" Russian is the new BLACK" (a.k.a. April fools ... continued)

 " Russian is the new BLACK"  (a.k.a.  April fools ... continued)

for many (intelligent) observers/activists of MY generation.. we recall how we knew nothing about "the other side of the wall"(Iron C urtain) other than what our (then trusted) media & western teachers told....but of course the "Cuban missile crisis" woke us all up to the threat of a(Nuclear) WW3 ....  then I watched a comedy "the russians are coming"  and another set in LIVERPOOLhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_to_Brezhnev

about a russian sailor falling in love with a local scouse lass... and I started to question...

and NOW///..?

USAcorp PR_opaganda & dangerous buffoons' like UK PM "BlowJOB" ... aided by a bias/sponsored mainSCREAMed1a which fuel & stoke  hatred against "the Russians" and far too many of the global sheeple ..swallow the hatred & ...everything "russian" is despised

yes , if you are russian in the west, you are likely to be treated as if you have BLACK skin  , or worse! it doesn't matter to  MORE RONS if your opinion is pro or anti-Putin... the global MOB, will MOB you... a russian "colleague"

who has lived elsewhere much of his adult life , already felt bad, BEFORE he was "ALIEN - Hated...!!

As I have also lived ~elsewhere" much of MY life, I know how that feels.... especially here , in the "wild east" (*Europe)

..there is more prevalent reluctance against "those not from here" (until now though, if you are RICH, and pay them they may hide their prejudices...) 

Its particularly ironic, as far right policies are obvious i almost all eastern european regions, especially notiicablein the THREE times I spent in KIEV... their president (who got into power via a C1A backed coup) is supposed to be "jewish" but sanctioned NAZI battalions in his armed forced  (alledged that their soldiers even wear or fly SS/gestapo insignia?)

but although I am not a fan.. PUTIN is the Devil??

- ignored that USAcorp presidents/pentagon generals woudl never allow a "hostile force" to line up on Canadianor Mexican borders!

- that USAcorp/NATO have & are still murdering civilians (AH but, they are not white!! )

- uSAcorp/UK military/police kill civilians without consequence, even in their own CUNTtree!!!

- UScorp/NATO have unloaded arounf HALF A BILLION bombs & explosives since the Soviet Collapse

- since Soviet collapse. USAcorp have distributed enthusiastic promotion of FEAR;  ISLAM, Al Q, C19, & now Russians  (again)

I have survived all sorts of biased reaction, violations, fraud, cheating, sabotage & even violence in the 27 years since I "dropped out"

(ironic that when I wore an expensive business suit, drove an expensive car, and paid the bar/restaurant bills. the prejudice was less obvious!)


for the 3rd week (without notice or warning, or any consideration for local residents) the MAMULA monkee hordes dig up more nature, my "running beach"  (where i go to exercise/relax) is completely blocked... and during the worst storm (since i have been here) and almost hurricane winds dust went every where , as did my terrace furniture..) 


comments & more . almost last words;

this is arguably better than the mainSCREAMed1A or the alternative (such as the writers  of dont strike "counter-punch)

too much chat and addicted to that hot air , instead of the sheeple getting their noses out of the trough.. and stop the BULLsh7te;

FOR me ; the decade when "the american dream"  became the global nightmare"

when I was very young, we only had the occasional matinee visit to "the pictures" (local cinema)  which often included
the "heroes" being cowboys versus "indians"....and often WW2 films from hollywood ALSO depicting the yankees
as the only reason the nazis were defeated in 1945..

I loved getting the "@Marvel comics"  which were imported and had to be ordered from local newsagents 
(many of those comics would NOW be "collector items" had i kept them; of  Xmen, Daredevil, & such )
 and as a teenager I loved much of the music from across the Atlantic.. including (early ) Elvis, Dylan,
Yardbirds, and especially "Motown chartbusters" soul albums .. which meant i could enjoy maybe 14/15 tracks on 
one album... of course WE had the Beatles, and other stuff from YES,... the Animals, Kinks, Stones & Brazilian Santana...

in my room, in our socialist home, i started to think about the lyrics ... & JFK being assassinated , even though I was very young...hurt..
later Martin L. King, ..Bobby Kennedy & Malcolm X  were all murdered in the 1960's ...followed by watching 
the film "soldier blue" (  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soldier_Blue   ) and anti-Vietnam WAR  demos... woke me up... 

I am reminded of the dismay OF MY YOUTH and realization that "someone" had covered up the JFK assasination and
if those " hidden power brokers" could arrange to kill the president of the largest "democracy" then ANYthing was  possible..
and I should question all I was told... I started working in London from the age of 16 and grew up quicker than most
other experiences since have got me through many good & bad dramas ...so when "MEd1A" tells me something....i question it...
and I recommend you do that ..even if they come from "your culture / politics" ...

april 19th ;  from C-P  arthur writers'

from Robert Hunziker? highlighting the more important WAR that nature seems to have LOST against human racers / erazers;

" A long time ago in the Milky Way galaxy on a planet named Earth the trees died. It only happened once in the planet’s history. It was during the Permian-Triassic 252 million years ago."
(? how do you know this?)  ..I wasn't around so I will accept bobby's claim as he seems to be honest...(unlike the leaders
of governments & business local or global) "    (Source: The Permian Extinction – When Life Nearly Came to an End, National Geographic, June 6, 2019)
A dreaded repeat performance of tree deaths of 252 million years ago  starting to re-appear. "

UNsub> problem is Bobby ... the quite rapid demise of the planet cant be shown as exciting news to more RONS as c19 deathrate or white peoples war??

Bobby H> " Amazon to the Arctic, wildfires are getting bigger, hotter, and more frequent as the climate changes… In many places, forests are no longer regenerating   ...n Spain, in South Korea, throughout Australia. In central Siberia, Russia lost two million acres of firs. In Texas in 2011, drought killed more than 300 million trees" 
.... "

JULIA/WILLIAM>( "Pentagon Contractors Are Cashing in on the Ukraine Crisis" > "  January 2022 call with his company’s investors, Raytheon Technologies CEO Greg Hayes typically bragged that the prospect of conflict in Eastern Europe and other global hot spots would be good for business  ......   "
-------    Everything that’s being shipped into Ukraine today, of course, is coming out of stockpiles, either at DoD [their Dept of Defence] or from our NATO allies, and that’s all great news..... " ...  Even before the war, the Pentagon was slated to receive at least $7.3 trillion over the next decade,...   the top five weapons-producing contractors — Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman — make most of their money. Those firms already split more than $150 billion in Pentagon contracts annually,   column is distributed by TomDispatch.
Julia Gledhill is an analyst at the Center for Defense Information at the Project On (USACorp) Government Oversight. William D. Hartung, a TomDispatch regular,"

UNsub> as their writers record this , plugging their book instead of going into the streets & blocking the criminal war-biz producers!

Cockburn> (    2022/04/19/the-forces-pushing-asylum-seekers-to-cross-the-english-channel-are-poorly-understood  ) 
 /// "impulse driving tens of thousands of desperate people to cross the Channel in inflatable dinghies is the outcome of a dozen hot wars and military stalemates in the Middle East and North Africa. These conflicts, largely forgotten by the rest of the world, tear apart societies and wreck economies, leaving whole populations facing unending violence and poverty"

UNsub> the bully policies of USAcorp are killing civilians with "sanction bombs"  

//////////////// more extra ..last (easter is currently local ) so I am wholly if not holy focussed on the GOOD v the rest(west?)

ChRiS> as stated soo many times, I blame the apathy & ignorance of the opposition almost as MUCH, & sometimes MORE
than their dictator SHARKS , jackals & robotic sheeple in their "game of THORNS" because they love to talk & do FECK ALL!!  
we have basically TWO WORLDS 
1 is a system organising BAD ideas far too effectively
& the 2nd is @"others" who have some nice , even GOOD. ideas but are FECKING useless at organising etc..

such as;

Daniel Falcone> (C-P "  April 20, 2022
The Politics of the Russo-Ukrainian War Part, Revisited: Q&A with Lawrence Davidson and Stephen Zunes " )..

ChRiS>so much crap reminds me of football referees , fan nies, pundits & "experts  " discussing the game having NEVER KICKED A BALL at any level!

SZ>"  Eastern European countries asked to be part of NATO. It wasn’t simply the United States pushing for it. Yes, it was quite profitable for U.S. arms manufacturers  "

UNsub> of course if NATO had been cancelled as it should have been after WW2 then those CUNTrees wouldnt have seen the attraction to join //
-to let NATO oppose the "perceived threats"
- to let NATO spend on "protection"  (a.k.a aggression)
naive MORE rons... compares with asking a murderer to protect you from a robber?

SZ> "  I don’t think it was about imperial design. president Yeltsin was considered quite friendly, and the (USAcorp). supported him.   "Western imperialism has done horrific things around the world, but it is not primarily what has oppressed you."

UNsub> sure, not only "supported" but interfered via USAcorp/NATO/C1A black opps to get him elected..the same as
war-biz/pharma/oil lobbies get the USAcorp pres elected (then blackmail )... USAcorp oppress you ENOUGH  if you are a) socialist
or b) poor, or with a coffee, brown or black face, home or abroad, u a-hole!

LD> "  Putin made an effort, a considerable effort up until about 2007 or something like that, to be non-provocative and to try to talk to Western leaders, even talk to the Western press—he invited them to Moscow  "

UNsub> knowing the Slavic mentality ..to have NOT acted dramatically from 2007 - 2014/2022 is a LONG time when
under pressure from internal forces , and external provocation (his generals too)  is the greater surprise...

Daniel Falcone: Didn’t he once ask NATO if Russia could in fact come into NATO and the EU?

UNsub> that contradicts almost all of your article , u fool! 

LD> he said, “Okay.  You want to expand NATO?  Fine.  Russia will join NATO.”  
And, he was put off.  They told him, “No, no.  You’re too big to join NATO,” something like that.  
And I wouldn’t put it past the Russians to want to join the EU.  I mean, why not?  They’re selling a lot of stuff to them."

UNsub> these " experts  " talk like schoolboys (sorry kids!)  typical yankers do not realise that Russia IS European
- in the Council of Europe & UEFA! :p ( as SZ promotes his fecking book!!) 

LD?> "  lots of Russians ended up in Ukraine, and they ended up in Crimea particularly. "

UNsub> does any of these idiots realise that at one time in history KIEV was russia's capital?

SZ> " I don’t get somebody on the left supporting Putin.  My God, there’s nothing leftist about him.   "

UNsub> maybe some want TRUTH, & dont support your self-promoting ignorance either? doesnt make ME a Putin fan!
whilst USAcorp atrocities of several hundred years (from native Genocide to Syria/Iraq/Vietnam etc) is rarely discussed!

D(ea)F?> "  Yeah. I think Putin has killed more civilians than he has Ukrainian troops. "

UNsub> USAcorp never bothered with that problem, murdering more civilians than all other nations combined..

 LD> " Ukrainian civilians are victims. "

UNsub> ? who voted in the USAcorp/NATO/C1A coup/sponsored govt in 2014?  karma is not their buddy!
(  Daniel Falcone is at the United Nations International School and resides in Queens.  );enough said??  UN is another failure of USAcorp dictatorship!

&then have to plough through NAIVE articles like ( April 20, 2022 @ C-P)  How to End the War in Ukraine: a Solution Beyond Sanctions
by Alfred W. McCoy ".... well,if you expect Putin to pay a quasi fascist CUNTree like UK rain compensation... how about
USAcorp paying for ;
Genocide of the natives of the (americam) continent
(returning their lands to them too?)
Vietnam, Korea,
Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the other asian/S. American nations interfered with (supporting fascist & other criminals, like Yeltzin?)


ALF> "  U.N.’s highest tribunal, the International Court of Justice, ordered Russia to immediately suspend all military operations in Ukraine, a judgment Putin has simply ignored. Theoretically, that high court could now require Moscow to pay reparations, but Russia, as a permanent member of the Security Council, could simply veto that decision.
With surprising speed, on day five of the invasion, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) at Strasbourg ruled in the case of Ukraine v. Russia (X), ordering the Kremlin “to refrain from military attacks against civilians and civilian objects, including residential premises, emergency vehicles and… schools and hospitals” —   "

UNsub>  you mean a) the UN court which USAcorp IGNORES?>?????   and the ECHR Strasbourg, which took 12 years to process my 54 plaints V "germoney" which was then dismissed "out of time"
?????  why would Putin respect or fear these "plasticFAKE courts" who only "cherry pick" lobbied issues by their corrupt  members???
FECK offf! 

ALF> " Since Europe is now paying Gazprom about $850 million daily, such a court-ordered deduction, would allow Putin to pay off his initial $600 billion war-damage debt over the next eight years."
UNsub> but the USD would be (honestly already IS) seen as worth zero, because USAcorp would be bankrupt after compensating all those whose rights IT violated??


AS ITS "EASTER" ...somewhere on this mad earth .. He's Not The Messiah - Life of Brian ; 
as MORE seem like sheeple ; ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBbuUWw30N8  a game? ; 

https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com for other "pokes"

Footy interval;  

the hypocrisy in sport too.. the english plastic money league (USAcorp) sharks at Man U & Lfc escape  corrupt UEFA retribution
irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40856144.html_  Super League trio dealt blow in legal battle with UEFA
"  other nine clubs involved in the Super League reached an agreement with UEFA in May last year over their reintegration which included ‘goodwill’ payments of 15 million euros each and the withholding of five per cent of revenue from their next season in a UEFA club competition, plus a commitment to pay huge fines if they joined an unapproved tournament in the future."
However, the Madrid court injunction also prevented UEFA from following through on the penalties against those nine clubs, who have all now rejoined the European Club Association.  "

...FOOTY interval ; (continued..)

Pre LIVERPOOL v lesser mancs 


                     proposals;   (probably keep the momentum to a degree , and freshen a bit, as OX seems to be over lookedby Juergen) ... this may not be a ~"battle" but would be unwise to "relax"  if their coach knows anything he will want to make it tough...

                                                  A B

                          Joe/KonG  (would like to see Joe start, but KonG is in form)


          Trent                           Hendo                     Kostas  (give Robbo a breather)


                               Curtis (OX?)


                                    DioGO                           LuisD

only for True REbEL  REdS;


& for lesser REdS ;) ;

see also previous;  https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/04/good-agent-v-sharksjackals-april.html


Monday, April 18, 2022

V april fools & May DAZE?

 only     for TRUE REbEL REdS !! 

REDS European campaign & more see previous ; rednet-/2021/09/european-champions-trophy-season-2122.

this LOG shall record remaining schedule & RESISTANCE 

and defiance  V their F U B A R " game of THORNS"



LIVERPOOL   4  lesser mancs 0 ..Luis, Mo 2, MANe!





match report ;  theguardian.com/football/2022/apr/19/liverpool-manchester-united-premier-league-match-report
& ; irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40853762.html JK happy with MANe & Mo...
ChRiS > comments ; took lesser manc club 80 minutes to contest, and then the sh&te got dirty ; as young Hanibal & poser Fernandes kicking out at Trent & Hendo... REF (atkinson) didnt give either a sending off,//
but; this was a LIVERPOOL REdS performance to savour ..enjoy

started;  AB;  Matip & VVD,  Trent, Fab, Robbo,  Thiago,Hendo, MANe, LuisD & Mo!

and on to the derby...
my proposed selection (if VVD & Thiago,who both got kicked a bit too.._) ; (IF anyone cant convince JK to play same 11 started again)
 LIVERPOOL  v everton  ...
                           Trent                           Hendo                     Kostas  (give Robbo a breather)
                                          Curtis (OX?)
                                         DioGO                           LuisD

Tako & Origi on at 60 mins..& OX if not already playing...?

at this MOMENT;  (english plastic money league);

Pos     Team     P     GD     Pts
1     Liverpool     32     61     76
2     Manshitty     31     52     74

5     Arse nal     31     8     54
6     Man Ure     33     4     54
7     WHam     33     9     52

post match; Mo; "great ball from Sadio, who is playing more number nine now and scoring goals. The race is not in our hands, but we will focus on our games and we’ll see.”
Thiago adds: “We are not thinking about winning fou
r. We are thinking about winning each game that we have. And now we have days to recover from this, and to think about Everton"
anal ysis ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLsIYfc8YQU


previous;  unsublog-chris2022/04/good-agent-v-sharksjackals-


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