
# ChRiSlive   ChRiS> .. you cannot call it "LAW & ORDER" if it is unfair or unjust if kids are not taught this ... the article of ECHR/UDHR should be the FIRST examples of humanity taught by parents or school teachers NOT the LAST thing (or if ever) applied by police, corporates or govt employees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scroll down or add (intelligence please) to comments at: more Rons on 220826 /27/-30... (watching film about WILEY college" <> Denzil Washaington) but the city that bears his surname is a liar a cheat & a destructive enemy of humanity....... ... catch the other soft democratic capitulated articles ; however; "PRIORITIZE? EDINBURGH PROCLAMATION SEPTEMBER 2022" < > !!!!!!!! !!!!!! Pilger " " please read with CARE! " adv

a GOLDEN REd OCtober 22-23? updating the F & U ngo opposition to their #gameofTHORNS ..calendar PLUS review

a GOLDEN REd OCtober   22-23 rescue plan?   ....................... if you dare to care add your response & READ the comment section (scroll down to lower part of this ChRiSLOG page) updating the F & U ngo opposition to their #gameofTHORNS ..calendar PLUS review Calendar/diary of DEFIANCE ChRiS   versus WARbiz, pollution policies, addictive pharma, &  FAKE inflation corrupt govt/corporates! .... "did not start their fire" ..YOU failed to stop fuelling their poison ; USAcorp WARbiz, NAzTO;  Bush x 2, Obama drones & TRUMPets! Mad boris & barbie PMs' Syria, Iraq, Afghan & Palestine apartheid, EU wont accept non white refugees! still no justice for 97 how could U be at ease? to be continued .. Pfizer hoax, handwash, mask & VAX cons, fake inflation, property obsession, govt liars,manciteh frads, UEFA, FIFA & english FA corrupt, english plastic money league dominated by TV, foodbanks & soft "b-liar-ite  plastic labour " (n