DO you KNOW your ENEMY ???????????????????????????? (more Rons & FUBAR MAy - daze)

 =ChRiSflyer ; previous

ChRiS> my & YOUR enemy state is USAcorp.. even puts the crimes of WW2 into the shape ; USAcorp a NUTshell

(nut as per INSANE!) ;

USA "republicans" are FACIST-capitalists who profit from WAR-biz, big pharma (legal?>) drugs & oil fueled POLLUTION!

USA "democrats" are cowardly-capitalists who...DITTO!   (sometimes its easier to understand the clearer THREAT!)

this is  a better article from C-P (  )

UNsub C>?   they are deaf DUMB & blind ; the sheeple do not see ;  the FUBAR world they allowed!

 an article about the effect of a virtual global fascisn dictating the world order, righty attacks the guilty..

( long winded;  "  War on Youth in the Age of Fascist Politics by Henry Giroux "     )  except; IMO  (ChRiS) the missing aspects ;

a) almost the whole  of the global society SURRENDERED to lockdown in 2020/21 ... the damage  done to the social spirit

and empowerment of the individual is beyond the understanding of the sheeple concerned!

b) WHAT ABOUT THE PARENTS////////??????   .... the parents of the 1.3 billion teenagers ARE RESPOSIBLE

for the LACK of RESISTANCE or REBELLION against a viral bug or the dictators who exploited that, WAR Biz,

big pharma ("legalised") drugs &/or OIL fueled / industrial/traffic POLLUTION...

how many PARENTS are good " environmentalists "  or encouraged their  children to use less fuel, to waste less energy?

as (   "climate impacts will become increasingly harmful for people and indeed the entire planet.”   Sonali Kolhatkar

of Free Speech TV     )....

P. Cockburn> (C-P)  in  ( ) reminds us (again) how FUBAR modern GOVT is//this (FO) a-hole Liz Truss will take over from the dangerous lunatic " (she should be trussed up & thrown overboard!)

leave Ireland to the Irish! & FECK OFF!

may 13 article on Counter-punch by Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond,   "   practices of confining, breeding, slaughtering and consuming animals have given rise to the deadliest epidemics in recent history, including Ebola, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu and the seasonal flu. Scientists predict that an even more severe zoonotic disease is on the horizon. In the early months of the global shutdown, there was speculation that attendance to humans’ treatment of other species and the natural environment might finally take center stage as an imperative socio-political concern. In her essay, “The Pandemic is a Portal” (4/3/20), Arundhati Roy conjectured that COVID-19 could ignite a reckoning.  "

UNSUB-C> ..suggest that if all these writers got up off their backsides and protested with all their contacts & buddies

it might have more effect than  "preaching to the choir"  (most readers of C-P are already opponents to USAcorp? or should be!)

and THE massive POLLUTION pumped into the air we (so far freely ) breathe , from industry, oil fueled traffic &

factory farming IS A BREEDING GROUND FOR BUGS, not only "man made" but C1A spawned etc..

in the midst of R.Falk's repetitive comments that remind the sheeple readers again of what we already " New"'

R. FALK> also.. on C-P friday the 13th May ;  "  cast as a barbaric attack on a white Christian nation that aroused feelings of identification and produced a spontaneous outpouring of humanitarian sympathies sufficient to support immediate diplomatic of Ukrainian sovereign rights and the demonization of Putin by Biden and the media "

..: " the International Court of Justice can render decisions, but its jurisdiction is limited to voluntary acceptance by states in conflict and although its decisions are subject to implementation if the Security Council can muster a consensus. Otherwise decisions by the Worlds Court can be ignored or nullified without adverse consequences.   " 

UNSUB-C> when (IF ever) the USAcorp war & pollution criminals are brought to Justice, we can look at the rest of the worlds criminals , not before!

just a comment on the "white people WAR" ....+ 4 million: the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey.///.....

as the A-hole sheeple of USAcorp allow their fascist govt to spend another 40 BILLION USD on perpetuating the WAR with Russians (via theit UK RAIN patsy)


UNsub>  like this from (    May 18, 2022  "Our Immigration Police State" by Jacob G. Hornberger   // as    "  ICE spent an estimated $2.8 billion between 2008 and 2021 on surveillance  "   )

  "They love police states, so long as the enforcers wear an American flag on their sleeves.  "

M, Goodman who is the national security columnist for also PREACHES to the choir ... needs to deal with the USAcorp/NATO/C1A attrocities before pointing more (typical) fingers at the Russians... also (May 17, 2022) "Congress Approves 40 Billion Dollar Ukraine War Bill"

by Scott Tucker..  "   Career politicians cannot be trusted to prevent the kind of military escalation that may risk nuclear war. 

This public responsibility belongs to we, the people.,Easier to condemn that (Putin) campaign

 than to question the mounting multi-billion budget that is now guaranteed to boost the global weapons market.   "

just reminds us that USAcorp is a FUBAR nation! whilst their Eric Draister just keeps banging on with his VIEW of the world..

cherry -picking the stuff instead of remaining neutral as a self appointed "ware correspondent"  ..get off the videos & get on the streets and sort out your  nations crimes, then deal with the rest of the world..!!..Eric is a turkey ;)

JEFF> more than 500 missing Indigenous children reported dead after being taken from their homes by the US government and forced into 19 boarding schools run largely by the Catholic Church. The real death toll is probably in the thousands.....

 + Planned drilling projects across US land and waters will release 140 billion metric tons of planet-heating gases....

....... In September 2020 Zoom’s market cap surpassed Exxon’s. Now Exxon’s market cap is 13 times the size of Zoom’s.....

......  episodes of “extreme heat” (based on 1950-1980 definition) are now 90 times more common than it was 50 years ago.     .............

...+ 91% of the Great Barrier Reef suffered coral bleaching in the last 12 months.

+ In West Africa, crop yields are projected to fall by 20 to 40 percent, and possibly more, as a consequence of climate change….

& "Shireen Abu Akleh specialized in covering the funerals of Palestinians killed by the IDF. She had reported on dozens for Voice of Palestine and Al Jazeera. But none quite like her own, when thousands of mourners gathered at the St. Joseph’s Hospital to escort her casket through the streets of Jerusalem, two days after she had been shot in the head by an Israeli sniper.     "  (    )

and thanks ROn , is not a more Ron!  (

The Classic Trap

“The classic trap for any revolutionary is always, “What’s your alternative?” But even if you could provide the interrogator with a blueprint, this does not mean he would use it: in most cases he is not sincere in wanting to know. In fact this is a common offensive, a technique to reflect revolutionary anger and turn it against itself. Moreover, the oppressed have no job to convince all people. All they need know is that the present system is destroying them.”

– Shulamith Firestone

UNsub-C> however too many writing and not enough demo-ing  ? well WE ARE the alternative..


...TO COMPETE in every possible fixture in every possible game of each of the 4 trophies   is alone an achievement, 2 more cups in the trophy room and more ???

(  BTW that cup final is the 5th time we beat the Rent blues on pens,  its called "karma" ,, :)

support TRUE REDS ...

soton 1 v LIVERPOOL 2  (Tako, Matip)

amazing the  REdS in yellow take it to the wire ... ha ha ha  feck U, guardiola 

 "old man" Milly  leading the way https://www./may/17/james-milner-liverpool-southampton-

 apparently Milly had a dig at the lads saturday for being on their phones, instead of enjoying their special moment , GOOD man! & FA give Tako  a fecking medal FFS!



LbiRD_REdGEMnetMay 16, 2022 at 1:17 AM

Wham were 2 -0 at half time v the blue manc frauds, (ended 2-2)  for me (ChRiS) winning the 7th european champions trophy was/is more important than the english plastic money VARcial league ... pushing the mancs is amusing though... imagine IF the REdS wini the last 2 remaining games & Stevies villians get a result at sh&tty???      ... ....

blocked?  by the googly goons??? 

monday morning;;    proposals fot tomorrow's away game at soton ;

exclude VVD, Fab & Mo due to injury risks,  Robbo & Trent too ?

would include KonG (ibrahim) because i feel he fits well with Joe (Gomez)

so fresh legs Matip , Milly , Naby, Curtis, Tako, Bobby, the "hero" Kostas , and MY choice who must be hungry after being left out so often by JK...        this;

(proposal NOT prediction)                                  Kells

                                         Joe                   Matip         Kong

                                                            Hendo                         Kostas



                                                        OX                   Bobby     


Tako, Milly & Origi after 60 m..

this by wham's Noble. but feel he shoudl have emphasised the SUPPORT of their loyal fans (through thick & fans)

who PAY the price ion emotions as well as finance//.. the modern media generally are a bunch of boring cowards

who follow the popular wave.. and are PAID to be there!!! ( ? _)


we 'll have a crack and a CRAIC with UnSUB b ,  (

as now UNsub C has been targeted by USAcorp for banning..

( & )

its a CELTS holiday..Friday the thirteenth , we could always add the Irish "murphys law" to spice up the weekend!?

(what could go wrong WILL go wrong") ;_

not irish but recommend ; (Nobody's FOOL!) film 

ChRiS> ha ha Paul Newman playing the role of ME?? ha ha ha

and  "mistresses" actress =Irish Orla_Brady showing up in "Star Trek" Picard, is appealing..

Ozark revisited to...

GREAT to see that once upon a time banned Sinn Fein dumped on the right wingers / fascist Tory a-holes

and real progress towards a united Irish island!  //... whilsty USAcorp start to make the hitler govt of WW2

look tame in comparison, (another 47 BILLION USD contributed  to maintaining their POXY WAR with Putin!)

@C-P > " Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald said her party’s victory means that “we are, it now seems, on the cusp of a nationalist or a republican leading the Executive, being the first minister in the North. It’s significant because it’s a moment of equality.”

She went on to say as First Minister Michelle O’Neill, the Sinn Féin deputy leader, would engage with unionists and “work together” to prepare for a reunified Ireland, though a border poll and Irish unity may still be a long way off.  ....  “today ushers in a new era which I believe presents us all with an opportunity to reimagine relationships in this society on the basis of fairness, on the basis of equality and the basis of social justice. Irrespective of religious, political or social backgrounds my commitment is to make politics work.”  "

(sadly P. Cockburn of "counter - punch" AGAIN added a NEGATIVE to his article on C-P  "  legacy of the past is never entirely dead and strongly influences the political atmosphere. “Bullets travel through time,” as the father of one man murdered in south Belfast in the 1990s put it.   "


  1. May 27, 2022 at 6:44 AM
    "Later words"....a.k.a. PREACHING TO THE CHOIR!
    C-P > " Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the mainstream media have supported government efforts to “scare the hell out of the American people,” and convince Americans that only increased defense spending could deal with the multi-front threat that includes international terrorism; “Islamo-terrorism”; Russia; and China. The exaggeration of the Russian/Soviet threat began in the last days of WWI when the United States joined European countries and Japan in occupying Russian territory " ....." exaggeration of the Russian threat, and the additional problem of dealing with China, has led to record-setting defense budgets "...........(USAcorp.) "spend more on defense and intelligence than the entire global community...."...(M Goodwin ; 2022/05/26/the-united-states-specializes-in-exaggerating-the-threat ) .... & //......" journalism – such as, the gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting of news and information – have become mere propaganda. Worse, in recent years, reporting the truth has been slowly converted into the production of mass deception and mass ignorance. " ..." media executives of the archconservative newspapers and TV stations prop up a rather useless war on drugs. Almost simultaneously, they are shoving cocaine up their nostrils in office toilets. " ..." ( “it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” ) ".power of corporate propaganda, the idea of a global village mutated into the global village idiot. This new idiot knows everything about the Kardashians but nothing else. He is deeply ignorant and easily led. Today, the global idiot can be found in the backstreets " (of Kiev, London,or New York ... " (May 26, 2022)
    War Propaganda, Pseudo-Events and the Global Village Idiot
    by Thomas Klikauer ............... " Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have documented the devastating role of bombs produced by Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Lockheed Martin in air strikes that hit, among other civilian targets, a marketplace, a wedding, and even a school bus "...V " he Pentagon’s own astronomical budget — slated to exceed $800 billion for 2023 "............and accidental start to WW3 is always possible too; May 22, 2022
    Remembering the Palomares Disaster
    by Joshua Frank


    LbiRD_REdGEMnetJune 19, 2022 at 5:24 AM
    but ? ONE of her BEST anti-PLANdemic videos
    still now the sheeple are occupied with a POXY WAR between WHITEs
    for a change,,, whats next ? threat of Alien attack , bet ya!
    support each others REBEL-lion & insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97


    ChriScLOGJune 19, 2022 at 10:08 PM

    updated whilst their goons block; WE are people; WHO support each others REBEL-lion & insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97

    TRUE REd supporters , local & GLOBAL LOVE Sadio , blame FEn way sharks in boardroom for under-valuation,
    accept SOME fans didnt appreciate him..good luck at bayern though! MORE about his SENEGAL initiatives; also under-rated, great MAN e on & off field SUPPORTED by #REdGEMnet


    ChriScLOGJune 20, 2022 at 2:28 AM

    Replying to
    NO it does NOT because a) people arent educated b) every govt violates the UDHR! WE are people; WHO support each others REBEL-lion & insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! #FandUngo initiative
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW
    Our #HumanRightsAct protects everyone from discrimination.

    The Government wants to rip it up.

    Sign the petition to #SaveYourRights.


    ChriScLOGJune 20, 2022 at 2:55 AM
    ed half the world & fascisTORIES resent them asking for a home//...WE are people; WHO support each REBEL-lion & insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Replying to
    if the :authorities; were not as corrupt as the blue manc fraud KLUB they would have deducted points in 2014, 2019, 2021 (void season anyway) & 2022! #REdGEMnet


  3. ........220621 hapy CElts Solstice

    UK raped half the world & fascisTORIES resent them asking for a home//...WE are people; WHO support each REBEL-lion & insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97

    ChriS Dix
    the ban is a UDHR violation, no nation is "innocent" either no ban or cancel the lot!
    WE support each REBEL-lion insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97
    ChriS Dix
    do you under stand KARMA? if you abuse nature, what do you expect?
    WE support each REBEL-lion insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97
    Ursula von der Leyen
    Last week, I went to the Middle East to strengthen cooperation with the region.

    We will work together to:

    • Increase security of energy supplies and accelerate the clean energy transition

    • Protect the world from a major food crisis
    ChriS Dix
    the BIAS of VONleyen is obvious to any intelligent reader?
    WE support each REBEL-lion insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97

  4. 220622

    Orwell Huxley’s Ghost
    liked your reply
    the media nor politicians anywhere "trustworthy" educate yourselves!
    WE support each REBEL-lion insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97

    Replying to

    John Henry's Accountant
    Death by a thousand cunts with our current owners in charge. We will slowly ascend into the 5-7th area like Arsenal.

    If they don’t want to pay the standard rate for top talents then kindly fuck off. Yes it’s inflated by oil ran clubs but the likes of Bayern can offer 300k+ too
    Quote Tweet
    Anfield Watch
    · Jun 21
    🚨 NEW: There is some pessimism at Liverpool over their chances of signing Jude Bellingham due to the interest from other clubs and the risk of having to pay excessive wages. #lfc [david lynch - national news]
    Show this thread
    ( )
    JK & squad succeed despite fen way sharks; their aim to increase assets, not spend (USAcorp billionaires!)
    WE support insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; repair YOUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHO
    RNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97

    Replying to
    @_Dan_Austin (paris speech!)
    talk is cheap; had our fill since 33 years after 15th april 89, & it goes on & on, everywhere, because of weak sheeple bowing to pressure!

    support insurrection v all govt & corporate violations;
    #REdGEMnet #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97

  5. ..........220624

    Orwell Huxley’s Ghost
    liked your reply
    the media nor politicians anywhere "trustworthy" educate yourselves!
    WE support each REBEL-lion insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97
    liked your reply (Farage)
    Farage, racist, "brexit liar" & political conman, shut up!
    WE support non violent insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL_OUR97


  6. Replying to

    and 3 others
    ? learn how to imrpove their lying, cheating & exploitation of media?? oh sorry Starmer learnt that from BLIAR! enough chat! WAKE up, stand up! STRIKE now;
    insurrection v all govt & corporate violations;
    #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL
    ChRiS F&Ungo is creating Strategy & application based on experience & know-how | Patreon
    Become a patron of ChRiS F&Ungo today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Replying to
    more rons playing "expert" your state is finished , u are just propping it up with BS! the globa is in the FUBAR swamp! U are dangerous clowns!
    repair OUR world! v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL
    ChRiS F&Ungo is creating Strategy & application based on experience & know-how | Patreon
    Become a patron of ChRiS F&Ungo today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
    Marion Demetriades
    liked your reply
    havent you learnt yet that politicians solve NOTHING! ?

    co-op & support honest people UPRISING worldwide enabling insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
    Orwell Huxley’s Ghost
    liked your reply
    i am tempted to add a comment concerning that map!
    (targets) one would understand!

    insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Jul 16
    launched for "Freedom e Union NGO"
    consider yourself a REbEL?
    are u a HUMAN (truly) BEing?
    are u feeling your World?
    are doing anything to improve
    do you care enough to exchange ideas to save (hopefully) 1 in 1000 of your fellow humans?

  7. .................Notifications
    Ali Hughes
    Called the Nook, it was a sweet shop, I have given this old black and white image more detail,my dad knew steven g dad both played darts in the bow and arrow, this is huyton village before Steve G was born.

    Jul 20
    and 3 others
    ? learn how to imrpove their lying, cheating & exploitation of media?? oh sorry Starmer learnt that from BLIAR! enough chat! WAKE up, stand up! STRIKE now;
    insurrection v all govt & corporate violations;
    #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL
    ChRiS F&Ungo is creating Strategy & application based on experience & know-how | Patreon
    Become a patron of ChRiS F&Ungo today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
    Jul 19
    more rons playing "expert" your state is finished , u are just propping it up with BS! the globa is in the FUBAR swamp! U are dangerous clowns!
    repair OUR world! v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL
    ChRiS F&Ungo is creating Strategy & application based on experience & know-how | Patreon
    Become a patron of ChRiS F&Ungo today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.

  8. 220715/26
    and 2 others liked your reply
    "World Economic Forum" = 1% who manipulate the rest!
    co-op & support honest UPRISING worldwide enabling insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Replying to
    Dems support WARbiz, OILbased POLLUTION, addictivepharma, property/inflation etc.
    at least with GOP or fascho-TORIES we know THEM! Starmer & Biden are imposters! v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL

  9. .... Orwell Huxley’s Ghost
    liked your reply
    ha ha reminds me of the old tampons (roller-skating girl) ad ha ha ha ..she could do anything ...

    repair OUR world!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Replying to
    C-P writers need to learn how to REALLY "punch" on the streets? enough chat! WAKE up, stand up! JOIN insurrection v govt & corporate violations; repair OUR world! ...............


  10. , great , but for me 1-4 in the same week as battering R madrid 4-0 (against a strong manc side) was the bigger result
    move on Lijnders! the next game is the only one!

  11. ...

    all political parties are a sham, ALL of YOU must take responsibility!!
    honest INSURRECTION local & global!
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL

    Replying to

    the "obsenity" is a) gullible sheeple with fascist regime flags on their profile and b) blaming the sharks for chewing up the social society you were ALL TOO lazy to FIGHT for!

  12. ///...CSING B ALKAN "UNtouchables" DANCING AND (ADD) HIKING group...

    WRONG! ( ) business MUST CUT profits, not workers NOR increase prices how is it possible that inflation continues to increase prices when "production processes" SHOULD be more efficient,, economic and thereFORE cost less since the automation of 30 years ago??? only sheeple & proiteers believe this CON!

    too much chat, not enough action
    ME d1A POX more danger to Humanity than "coroNATION variants"
    "Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL
    REdawn LiveBirds

  13. WEAK !!!! I AM always SURPRISED that sheeple are :sUrprised that police govt officials MPs , LAWyERS politician s ARE CORRUPT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, < >
    not enough action ; U should KNOW
    ME d1A POX more danger to Humanity than "coroNATION variants"
    "Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL

  14. ...ANT WAR provocation via other methods! < ? > always SURPRISED that sheeple are :sUrprised that govt officials MPs , LAWyERS politician s ARE CORRUPT
    not enough action ; U should KNOW
    ME d1A POX more danger to Humanity than "coroNATION variants"
    "Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL

  15. 220818

    had a 6/7 km run & swim...

    NOT enough ACTION, WE will improve OUR LIVES!
    ME d1A POX; a danger to Humanity
    ChRiSlive "Freedom e Union NGO"; &
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL

    Silly boy, but ref Tierny should have had words with the pair to cut it out long before it went too far , poor refering,... Anderson was looking for it and Darwin fell into the trap.. just put the ball in the net lad, that always shuts them up!

    add ; "fen way apologists" or henrysoscabs? when fsg went for super league (one of several, shows they are sharks) could have got them out & shared club with 30 million worldwide fans! u remind me of reg ("life of brian")
    #REdGEMnet of many known :incidents: WORLD WIDE BEFORE & SINCE (instigated by corrupt govts ministers &or business sharks..//) involving USAcorp/UK "security agencies"

    and ..more blocks at
    ( the mistake, since forever, is the INSANTY (to almost paraphrase Einstein) expecting that giving power to politicians (whose main aim is mostly to keep their cushy jobs)
    time after time, election after election & still expect a positive outcome ; LAZY (hope?) over experience...! ) ..." "Sorry, this comment could not be posted.


    liked a reply to your Tweet
    Is everything OK at home mate
    Getting Off
    Replying to

    and 2 others
    Is everything OK at home mate
    Aug 15
    Replying to
    Think I've been awake for a long time, trying to convince others is the problem.
    Beth U #EnoughisEnough💙💙💙
    liked your Tweet
    too much chat, not enough action @BethUrmston
    ME d1A POX more danger to Humanity than "coroNATION variants"
    "Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Aug 12
    a co-operative sharing with members (public) would reduce prices, if only YOU understood that PRICES should be LOWER than per-automated industry/farming!
    Quote Tweet

  16. ... ...........220820

    Stand up & stand TOGETHER for EQUALITY & fairness...
    enough talk, STRIKE! ACTION improves LIVES!
    ME d1A POX is danger to Humanity
    ChRiSlive;"Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL

    JK ...pre mattch press;

    Trent & Fab & VVD as much to blame for the palace goal, but also lots of chances missed ... JOE with VVD is the best CB combination with our high line...
    attention "SOCIALIST" ..
    Stand up & stand TOGETHER for EQUALITY & fairness...
    enough talk, STRIKE! ACTION improves LIVES!
    ME d1A POX is danger to Humanity
    ChRiSlive;"Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL

    See new Tweets
    OFFICIALLY C Denton - 👌
    liked your reply
    govt & police can no longer be trusted, at all!
    NOT enough ACTION, WE will improve OUR LIVES!
    ME d1A POX; a danger to Humanity
    ChRiSlive "Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Replying to


    surely only gulible kids & fan nies take "talksport pundits" seriously ? ref shd have had a word with both early on... MSM is MEd1APOX! Stand up for truth EQUALITY & fairness!

  17. ........22 applicatio to fascists for travel doc;

    am alien celt !... stop patriotism !
    ACTION will improve OUR LIVES!
    their virus is ME d1A POX ... danger to Humanity
    ChRiSlive "Freedom e Union NGO"; l&
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL

    FriendlyVillageVegan #WestmonsterMustFall
    liked your reply
    u sheeple arer all to blame for the modern Uk swamp!

    stand TOGETHER for EQUALITY & fairness...
    enough talk, STRIKE! ACTION improves LIVES!
    ME d1A POX is danger to Humanity
    ChRiSlive;"Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL
    OFFICIALLY C Denton - 👌
    followed you
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Aug 20
    Replying to
    fan nies immediately blaming NAT are clueless, Trent, Fab & VVD equally responsible for palace goal! however Joe is best CB partner with our "high line" defence!

    OFFICIALLY C Denton - 👌
    liked your reply
    govt & police can no longer be trusted, at all!
    NOT enough ACTION, WE will improve OUR LIVES!
    ME d1A POX; a danger to Humanity
    ChRiSlive "Freedom e Union NGO";
    #ChRiSlive #WEare_JUSTICEfforALL
    REdawn LiveBirds
    Aug 19
    Replying to


    surely only gulible kids & fan nies take "talksport pundits" seriously ? ref shd have had a word with both early on... MSM is MEd1APOX! Stand up for truth EQUALITY & fairness!


  18. ....................220825

    to watch ,,,, < >
    A really interesting update on the #RussiaUkraineWar from Alexander Mercouris: He provides them daily on this channel. #Russia #Ukraine

    ................ ...& is a article 6 moths too late, aother "preaching to the choir" script..
    pls ;;;;;


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