" ;)
& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,theguardian.com/football/2022/oct/09/fa-reviewing-incident-involving-arsenal-and-liverpool-players-after-flare-up
politicians solve ZERO, INSURRECTION is inevitable!
,,,,we fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
our co-op ACTION improves LIVES!
#ChRiSlive; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
... get learnt ;) we were great! as a kid i had "oh Liverpool we love U, LP" ta la! memorial for all TRUE KOPITES !
#ChRiSlive; http://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
JOIN local & global @ "FREEDOM e UNION ngo"
حسان علی
- Liverpool the rise.... MY mentor ; the Dad i lost made me sad..
ReplyDelete..the man who MADE LIVERPOOL into a global entity a true socialist which knew life over politics & football... HONESTY & truth is PHILOSOPHY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTHFPCAUkPA
pre rangers away
always going to be a weiord season after the QUAD attemp t ; an anticlimax.world cup interupted as FFF frauds man shitty add to squad ... (UEFA/epl is too corrupt topunish with points deducted & titled removed) injuries galore , MANe adjustment ..newboy & new plan tobe adopted ; tired minds & fickle fan nies! focus on winning 7 in our Istanbul...
at Rangers ..drop VVD , his casual game doesnt suit a "crisis" ..
I go with ;
Jo Matip Ibou
Hendo Fab Kostas
DarWIN Mo ( roving inside & on both wings!)
wedhmmm sure is a "QUAD attempt" hangover ... but this video is a "shat back 4" who should stay back in their zoom rooms as doubt if any of them have played (or coached) at any decent level? VVD is a "rolls royce" who needs to move up a gear, i'd rather have IBOU flattenign soem forwards at the moment..
dont go into meltdown fan nies, < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eftn7YuwTVs > moaning about Mo? but no one is pointing at the coaching staff, why losing goals in first minute & extra time x says so much about how the TEAM is sent out to play... JK & Lijnders need to pack in their media hype and sort themselves out too.. KLopp ; post; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkYTMh1nPIk
Mo o Left ; Central, Jota ; he is THE striker! DarWIN after 60m Harv right
ReplyDeletesuch comparisons are mostly irrelevant to "modern fans" who cant imagine the condition of pitches & the physical aspect ..& indeed the quality of opposition forwards these "chosen candidates had to deal with ... Emlyn & Tommy had ; for examples a man u forward line of BEST, (arguably the best ever player I saw) Law & Charlton,,, Hurst (World cup winne of whamr) the legendary Greavesy at spurs, Frannie Lee week in week out, most players in the english plastic money league "are legends" after 1 high scoring season!
and I cant count Emlyn or Tommy as pure CBs as Hughes was the BEST captain, with energy that represented Shanks on the field ... and able to charge forward & shoot as well as Stevie G,
Tommy wore a 10 shirt & slotted into CB alongside Yeats for a while but arguablyplayed his best as a right back...
comparing apples with oranges is futlie, but funny too//especially when reading your comments...e.g;
Lawyer, Lyndsay, JAR, Nichol, Lawro all were playing in different positions ; Lawyer spent as much time attacking as Trent does now..
VVD is not my choice as his "rolls royce" style for me, only fits a side thats already "top" too worried about messing up his hair or his shirt,...would rather have Carra or Tommo, TRUE whole hearted DEFENDERS!
d Agger could have been the best ever if not for injuries ! (a curse affecting the massive potential of Joe Gomez currently)
MY top ..
2. Carra
3. Hansen
4. (Phil) Tommo
5. Lawro
6. Rowdy
7. Sami
8. dAgger
9, Henchoz
10. VVD
...updating 221010
ReplyDeleteavoiding the VITAL call to arms"that the local& global dictatorship, destruction pollution & WARbiz demands ""
"preaching to the impotent choir|////.the "alternative media" keeps churning out clever articles that I am sick of readin, I KNOW that corpprates & fovts failed..! but the sheeple have empowered them since 1000s of years!,,the often worthy Paul Street writes < /2022/10/07/bad-republicans-invisible-democrats > although the seeds of uprising are growing ; < 2022/10/02/going-to-prison-as-an-act-of-resistance-to-empire > & ( 2022/10/07/doshman-and-the-massive-protests-in-iran ) : "protests are walks on the edge of a razor, a bloody venture into a world that promises hope and faces despair. Strapping these protests to regime change ties the rebellious subject to an all or nothing trajectory that promises despair rather than cultivating hope. "..... whilst the blind lead the blind into the next election by the insanely ignorance sheeple of another billion dollar backed more ron... (Nixon, Johnson, Carter, REAGAN, Bush x 3, Clinton, plastic black Obama & TRUMPET
... certainly a miracle that the "greatest nightmare in the world" hasnt exterminated mankind by now... < more insanity at ; 2022/10/02/liberals-and-magical-thinking :
////....sadly ( 2022/10/07/lessons-from-the-cuban-missile-crisis __) by C-Ps Melvyn ( so-called "adviser) : contains WISDOM " Kennedy’s advice: “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” " and mis representation as it is USA corp who threatened to place nukes at the ukranian/russian border had PUTIN had not acted " North Korea’s increased missile testing as well as Iran’s enhanced uranium enrichment, Putin’s nuclear threats a "
... " < october 1962 > a Soviet naval officer convinced the sub’s captain that the U.S. ships were signaling and not attacking. As a result, the captain’s decision to fire the nuclear torpedo was never transmitted, and the Soviet submarine signaled back to the Americans the importance of avoiding provocative actions. " resultef in a presidential "hot line"...
" neither Kennedy nor Khrushchev wanted to go to war, and both leaders presumably understood the importance of maintaining control of the situation. " (compare these leaders with WARbiz puppet president zombie biden? )
"the United Nations, have declared nuclear weapons . . . ahem . . . illegal. ( but the UN is just a sgam institution paying lip service to the idea it could , for example, stop the USA WAR biz dictatorship or itsd pollution policies_ !!)
Delete..." < counterpunch.org/2022/10/06/nukes-war-and-moral-sanity >
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans their use, development and actual possession, was approved by the U.N. General Assembly in 2017 by a vote of 122-1 (the nine nations that possess nukes, along with most of the members of NATO, boycotted the vote). It has now been ratified by 68 countries, and signed by a total of 91..." who cares,,WHO DARES INSURRECTION?
,,, football has been drowned in their fascho-capitalistswamp " " , the sharks have eaten our "beautuful game " .. < www.irishexaminer.com/sport-columnists/arid-40977173.html > " and a useless piece about their word police ( as corrupt as those who wear uniforms? " ( irishexaminer.com/sport-columnists/arid-40978820.html )
just how bad footty has sunk in to their ameriCANT #gameofTHORNS fasxho-commercial swamo ; <.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40980362.html > your BS world cup may as well be on the moon, ... tas far as he core SUPPORTers of my generation are (NOT) concerned " Qatar hires a third cruise ship as floating hotel for World Cup - at €485 per night "
ReplyDelete....221011 this morning Its raining ...for once decided not to be "up & about" at 07h ,,, checking mails & net "anti-news & twat ters (trolling the WARbiz/polluting trolls etc) but remembered the warmth
ReplyDeleteof my time with deceased Jacqui, a cuddle whilst listening to the english rain of our youthful marriage,, (we :survived: 12 years , before CANCER, which is now absorbed by "coroNATION hype
took this wonderful being fromour lives)
,,, then I watch "western sponsored experts" claim virtual victory by the NAzTO/C1A backed nazties of ukraine & their thug-comic Zelensky..
...humans men. women & children are being hurt, maimed or killed on all sides , within & without the direct conflict, its important that you balance the PR_opaganda with such as Alex Mercouris ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HYbQ8XFKpE ) ... just makes me feel sick & suppose that 99.99% of sheeple DESERVE?
and know that at least my then wife (Jacqui r.i.p. 2005) has been spared this local & global swamp... we seem to be in an episode of "back to the future" ..the 70's with double digit bank interest & power cuts, energy crisis, it was arguably MY best time...when I was the most confident & creative ; DEJA VU? ; < unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html >
221 ..........011
ReplyDeletethis TIA fan zine as pathetic as the fickle fan nies of fen way cloned lack of supporters !
N.B. for fan nies media ; game at rangers more important for TRUE REd SUPPORTERS; feck their english plastic money league & blue manc frauds self promo biz!
join OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
WE know all govts failed!
for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
OUR co-op. ACTION improves LIVES, with FREEDOM & UNION!
ReplyDelete...the royal family rangers 1 LIVERPOOL WON 7 ( Bobby 2, Mo 3, Harv )
...post match Anal ysis ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqAUoL_fFuU ) & JK ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNxXrselwtQ )
..012..i like CBs to be "in charge" I would have rather had Conor Coady ; who bosses the defence (just ask a wolves supporter) than VVD who looks like he is worry about messing up his hair & kit! ( youtube.com/watch?v=GKFFsH9eOGU )
Thiago, also sometimes looks likehe is posing for TV!
There you GO, told you AGAIN & AGAIN ; VAX is/WAS a lie! (profiteering pharma) inflation crisis ANOTHER LIE; DEFY THEM!
Deletethis TIA fan zine as pathetic as the fickle fan nies of fen way cloned lack of supporters !
N.B. for fan nies media ; game at rangers more important for TRUE REd SUPPORTERS; feck their english plastic money league & blue manc frauds self promo biz!
join OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
WE know all govts failed!
for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
OUR co-op. ACTION improves LIVES, with FREEDOM & UNION!
such comparisons are mostly irrelevant to "modern fans" who cant imagine the condition of pitches & the physical aspect ..& indeed the quality of opposition forwards these "chosen candidates had to deal with ... Emlyn & Tommy had ; for examples a man u forward line of BEST, (arguably the best ever player I saw) Law & Charlton,,, Hurst (World cup winne of whamr) the legendary Greavesy at spurs, Frannie Lee week in week out, most players in the english plastic money league "are legends" after 1 high scoring season!
and I cant count Emlyn or Tommy as pure CBs as Hughes was the BEST captain, with energy that represented Shanks on the field ... and able to charge forward & shoot as well as Stevie G,
Tommy wore a 10 shirt & slotted into CB alongside Yeats for a while but arguablyplayed his best as a right back...
pre sh&tty rich v LIVERPOOL;
the fickle still at it?
anfieldwatch.co.uk/always-pep-guardiola-previews-upcoming-clash-against-liverpool pep PR_opagaNda ...
MyPOD-Net (mc5)>
agree focus is REdS TEAM,, however 3-4-3 with Ibou v Harland ... feck im
12 .5. 4
14 Fa 26
Firm +
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
.blue manc fraud klub v fen way infested LIVERPOOL (sunday night)
ReplyDeleteJk ... < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yilepxsyor4 > (Pre match)
...............(nice VID of away SUPPORT at ibrox , always prefer CELTS, especially
because how they stood by us over Hillsborough! < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so8eqXtbHiM > )
....Bobby : " If this is the last dance, what a dance it’s turning out to be.
Whatever happens, he will go down as one of the great Liverpool players of the modern era.
Our Bobby Firmino. " (decent report from TAW kiddies for once ; theanfieldwrap.com/2022/10/writing-roberto-firmino-continues-his-liverpool-story )
would play him in a 3-4-3 formation tomorrow; propose (not predict)
Alli : Joe, Ibou (v harland) VVD ; Hendo right wing half, Fab, Thiago , Robbo left wing half; Harv, DioGO (is a CF!) Bobby between the lines! BUT bring on DARWIN & Mo at H-T, to feck peps plans! #REdGEMnet <
..........man sh&tty blue manc frauds v LIVERPOOL (shark infested boardroom) ............a warning from "our Mo Joe" < https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rDrxYZ6owQ8 >
shd read :
Allison ;
Joe Ibou VVD
Hendo Fab Robbo
Firm +<< Darwin on after 60mins>
Diogo = 11 !
I added Mo at H-T .... why? a) so that the mancs would not be able to "prepare" defence for Mo (which nearly every team does , with 2.3 players and b) Mo would be FRESH & HUNGRY to prove a point again...
Delete_______Proton(ME)s , neutral rons & MORE rons;
ReplyDelete...you do NOT MAKE love ; sheeple now are "MASS-debating: in sex or on (anti)social media just "getting off" without a true care for Human BEING; to join as ONE!
will always fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
JOIN local & global"FREEDOM e UNION "
.....221013/14/15 ...16
..some alternative to the MSM more rons PR_opaganda? < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0lx6Rqib_w >
Correction;MSM there 2020/21 to sell billions USA handwash/Masks & useless VAX 2022/23 sell lies blaming Puitin for fake inflation & higher prices for everything to make more profits from gullible sheeple!
attempting to make sense of insane society & corrupt govt is not worthy? < craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2022/10/a-legal-farce >
ACTION improves LIVES!
u dont need leaders ; watch :life of brian: & dont be "reg" ..!
Deleteyou lads are fooling yourselves if u think fen way are anything other than SHARKS, you are all to blame for following & promoting the english plastic league which installed TV as boss over core working class supporters ! < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yaE_6qxB1o >
will always fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
JOIN local & global"FREEDOM e UNION "
Liverpool are unbeaten in the last four meetings between the sides in all competitions, with two wins and two draws.
DeleteThe Reds have failed to score in only one of the last 28 league encounters at Anfield – a goalless draw in October 2018.
Roberto Firmino’s first goal for the club came against City in a 4-1 victory at Etihad Stadium in November 2015. The Brazilian has played more times versus City in all competitions (16) than he has against any other team, scoring five.
Mohamed Salah has scored eight goals in his 15 Liverpool appearances against City in all competitions. Only three players – Ian Rush (15), Kenny Dalglish and Gordon Hodgson (11 each) – have netted more often in the fixture for the Reds.
Salah claimed a hat-trick at Rangers on Wednesday night; not since Jack Balmer in November 1946 has a Reds player scored a treble in successive matches.
Jürgen Klopp has won 11 and lost nine of his meetings with Pep Guardiola as a manager, across his time at Borussia Dortmund and Liverpool.
The Reds have not lost successive league games with fans inside the stadium since September 2015 – and never before under Klopp.
Liverpool substitutes have scored eight goals in total so far this season, the same number that they achieved in the whole of the 57-game title-winning campaign of 2019-20.
In the last eight clashes in all competitions, 32 goals have been scored – Liverpool 15, City 17.
Guardiola’s team have won two and drawn two of their four away league games so far this season. They beat Wolverhampton Wanderers 3-0 and West Ham United 2-0 and drew 3-3 with Newcastle United and 1-1 with Aston Villa.
ReplyDelete...221013/14/15/16 ;
scorpions in a bucket ! none of these rich mercenaries deserve empathy!
(untruss sacking KK)
support refugees & migrants (not just white europeans)
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
GOOD speech, but ACTION louder than words , dont just vote YES, dont follow,boycott, block, demo, complain & protest, IMPROVE is better than "change"
Jo Grady
I’m asking all of my followers to RT this one video for me
members have just days to vote in the biggest ballot of our history
share if you back them ✊
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
pre blue manc sh&tty rich v LIVERPOOL;
the fickle still at it?
anfieldwatch.co.uk/always-pep-guardiola-previews-upcoming-clash-against-liverpool pep PR_opagaNda ...
MyPOD-Net (mc5)>
agree focus ON REdS TEAM,, however 3-4-3 with Ibou v Harland ... feck im!
Joe Ibou VVD
Hendo (wing-1/2) Fab Robbo
Firm < Darwin on after 60min >
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
"mary" > " Gemini, will be the most influenced by these transits, especially with the Moon entering in Scorpio, which is a very powerful configuration for you, Chris and also taking into account that it will happen at the same moment as a partial Solar Eclipse that symbolizes new beginnings. It will be a setting for the new path in different types of relationships for you, in regards to your love life, your career, professional dealings, authorities, family, friends, etc.
ReplyDeleteTo cut a long story short, these coming weeks will be very intense for you, Chris, and you will have to take radical decisions that will concern people who have been in your life previously and whom you have been very attached to. More concretely, you will need to release the past,.... https://www.astromary.com/PRSC/lm9Y1j "
LIVERPOOL <& fen way> v blue mancs fraud KLUB & their billions ....
ReplyDelete....MSM previews ; < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA0WnjZdJXs >
TIME for the corrupt UEFA or some :authority" to deduct points from the blue mancs frauds for constant financial cheating #REdGEMnet
oh laddies, if u are moaning now about fecking VARce , (and done forget its STILL a "ref" who decides! ) just wait until their "super league: that U dont seem to mind , (fen way apologits here) anyway USAcorp will a) make 2 breaks at quarter times for extra adverts , b) 10 subs allowed and SCRAP "offside" as it :causes: agression & inhibits ENTERTAINMENT by more RONS :p
you lads are fooling yourselves if u think fen way are anything other than SHARKS, you are all to blame for following & promoting the english plastic league which installed TV as boss over core working class supporters ! < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yaE_6qxB1o >
ReplyDelete50 decades AGO & ameriC&&TS & english ARE STILL sheeple for WAR policies < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmltOTdkIxw >
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
LIV 1-0 mc GOMEZ ..Mo goal!
JOE Gomez?, HE had Harland in his pocket !
fickle fans come on now? ref was CONSISTENT; consistently BAD!
clear foul on Mo, silva fouling everyone, Ajanki should have had 2 x yellow
.. Fab was fouled by Harland, I SAW it in "REALtime" & shouted at the screen before HaHa kicked the ball out of AB's hands..
despite : "anal ysis" < www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LamNkkvNiA >
< credit JOE GOMEZ ... PLEASE!!! fickle TAW fan nies especially atkinson ! > youtube.com/watch?v=SYIMCClShWE
p.s. DarWIN needs to just "cool down"his loose cannon style, JK needs to ahve a word in his ear!
SHOULD have assisted DioGO, Carv or Mo (2 or 3 timeslate on)
...221013/14/15/16 ;
scorpions in a bucket ! none of these rich mercenaries deserve empathy!
(untruss sacking KK)
support refugees & migrants (not just white europeans)
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
GOOD speech, but ACTION louder than words , dont just vote YES, dont follow,boycott, block, demo, complain & protest, IMPROVE is better than "change"
Jo Grady
I’m asking all of my followers to RT this one video for me
members have just days to vote in the biggest ballot of our history
share if you back them ✊
Delete. .. liverpoolfc.com/news/joe-gomez-city-display-position-change-and-fans-impact
liverpoolfc.com/news/stunning-salah-goal-sees-reds-beat-man-city-anfield & https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/oct/16/liverpool-manchester-city-premier-league-match-report
Delete//////////////.............. 221017/18
.........the zombie globalpopulation do NOT want to admitt they are CONSTANLY conned
they will only react when its too late to stop them drowning their own SWANP>?
Pfizer did not know whether Covid vaccine stopped transmission before rollout
consider alternative media IF U DARE? ; https://rumble.com/v1nyxjw-turkstream-sabotage-cui-bono-borrell-eu-garden-in-a-jungle.-musk-pentagon-p.html
JOIN local & global"FREEDOM e UNION "
Laura J. Mixon
liked your reply
support refugees & migrants (not just white europeans)
catch up with more UK cun try gestapo police tactics to be installed to further enslave their sheeple: theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/16/crackdown-strike-action-activism-protests-london-glue-police ...whilst the right leaning WHITE norwegian govt back the USAcorp/NAzTO war machine backed Kiev regime : gullible sheeple everywhere swallow MSM PR_opaganda ; https://www.politico.eu/article/norway-ukraine-donates-howitzers
.............their EVIL KLUB rules YOU! ; declassifieduk.org/cia-sidekick-gives-2-6m-to-uk-media-groups ...
poison of a fascisTORY ruled cun try blue manc fraud klub dominate their english plastic league, MSM spin WARbiz machine of USAcorp & sharks infest Lfc boardroom, UEFA is corrupt; FIFA too, indonesian scandal & "paris22" happen because YOUR "govt" never punished the murder of our 97!
Harvey Elliot Fan Club
Horrible club and horrible fans.
Quote Tweet
James Pearce
Oct 16
Some of the disgusting graffiti left in the away end at Anfield today. #LFC
Show this thread
/////////////similar to THAT goal v manu! fans went quiet just before the goal..though..cant compare with original socialist KOPITES! LIVERPOOL with MoJOE working outgun the blue mancs 1-0
Joe Gomez outstanding Bobby for an hour, Mo through on goal thrice buried the vital goal..
< https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qFLAbrUXwwY >
..221017 / 18
ReplyDelete..if any of u ever though u were living in a SANE local or global society
films based on truth like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Short_(film) "the candidate"('72") "margin call","dont look up" or"wag the dog" should have warned YOU,therefore, I must suppose YOU deserve the SWAMP YOUR apathy & ignorance allows?
50 decades AGO & ameriC&&TS & english ARE STILL sheeple for WAR policies < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmltOTdkIxw >
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
LIV 1-0 mc GOMEZ ..Mo goal!
. liverpoolfc.com/news/joe-gomez-city-display-position-change-and-fans-impact
JOE Gomez?, HE had Harland in his pocket !
fickle fans come on now? ref was CONSISTENT; consistently BAD!
clear foul on Mo, silva fouling everyone, Ajanki should have had 2 x yellow
.. Fab was fouled by Harland, I SAW it in "REALtime" & shouted at the screen before HaHa kicked the ball out of AB's hands..
despite : "anal ysis" < www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LamNkkvNiA >
< credit JOE GOMEZ ... PLEASE!!! fickle TAW fan nies especially atkinson ! > youtube.com/watch?v=SYIMCClShWE
p.s. DarWIN needs to just "cool down"his loose cannon style, JK needs to ahve a word in his ear!
SHOULD have assisted DioGO, Carv or Mo (2 or 3 timeslate on)
the scandal of the echo which post a flag of the USAcorp/NAzTO/c1A WARbiz fascist pawn 's ukrainian regime ... featured the OTHER MSM opinion ;NONE of whom credit JOE GOMEZ (MotM) !! https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/guardiolas-men-walked-another-ambush-25278245
Deleteneither did the 'expert MSM footy pundits at guardian mention JOE! ; https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2022/oct/16/klopp-secures-cold-victory-in-tactical-triumph-topped-off-by-his-theatrics
Deleteand this from the 90's after "USAcorp won the (fasch-capitalist) world!
ReplyDeleteI dont know anyone previously who "went to that school" ..the CAVERN was OUR mecca, Lennon & all the MERSEYbeats!
ReplyDelete"did not start their fire" ..YOU failed to stop fuelling their poison ; USAcorp WARbiz, NAzTO; Bush x 2, Obama drones & TRUMPets! Mad boris & barbie PMs' Syria, Iraq, Afghan & Palestine apartheid, EU wont accept non white refugees! still no justice for 97 how could U be at ease?
also we should also reckognise that PSG, the blue manc frauds, Royal MADRID are not the only ones who have had financial/establishment/MSM advantages , Geordies now? maybe, but alos BE re,inded that man U ignored any finaicial restrictions or rules since decades & Lfc have USAcorp sharks infesting the boardroom < youtube.com/watch?v=U1wJ7azJnNw > ..lets be careful when the likes of Gareth are reacting to "cherry piucking" in the fans media..? #REdGEMnet
pre LIVERPOOL v wham ... proposal not prediction!
Trent Fab Robbo
Hendo Kostas !
Bobby Carvo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfBkA7sm0To JK pre match press!
inside Anfield WON-0 < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUKDA5TczwQ >
need to fully SUPPORT in every game not just the big ones & when the TEAM is struggling to break through, Anfield went quiet just before the goal, too many fickle fan nies spolledbu success do not know how to SUPPORT as TRUE RedS! < youtube.com/watch?v=U1wJ7azJnNw >
JOE Gomez?, HE had Harland in his pocket !
fickle fans come on now?
ref was CONSISTENT; consistently BAD!
clear foul on Mo, silva fouling everyone, Ajanki should have had 2 x yellow
.. Fab was fouled by Harland, I SAW it in "REALtime" & shouted at the screen before HaHa kicked the ball out of AB's hands..
< credit JOE GOMEZ ... PLEASE!!! f
p.s. DarWIN needs to just "cool down"his loose cannon style, JK needs to ahve a word in his ear!
SHOULD have assisted DioGO, Carv or Mo (2 or 3 times late on)
to be continued ..
DeletePfizer hoax, handwiah, mask & VAX cons, fake inflation, property obsession, govt liars,manciteh frauds, UEFA,FIFA & english FA corrupt, english plastic money league dominated by TV, foodbanks & spft "b-liar-ite plastic labour" alternative to fascism,
however, PLEASE open this up to include CORRUPT USAcorp WARbiz co. infestation of LFC, Manu & Chelsea? ameriCANTS killed more civilians than other states
ReplyDelete(fen way billionaire backed too)
"dont pay" should be a RESISTANCE slogan!
ReplyDeleteDEFIANCE your way of LIFE!
WE know all govts failed!
for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
OUR co-op. ACTION improves LIVES, with FREEDOM & UNION!
Deletethe fascho-tories remind me of a FUBAR footy klub ; every time they
lose a few times they think changing their coach will solve their problems
when fundemental problems in KLUb mentality are at fault!
ReplyDeletehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-tUWWcOQ88 ; talk sh7te ...
... see PSG, royal madrid, Manu , Manciteh , & chelsea ..PLUS Lfc! (& geordies ?) all billion backed!
talkshyte AND JK got it wrong ; it goes deeper
ITS TAKEN YOU THIRTY YEARS TO REALISE that you SOLD the SOUL of our game when allowing Tv to rule english plastic (premiere) league ... and corrupt UEFA fed the elite with their "champions league" billion profit programme
Jk also needs to remember that OUR CLUB was fraudulently SOLD OUT to G & H by an illegal sale & then oN to USAcorp hedge funding billionaire backed ... fen way
in recent seasons have CHOSEN to INFEST in the stadium rather than (on occasion) the TEAM
Juergen & his staff IMO, got it wrong this summer, after the QUAD attempt (coming so close, with emotional/physical/psychological HANGOVER should have RESTED some of the players instead of a busy "close season" ...come the new year the REdS will be competing at the top of probably all competitions... I understand when facing the BIASED UK MSM, willkick out ...but should not forget HE is an employee of USAcorp a.k.a fen way!
but back to basics YOU all voted for "super Tv footy" , as you all allowed fasch0capitalism to ruin society since the 80's so get it right sheepls & "expert pundits" (facts ARE manipulated ; always)
fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES! unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
p.s. this post will be deleted so read it quick REdS! #REdGEMnet
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE enSLAVED, local & global!
why do you carry a "national dog licence" which inhibits the progress of HUMANBEing...
the national flags are incitement to hate; "dont pay" shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & burning passports
the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
...you do NOT MAKE love ; sheeple now are "MASS-debating: in sex or on (anti)social media just "getting off" without a true care for Human BEING; to join as ONE!
Deletewill always fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES!
JOIN local & global"FREEDOM e UNION "
which queen? :p all u soft plastic socialists guilty of allowing fascho-capitalism in & out of footy! "paris22" may not have happened had murder of our 97 been punished by the GOVTS YOU ALL VOTED FOR!
"democrats" like "DRONE_KILL Obama" need to change their party name to "soft W A S P WARbiz apologists" (SWAP) ?
always fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES! unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-tUWWcOQ88 ; talk sh7te ...
... see PSG, royal madrid, Manu , Manciteh , & chelsea ..PLUS Lfc! (& geordies ?) all billion backed!
talkshyte AND JK got it wrong ; it goes deeper
ITS TAKEN YOU THIRTY YEARS TO REALISE that you SOLD the SOUL of our game when allowing Tv to rule english plastic (premiere) league ... and corrupt UEFA fed the elite with their "champions league" billion profit programme
Jk also needs to remember that OUR CLUB was fraudulently SOLD OUT to G & H by an illegal sale & then oN to USAcorp hedge funding billionaire backed ... fen way
in recent seasons have CHOSEN to INFEST in the stadium rather than (on occasion) the TEAM
Juergen & his staff IMO, got it wrong this summer, after the QUAD attempt (coming so close, with emotional/physical/psychological HANGOVER should have RESTED some of the players instead of a busy "close season" ...come the new year the REdS will be competing at the top of probably all competitions... I understand when facing the BIASED UK MSM, willkick out ...but should not forget HE is an employee of USAcorp a.k.a fen way!
but back to basics YOU all voted for "super Tv footy" , as you all allowed fasch0capitalism to ruin society since the 80's so get it right sheepls & "expert pundits" (facts ARE manipulated ; always)
fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES! unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
p.s. this post will be deleted so read it quick REdS! #REdGEMnet
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m7Do_LXckQ >
talkshyte, Villa (most "footy klubs" of the english plastic money league ) are as FUBAR as the failed Uk govt sham that YOU voted for, suggest that caller also "brexited" Stevie is a great lad, & better than this ; I would have him as first team coach of LIVERPOOL mentored by Rafa as footy director ; fen way sharks OUT! #REdGEMnet
Good DarWIN goal, sharper & calmer, Jk took forwards off too early, gave impetus to wham who had cpme for a steal, but whilst Alli saved their pen, the ref should be transferred to ladies footy if he gives an award for every such contact? https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/oct/19/liverpool-west-ham-premier-league-match-report
ReplyDeletepre n Forr v LIVERPOOL (always reminds me of the 97! )
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ExUyrQq7l8 > < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRoEzvwkQxo >
whinging fan nies & seem to be as many dumb pundits as there are dumb madmen in your giovt! ..
wham were not much of a threat, thye pen was a ref error, against the play, JK made an error taking off DarWIN too early and "protecting" the 1-0 gave impetus to the hammers late on.. made it look closer than it was..
the question is , for me, whether having had 2 & half games without conceding to bribng in Konate & switch Joe to RB... to rest Trent.. i would resist this ; & REST VVD!
proposal not predication
Joe Ibou
Hendo Robbo
Trent Thiago
Harv Bobby
probably Fab for Hendo & Carvo for Harv after H-T ...
this ficturewill always remind me of our 97, whose murder has never been ounished!
@Zigger zagger
a) none punished for murder of OUR 97 b) heysell was wrong but brussels police & stadium officials immediately charged c) "paris22" will happen because police see all supporters as CRIMINAL d) many of our support are of CELTS ancestry & culture e) tory anti-bias proven #ChRiSlive
chance! i should have been in leppings lane, but was away! failure to punish murder of our 97 causes similar ("paris22" & indonesian scandal recently?) @ Heysell police & stadium chiefs were also IMMEDIATELY charged with neglect! Juve ultras were throwing bottles in "mxed area"!
ChriS Dix
sheeple local & global insanity (idiocracy) is 24/7 ; SLtv live broadcast now of Xpm "BLOWJO"'s jet landing ! note to SCOTS ; if they put him or another lilliputan back in 10 Downing is a ticket to declare UK govt 200% invalid? they passed 100% during thatchers regime #ChRiSlive
ChriS Dix
Replying to
well I would rather you do things GOOD for its own sake as otherwise doing them for reward IS "bad"?
liked 2 of your Tweets
I’ve studied politics and the media in the UK since 1982 and the media blackout of the ##LabourFiles is truly astonishing. It smashes to bits every notion of Britain being a democracy, a “fair” country. It’s corruption on a grand scale.
Show all
Natalie 🌊
liked your reply
WE should NOT be TALKING "WE" should be blocking, boycotting, demo, complain & protest until all their "scorpions in a bucket" are overthrown!
Natalie 🌊
liked your reply
WE should NOT be TALKING "WE" should be blocking, boycotting, demo, complain & protest until all their "scorpions in a bucket" are overthrown!
Laura J. Mixon
Deleteliked your reply
support refugees & migrants (not just white europeans)
join y_OUR co-op. with FREEDOM & UNION!
by Invisible🗺️
See new Tweets
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Wilf of the People
Oct 19
I’ve studied politics and the media in the UK since 1982 and the media blackout of the ##LabourFiles is truly astonishing. It smashes to bits every notion of Britain being a democracy, a “fair” country. It’s corruption on a grand scale.
Quote Tweet
MJ 🕶️
Oct 18
Replying to @Bivver5 @K4rmaRules and 2 others
The Labour Files are virtually unheard of outside of social media though. Total media blackout. I doubt anybody who doesn't regularly engage with political social media has even heard that they exist. A few billboards could be helpful for awareness
ChriS Dix
Replying to
politicians solve ZERO! U ARE SLAVES!
why carry a "national dog licence" which inhibits progress of BEing human!
national flags are incitement to hate; a slogan of RESISTANCE; burning passports; ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
pre match build up///... at Lfc/fsg TV ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1-k2TbD1ks&t=20s ; pre n Forr v LIVERPOOL (always reminds me of the 97! )
Delete< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ExUyrQq7l8 > < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRoEzvwkQxo >
whinging fan nies & seem to be as many dumb pundits as there are dumb madmen in your giovt! ..
wham were not much of a threat, thye pen was a ref error, against the play, JK made an error taking off DarWIN too early and "protecting" the 1-0 gave impetus to the hammers late on.. made it look closer than it was..
the question is , for me, whether having had 2 & half games without conceding to bribng in Konate & switch Joe to RB... to rest Trent.. i would resist this ; & REST VVD!
proposal not predication
Joe Ibou
Hendo Robbo
Trent Thiago
Harv Bobby
probably Fab for Hendo & Carvo for Harv after H-T ...
this fixture will always remind me of our 97, whose murder has never been punished!
@Zigger zagger
a) none punished for murder of OUR 97 b) heysell was wrong but brussels police & stadium officials immediately charged c) "paris22" will happen because police see all supporters as CRIMINAL d) many of our support are of CELTS ancestry & culture e) tory anti-bias proven #ChRiSlive
chance! i should have been in leppings lane, but was away! failure to punish murder of our 97 causes similar ("paris22" & indonesian scandal recently?) @ Heysell police & stadium chiefs were also IMMEDIATELY charged with neglect! Juve ultras were throwing bottles in "mxed area"!
ChriS Dix
sheeple local & global insanity (idiocracy) is 24/7 ; SLtv live broadcast now of Xpm "BLOWJO"'s jet landing ! note to SCOTS ; if they put him or another lilliputan back in 10 Downing is a ticket to declare UK govt 200% invalid? they passed 100% during thatchers regime #ChRiSlive
ChriS Dix
@ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo IRONIC how sheeple applaud "IMAGINE" but apply OPPOSITE in their own existence! & MOB any who OBJECT to global insanity?
burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
need INTELLIGENCE, obviously rare indeed in Uk, especially when U back USAcorp WARbiz funded Ukrainian fascho-regime?
unband-not-ontherun-sub4montv2.blogspot.com/2022/10/protons-neutrons-more-rons-invitation.htmlnational natiionality incited hatred; burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
Deleteneed INTELLIGENCE, obviously rare indeed in Uk, especially when U back
USAcorp WARbiz funded Ukrainian fascho-regime?
natiionality incited hatred; burning passports shd be a slogan of
ok, Change not my target; IMPROVEMENT should be!
IRONIC how many sheeple applaud "IMAGINE" but apply OPPOSITE in their own existence!
burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
REdawn LiveBirds
IRONIC how sheeple applaud "IMAGINE" but apply OPPOSITE in their own existence! & MOB any who OBJECT to global insanity?
burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
Replying to
The “growth” is personal, being better, doing better, maybe even feeling positive & better about the contributions that you make to change. It can give you the push & desire to help & inspire change. The alternative is short lived & really only benefits the individual-IMO
I think you’ve misunderstood the quote. Reward isn’t always some sort of public recognition, it can simply be a good feeling about doing the right thing without wanting anything in return. If you do things for praise/attention it’s “reward” is self serving…not always genuine
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE enSLAVED, local & global!
why do you carry a "humandog licence" which inhibits the progress of HUMAN BEing...
their national flags are incitement to hate; "dont pay" burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
@ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo IRONIC how sheeple applaud "IMAGINE" but apply OPPOSITE in their own existence! & MOB any who OBJECT to global insanity?
burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
need INTELLIGENCE, obviously rare indeed in Uk, especially when U back USAcorp WARbiz funded Ukrainian fascho-regime?
unband-not-ontherun-sub4montv2.blogspot.com/2022/10/protons-neutrons-more-rons-invitation.htmlnational natiionality incited hatred; burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
........amazing that the C-P "choir preachers" are still promoting BOOKS & posting articles HOWEVER clever & informative
when "reality" overtakes fiction in its INSANITY < film 2012( ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_(film)) repeated on TV> & "Dr Strangelove" mentioned again & again!
... and I include the video " "must READ" book of Josh < www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiiWDQOXOEY " radioactive threat is not only immediate: it’s long-lasting and of atomic proportions.” > when ACTION is NEEDED NOW by every single person that cares! get OUT of your room, BLOCK boycott, complaint, protest, DEMO & STRIKE NOW!....
USAcorp's Kosovo War, Afghanistan War, * Iraq War. None of these wars were legal, moral, NOR justifiable, although each enjoyed a geopolitical rationale desirable to (USAcorp WARbiz-political aims) < > look back at NATO’s clearly unlawful war of 1999 that fragmented Serbia by granting Kosovo political independence & territorial sovereignty before uncritically condemning Russian annexation of four parts of eastern Ukraine! < counterpunch.org/2022/10/21/ukraine-war-evolves-slouching-toward-armageddon > whilst ( 2022/10/13/real-climate-action-isnt-at-cop-27-but-it-is-in-a-thousand-rebellious-communities/ ) is another "hope over experience" seekign attention because so few are truly into REBELLION..yet!
whilst Dimaggio promotes another book via ( 2022/10/21/democracy-under-siege-new-polling-reveals-anxieties-over-the-future-of-the-republic ) does NOT understand that a) democracyonly dont work with ignorant voters & b) the USAcorp nation was built on "the few" manipulating violent disorder, genocide! & racism; ( 2022/10/16/what-my-grandmother-talked-about-when-she-talked-about-whiteness ) ..whilst Eve highlights "the great ameriCANT democracy" wants to sweep its intenal disasters under the carpet ( 2022/10/21/homeless-in-america-2 ) & jet another reninder how modern jounalists are cowardly slaves to the govt/corporate sponsors in comparison to Assange (& Pilger /2022/10/13/facing-the-warmongers-an-assange-update ) BUT WRITING wont stop the slide into their SWAMP!
_F X (footy extra) :
ref richard keys, its difficult to imaging a disgrace like SLYTV ridding itself due to :discraceful conduct: ( .irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40989362.html )I have no empathy with those promoted the UEFA "champions league" english plastic money league Nor the personal bias of Andy & Dick.. but Keys made an excellent post match video of LIVERPOOL miracle in Istanbul ...( .."there are place i remember".. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB4XAhl6PY )
whilst sports jounro Tanner (irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40989593.html ) fails to include that if ref Tierney wors glasses he might have seen 3 violent assults in first half by Kouyate (21) deserved at least one red card
followed you
REdawn LiveBirds
Oct 23
IRONIC how sheeple applaud "IMAGINE" but apply OPPOSITE in their own existence! & MOB any who OBJECT to global insanity?
burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
peanuts compared with billions YOUR GOVT pumps into USAcorp/NAzTO WAR biz funding of a pawn faschist regime? or funding billionaire royal clan!
burning passports: slogan of RESISTANCE ; the TRUE ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
which queen? :p all u soft plastic socialists guilty of allowing fascho-capitalism in & out of footy! "paris22" may not have happened had murder of our 97 been punished by the GOVTS YOU ALL VOTED FOR!
"democrats" like "DRONE_KILL Obama" need to change their party name to "soft W A S P WARbiz apologists" (SWAP) ?
always fight for truth EQUALITY of chance & fairness!
co-operative ACTION improves LIVES! unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html
.....................U are SLAVES, local & global!
why carry a "humandog licence" inhibiting progress of HUMAN BEing;"imagine"
nationflags incite hatred; burning passports &"dont pay" shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
ReplyDeletealways worth getting alternative media opinion..< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrwchtwHcms >
an OPPORTUNITY for all u perverted WARbiz addicted capitalists; sell war-souvenir kiosks... in the burnt out shells of tanks, planes & such; sell souvenirs, cafe, fascist grown products etc & really EXPLOIT your backing USAcorp"s pawn regime; #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
this comes to mind daily ! U are SLAVES, local & global! u vote for your own destruction...! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvuM3DjvYf0
nationflags incite hatred; burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
IF YOUR king charlie had balls would REFUSE to co-sign fascisTORY regime FARCE! thatcher shamed feminists, obama shamed africans SUNAK is SHAME of asian community! FUBAR UK, another USAcolony ; REbEL burn your humandog licences!
sheeple like you? this video represnts the spoiled brats , < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urHukWRlNtc > clueless kids who only ever lived in capitalist quagmire! who watch OR play the english plastic money league, Stevie betrayed by players who then go out & give their all in the next game; wont have sympathy if villa go down with forest who kicked everything on saturday... bent ref tierney should have sent Kounyate(shirt 21) for at least 2 of the viscious fouls in first half, but Lfc Team missed too many chances to deserve anything from this game... Nottm Forest v LIVERPOOL was the game before footy got sold out! #REdGEMnet
22.23 ...22/23
ReplyDeleteajax 0 - LIVERPOOL 3
< Mo, DarWIN,Harv >
i really do not care about the corrupt english plastic money league that gets bought by the manciteh fraud klub, UEFA is a corrupt but LIVERPOOL have a pedigree that often overcomes the bias...& I can ignore the LFC/fsg cloned fan nies because most of them cant even speak english never mind understand the attraction of international cultures!
soaked up ajax pressure with a bit of luck & Mo killed off the home team just before half time, DarWIN from a header 0-2 .. < ..,. Nunez is a sort of mix of several strikers; Kevin, Tosh, LuiS, & Baros? > but 4th goal in 4th start! ... pleased for Harc to seal it at 0-3 ..Hendo crocked of coourse to continue the injury curse... all subs did their part all round pro performance but MY MotM was Joe again... but the fan nies & pundits wont agree of course!
match report : theguardian.com/football/2022/oct/26/ajax-liverpool-champions-league-match-report
& theguardian.com/football/live/2022/oct/26/ajax-liverpool-champions-league-live-updates#maincontent
press conference pre ajax vs Liverpol < youtube.com/watch?v=U8aBybnm-eg >
match preview ; youtube.com/watch?v=EWL_pmOmmgc&t=45s #REdGEMnet
ReplyDelete...........26 /27
always worth getting alternative media opinion..< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrwchtwHcms >
an OPPORTUNITY for all u perverted WARbiz addicted capitalists; sell war-souvenir kiosks... in the burnt out shells of tanks, planes & such; sell souvenirs, cafe, fascist grown products etc & really EXPLOIT your backing USAcorp"s pawn regime; #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
this comes to mind daily ! U are SLAVES, local & global! u vote for your own destruction...! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvuM3DjvYf0
nationflags incite hatred; burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,missed my point;
Replying to
You can indeed sit in a rocking chair and remain still… or you can change your position and actions and create momentum and movement until that chair starts to rock! The amount and speed of that rocking is in your control and changed by you…
All about goal and perspective
Replying to
What are you trying to improve? Without knowing that you have no idea what to change personally to be more productive & have a positive impact… you make of it what you will &take from it what best helps your individual goals… there is no misunderstanding for me… I posted it 😎
IF YOUR king charlie had balls would REFUSE to co-sign fascisTORY regime FARCE! thatcher shamed feminists, obama shamed africans SUNAK is SHAME of asian community! FUBAR UK, another USAcolony ; REbEL burn your humandog licences!
sheeple like you? this video represnts the spoiled brats , < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urHukWRlNtc > clueless kids who only ever lived in capitalist quagmire! who watch OR play the english plastic money league, Stevie betrayed by players who then go out & give their all in the next game; wont have sympathy if villa go down with forest who kicked everything on saturday... bent ref tierney should have sent Kounyate(shirt 21) for at least 2 of the viscious fouls in first half, but Lfc Team missed too many chances to deserve anything from this game... Nottm Forest v LIVERPOOL was the game before footy got sold out! #REdGEMnet
USAcorp nor Uk ever had "democratic legal system" was always corrupted by vested interests, rich, political, WARbiz, & MSM!
Deletedo U OBJECT to global insanity?
burning passports slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
ReplyDeletepre LIVERPOOL v leeds;
good suggestion lass < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e23_x9oOSAI > to actually use players stronger foot on their "natural side" as REdS are through I would still expect some changes due to the nemberof games before the ridiculous world cup interuption..
Joe Ibou (surely need to rest VVD?)
Milly Fab Kostas
Hendo Curtis
Mo Darwin
'tis the time's plague when madmen" means that trouble lies ahead when the blind - who rely on, & trust in, others to lead them - are steered into disaster by those who themselves are misguided (wiki-d) "?
more alternative to MSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9zHrF0Vr9M
.........the former Yugo area IS A debacle INCLUDING MANIPULATING mne INTO A NATO base & passing over the region to corrupt politicians & corporate exploiters of a sheeple population!
ReplyDeleteAlex with more Alternative MEDIA ; Putin Rejects Globalism, Fair World System, Warns of Great Dangers Ahead < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=accaQtzi_7Y >
govts inhibit progress of HUMANITY;"imagine"
nationflags incite hatred; burning passports &"dont pay" are slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
........................Lfc 1 leeds 2 ..
this fixture means more to the generation of original KOPITES who recall the epic battles
of the 60/70s war of the roses when one or other team was winning the trophies..
the leeds fans sensed a steal & were in a lod party mood having been probably on the bevvies all day,,, JK got his selection wrong, and made the wrong subs,, but it was the LFC/fsg cloned SPECTATRS, middle/business class mocked by leeds fans with "your "support" is sh&te" after 10 minutes
fools will bame Joe, but he was good, Allie slipped for their opening goal, which of course gave hope to the visitors whilst the local attendance went quiet : WE WERE LOUDEST if the OTHER TEAM SCORED on the oriiginal KOP! ... these prawn sandwich munchers AGAIN failed the TEAM when
.........on 80 minutes still quiet the leeds fans " SHALL WE SING A SONG FOR YOU" ... JK's "mantra" insulted by Lfc fans leaving before the final whistle... the english plastic money league & the USAcorp sharks in the boardroom have BAD KARMA!
...............but still first home defeat (ever) for VVD & Anfield humiliated for the first time since the void season 18 months ago!
lets win the cups & bring hom 7th champions trohy from oUR ISTANBUL
REdGEMnet via ChRiSlive
'tis the time's plague when madmen" means that trouble lies ahead when the blind - who rely on, & trust in, others to lead them - are steered into disaster by those who themselves are misguided (wiki-d) "?
more alternative to MSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9zHrF0Vr9M
.........the former Yugo area IS A debacle INCLUDING MANIPULATING mne INTO A NATO base & passing over the region to corrupt politicians & corporate exploiters of a sheeple population!
why havent you overthrown your corrupt / inept govt???
ReplyDeletethe "clock went back" this weekiend// "RON-ic" how local & global society advances technology whilst the mentality becomes more - ronic NEANDATHAL?? ...
C-P writes more & more articles but its just "choir preaching" which seems to be COUNTER productve YES we KNOW that "International Trade Union Confederation have invariably shown no country fully protects workers’ rights & repression of laboUr organizing is increasing" WELL NO "democratic govt" applies the UDHR/ECHR since WW2!
< 2022/10/22/its-a-clean-sweep-not-one-country-guarantees-workers-rights > ...USAcorp violates the world's international law time after time & sanctions which hurt poor people, not Putin! < 2022/10/10/how-the-wests-sanctions-on-russia-boomeranged > ........
" Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In coloUrs on the snowy, linen land
Now, I understand what you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now
Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand
Now, I understand, what you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now
For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you
Starry, starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget
Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
The silver thorn of bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow
Now, I think I know what you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will"
..... more preaching ; " path of humankind in this scenario is a risky one from which there may be no turning back.”... :major portions of the planet will basically be unlivable " ; “There will still be a trillion tons (ed. 1,000,000,000,000) of excess CO2 lingering in the atmosphere for a millennium or longer.” Removing a trillion tons of CO2 is the same as removing seven tons of CO2 per year for every person on the planet!!"
< .counterpunch.org/2022/10/28/can-the-climate-be-restored > ... “We live in a rich society with poor children and that should be intolerable.” BUT C-P just keeps posting articles & selling books and DO NOTHING... whilst IDIOTS like cockburn make yet another minnow PM more news worthy than his 15 mnutes of fame deserves < 2022/10/28/rishi-sunak-and-britains-post-brexit-fairy-tales/ >
ARISE; but can we trust "new <plastic< LaboUr"
& mailchi.mp/3bae0fb6913f/diary-datetories-appoint-new-pm-what-next-2751990
F & U ngo campaigns for local & global co-op community net; a BETTER way!
ReplyDeleteAlex with more Alternative MEDIA ; Putin Rejects Globalism, Fair World System, Warns of Great Dangers Ahead < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=accaQtzi_7Y >
govts inhibit progress of HUMANITY;"imagine"
nationflags incite hatred; burning passports &"dont pay" are slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
ReplyDelete...NOV 1
Delete@BarneyLUFC21 your team put a shift in! stole it, your fans CERTAINLY deserved it, their "KOP" inow middle-business class shadow of our great socialist generation supporters SPIRIT, they dont deserve success! we were louder when goal down!
video preditable! < www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5M9hj_w7n4 > blame Joe but not Allie , who slipped, or VVD who didnt defend their winner? Fab was playing well , and should have stayed on to help hendo secure midfield , JK's mistake YOU shoukld all go to talksh7te ...video preditable! blame Joe but not Allie , who slipped, or VVD who didnt defend their winner? Fab was playing well , and should have stayed on to help hendo secure midfield , JK's mistake YOU shoukld all go to talksh7te ..."experts" & "pundits" still wont get it that coming SO close to an incredible QUAD last season, & JK / Lfc fsg not giiving the squad a proper rest in summer has taken its toll, its sure that Gini & MANe havent yet been fully replaced, and there is noi luck with injuries when the ball dont run for U, fan nies are impatient and many fanzines (& talksh7te of course) just wants more klick-bait! Jk & the squad need as much rest during this world cup interuption faarce & will probably win everything after xmas! p.s. feck the fen way sharks because they are sharks , that enough of a reason!
YOU ARE enSLAVED, local & global! to MSM!
campaign-protons.blogspot.com your govt incite hatREd inhibiting human BEing;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL