6; MY alternative planet ; a.k.a "searching for Intelligent life forms" (still) :p

 UNsubC-monty_6; MY alternative planet ; a.k.a "searching for Intelligent life forms" (still) :p

 MY rhyme of this time, isnt it a crime?

isnt it a crime..?

to be a hypocrite, at this time..!

to cry for the pain

of the sheeple of Uk RAIN?

they put a USAcorp thug in power

now they mostly hide & cower

their enemy is also a dictator

arent all leaders> sooner or later?

the main SCREAM med1A  criticize

but none of them are wise..

they tell you to host a WHITE :refugee:

what about all the dark FACEd victims they no longer see?

I am sick of all this hypocrisy

and of the bugs that begin with C (19-22)

sheeple die but many of you caused the poison swamp of today

all i do is fight their evil way..

but alone or not, win or lose,

there is nothing more me to choose..

I hate their FUBAR :game of THORNS: , & your apathy!

I give my all, ..to be or not to BE!

ChRiS SMITH 220328

see previous; unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/03/unsubc-monty5-will-u-continue-to-feed.html

why would I be so "arrogant" to claim UNIVERSAL president?

when YOU voted for the "leaders" of the last 50 years ( & recently "UK Pm "blowJOB" & USAcorp "TRumpet"  I knoW I could do better , in my "lunch hour" ha ha ha!

the USAcorp IS NOT only compared with giving a machine gun to a 5 years olf kid, but whenever the "regime" and / or its opponents (are there really any, other than "writers preaching to THIR choir" ???) they talk of BILLIOnS for this or that "budget" its almost ridiculous...when 99% of the planets occupants will never see a "million" of anything in their whole lives..USAcorp is out of control, of course..some KEY points established by their FUBAR ..."game of TRONES"   a.k.a. .. the "amercan dream" (which doesn't belong to the natives) became the GLOBAL nightmare;

* The USAcorp/NATO war machine NEEDS an enemy (of course) ..

* deja VU,, after ww2, realising "WAR biz" is BIG for profit & employmeny of the masses (and for sending "lesser educted/poor kids" to die "for the flag"

* that to be "president" you only need a billion dollar sponsor.business backing group/who will blackmail u when elected! 

* YOU need to be WHITE ("european-ish") to get FULL support , forget it if you are a coffee, brown or black faced REFUGEE (this applied to USAcorp, EU and most nations "politics" ... 

* choose the favourite MAINscreaMEd1A FEAR..to keep you from questioning your leaders/govt COVERT corruption (or indeed open violation of your rights)  from Soviet threat, through..ISLAMist terrorists, CoroNATION bugs (c19 flues & "variants" ..and then back to the "ruskies" (although now capitalist rivals alongside the capitalist chinese threat)

read online?? https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/03/23/biden-is-not-building-back-better-at-the-va


I am steadily...  reducing my own READING, quantity/..(more limited quality desired, but not much to be found) & I have been very creative this last 6 to 10 months with producing progressive & anti-establishment campaign videos & more... however the stories previously featred on my logs at CSers ( cser5.blogspot.com  ), MonTV etc montv-chrislog.blogspot.com ) are alternatives to the ridiculous "reality show" going on in your addicted mobile phones /TV..


I am now painting a different picture for  planet "aI)ZO..i2st" (a.k.a. planet earth?)

...the Narrator (me) is ChRiS & all inhabitants have abbreviations because thats what happened after the chips / net placed in their bodies following vax..(easier for digital surveillance?)

 so here i am called CRS (C.R.S) .... I am the ONE, although I search for other intelligent life/true life forms apart from birds, insects & animals other than the 2 legged kind of sheeple that exist here..

..their ancestors came from planets from all over the universe,,, were dumped here not because they escaped from some gallactic war or are refugees, but...... as UNwanted criminal or sub-class on the planets the were ordered FROM....

they have different coloured skins & shapes & faces;  eyes & hair may look different although they all have 2 legs, 2 arms & one head,with genitals of the male & female gender..

the anger / frustration I feel is NOT  being aloNe, it IS having them around me,  constantly ..

; telling lies...corrupt

; fighting with word or war over stupid claims to land , there are several billion and it seems almost as many groups..

*all have "leaders", who sometimes (too often) seem to be even more banal, stpud or brutal than their followers..

*they developed, during the last time they were all fighting, the world over, each other, a weapon that could destroy themselves..COMPLETELY!  of course that is why no other intelligent being wants to come here.. 

* it was once such a beautiful place, but step by step over millennium these stupid things on 2 legs concreted over NATURE, built ugly "what they call CITIES" for some strange reason they WONTt spread out over the planet, providing space and clean air .. but pacK like their "sardine cans" into small areas ,,in some places 10- to 20 million of them in accomodation boxes , stacked on top of each other..MADNESS eh?

( i have nnot seen, but have heard that sometimes these boxes crash down if the planet crust shakes) they are so poorly constructed..FOR MAXIMUM money profit..."money= coloured paper!)

*and they sell bigger accommodation boxes to each other, for some reason depending on which place or city the box is located... the cost (which may be 100-1000 times what it cost to make) also varies acroass the planeyt by 100-500 per cent..or more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*they carry pieces of paper which they acquire from varies activities provided by some strangely "trusted"  paper-guardians in city offices..they are OBSESSED with accumulation of these coloured papers..

*its a mystery how they calculate the value of the paper

 (they dont trade items like we did in past , as i was told by my parents as a child) ..they concentarte solely on the paper ..which has different colours supposedly to show what they can get with it??

its weird..

(at the time of writing HNradio played the "ironic" song :go get some money!: ..lyric "go get some paper" ...

. ha ha ha ... thanks ! )

*they often hate others who may have a different colour skin, or look different, but also may hate for reasons unknown although they will even KILL to get more pieces of coloured paper!..

I was reading some news articles ...which I will repeat (blue)  and reply (in orange) so maybe YOU can "get the picture" of what THEY HAVE DONE TO MY PLANET..

IT SEEMS you all like pictures rather than reading..here are some, that may make you ..wake up enough to cope with the remainder of this "education/information") ha ha ha

( counterpunch.org/2022/03/24/gun-sales-and-gun-violence-in-pandemic-america )" 10% (about 25 million), endorse the statement that violence is justified now to put Xpres back in office. 30% endorse the statement that zombie pres. was not legitimately elected.

ChRiS> NOT content with spreading WAR biz over the planet , more RONS kill each other & especially murder darker faces!

the yanker dictatorship backs war against  YE - men ...  "death toll 377,000 + by the end of 2021." USAcorp backe d Saudis killed 60 African migrants held in a detention center in Saada.... &  executed 81 people, including seven Ye m enis – two of them prisoners of war and five of them "accused of criticising the  war" 

ChRiS> USAcorp point fingers at ruskies, but "WAR biz is their BIZ" ("unbridled militarism") ...and provoked the UK RAIN invasion.(..causing  prices of food to INCREASE by more than 150 percent,” said Basheer Al Selwi, International Commission of the Red Cross ) ... thus suppliers increase (WAR) profit selling food too, at the expense of the poor .. whilst YOU SHEEPLE back the UK RAIN "resistance" support by USAcorp supply of weapons & funds (white faces in UK RAIN, dark faces of YE Men!!!) and help white refugees & beat up the dark faces that knock on your doors!!

Oil prices increase, ....

ChRiS> if ONLY that encouraged drivers to abandon their guzzling vehicles and move to "green" ..but it will take a global Tsunami/nuclear WAR before these fools stop poisoning the air & water we NEED! if the C1A arent poisoning you with "a new trendy flu-bug" then the  global atmosphere is already so FILTHY with posion & muck caused by YOU, to breed the fecking BUGS anyway!!!

" U.S. and NATO must demand that the Ukrainian government immediately server all formal ties with and forcibly dismantle Azov.  They must also pledge to withhold weapons from any and all Nazi or fascist groups active within their borders..." ( counterpunch.org/2022/03/24/concerning-the-war-in-ukraine-no-love-for-putin-no-guns-for-nazis ) by David Van Deusen

ChRiS> David, made a decent informative article/arguement until the last para (see above) began with that sentence/sentance! ...USAcorp a.k.a NATO is itself the MAJOR civilian MURDERING machine worldwide...whY would the thug president of Uk RAIN take their demand seriously? (he wanted NATO to push into WW3, they didnt, yet) having MURDERED more civilians ( also not calling them "WARS" as Put in is avoiding too) than all nations combined , dropped more bombs & explosices on non military targets than all other nations combined SINCE the "CAPITALISTS won the World " in the '80s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   is there much difference between NATO nazties murder and the UK RAIN ian nazi battalions???

YES the latter are open about their aims / and kill the "others" without global MAINscreaMED1A cover ups??? 

David might read "colleagues" ( counterpunch.org/2022/03/24/new-great-game-can-venezuela-negotiate-an-end-to-us-deadly-sanctions ) .. when the sheeple of yanker dictatorship remove the WHOLE of their CORRUPT senate & stop WAR biz, big pharma & interference with the rest of the globe (THAT would send the message to inhabitants of this mad planet to do likewise...?) then WE deal with the MANY other culprits , their NAZTOO/nazi battalions etc ...!  (i am also NO FAN of PUT in or any dictator...)

______________________footy interlude

about "OUR KELLS for Ireland.." www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40836761.html

irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40835888.html ; new kid on footy block; ?? don't think I've seen a better finisher since I've been playing' (by Andy Lyons )

brief (during the feck ing "nationalist footy" interruption 

Duffy backs Caoimhin Kelleher (REdS "Kells GK! ) to grab his opportunity with Ireland 


discussing the unlikely proposed new BeNeLiga that might start in 2025, ..( irishexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/arid-40836110.html   ) that police raided 44 addresses in a nationwide investigation into alleged corruption & match-fixing ..also implicated individuals in France, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia ( "prosecution witness, Dejan Veljkovic, Serbian football agent with a dubious reputation, himself suspect, collaborating with the prosecutor, after a plea deal involving a five-year suspended prison sentence. "  )


(their "Jeffrey") " I know Kyiv from the writings of Mikhail Bulgakov. Well, I don’t know it. I have an image of it, what it looks like, what it smells like, what it the air feels like, as clear in my mind as the image of Paris imprinted from Breathless and The 400 Blows. Clear and outdated. I know Kyiv as a city on the verge of a violent conflict–an invasion or a Civil War, depending on your point. (And Bulgakov showed both of them.)


ChRiS> for all of that, when I was there, 3 times, i never saw a coffee-coloured , brown or black, face, as with most of eastern europen "immigration" ..policies..basic prejudice exists, in much of Balkan, they "are happy when their neighbour's cow dies" (quote from my friendly taxi-driver/ex bar manager)


worried about WW3? ..maybe, nature will kill you, first in revenge for your pollution abuse!?

"xtreme climate hits Antarctica, smashing records, shocking scientists as temperatures soar 50F to 90F degrees above normal. Welcome to climate change’s newest upheaval. But, don’t talk to the scientists about it. They’re speechless.(as are the mainSCREAMed1A?)  March 18, 2022). “This event is completely unprecedented and upended our expectations about the Antarctic climate system,” said Jonathan Wille, ,” Ibid. ..) "Climate change’s global warming impact has never been so real so widespread as of recent times. Only recently, NOAA reported record methane emissions, as Antarctic temperatures crush all known records ever since 1905." "climate change is noticeably on a roll, setting one record after another after another..." .."At the center of the massive eastern ice sheet; (!) average temperature at the station is around -53°C. previous warmest temperature at the station of -17.7°C now been broken by a staggering 15 Celsius. That’s simply remarkable. In 65 years, between March and October temperatures above -30°C have never been recorded, until now in March 2022..." threatens massive destabilization that trigger rapid flow of glacial ice  directly impact rising sea levels throughout the world....".

 It is doubtful that nations of the world will react with mitigation efforts soon enough to stop catastrophic climate events like drought, floods, food shortages, and sea level rise. The world’s leaders have a severe case of permanent lethargy. In spite of repeated promises to do something constructive, decades of absolute failure to take meaningful action support this conclusion. Therefore, adaptation to extreme climate events that will certainly threaten life, as events occur, will be the least best, and only possible, course of action. Brace yourself. (by Robert Hunziker )

ChRiS> - you are NOT allowed Bobby! ..to mention climate change whilst the MainSCREAMedia rubbishes russia & re-invents CoroNATION #22 to keep the sheeple fear focus..


nuked from your own "energy policies" in Uk RAIN?

(-will-americans-do-the-same...MARCH 23, 2022)

"On March 2, a striking news clip found its way onto the internet. It showed nuclear power plant workers and ordinary citizens blockading the access road to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine..." warned of a nuclear catastrophe 10 times worse than the 1986 accident at Chernobyl, which sent a plume of radioactive fallout across the former Soviet Union and Europe that is still adversely affectinghuman health today..." //...  human error still set in motion the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. And yet, Ukraine has persisted with nuclear power and now gets half of its electricity supply from 15 commercial nuclear reactors,..."

Almost 45 years ago, on May 1, 1977, 2,000 people shared the same concern about a yet unbuilt nuclear power plant in the sleepy seacoast town of Seabrook, (US of A-holes)... Organized into affinity groups, trained in nonviolent civil disobedience and decision-making by consensus, they marched from friendly staging grounds onto the construction site and established a peaceful occupation. After two days, they were removed by an interstate compact of police organized by a group known as the Clamshell Alliance, formed in 1976," .."the reactors would sit atop an Native burial ground close to the heavily-populated beach resort of Hampton.!!!"

" Seabrook, — on August 1, 1976 — group rededicated the site to nature with a planting of maple saplings, sunflowers and corn plants, before each member was arrested, forcibly removed and detained... By the following May, they occupied the Seabrook construction site, more than 1,400 were arrested —  at the time, one of the largest mass arrests in U.S. history....Eventually, more than 4,000 "Clams" would be arrested in waves of peaceful blockades of the reactor site.  massive nonviolent demonstrations, blockades and public events swept across the nation — from the Shoreham construction site on Long Island, New York to the Diablo Canyon site in San Luis Obispo, California. The anti-nuclear movement rallied at festivals, including the 1979 Musicians United for Safe Energy, a concert that packed New York City’s Madison Square Garden. Meanwhile, thousands of activists blocked Wall Street on the 50th commemoration of the stock market crash in a call to divest from nuclear power."

" 1976 to 1990, nearly half of the nation’s announced applications for construction projects were canceled or abandoned — " only bolstered by the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident. Yet, impetus for mass public actions to oppose it  began to fade.... occasional protests — , 130 people were arrested at a March 22, 2012 at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. .."campaigner, Frances Crowe,  92, When asked how many times she had been arrested, she replied, “Not enough”... Vermont Yankee closed permanently on Dec. 29, 2014, Crowe lived another five years, to the age of 100."

nuclear power lobby has cycled through a series of different propaganda claims, adapting to the times and the occasional challenge to their false representation of reality. In the 1950s, nuclear power was “the peaceful atom” and “too cheap to meter.” In the 1990s, it was “safe, clean and reliable.” Now, it is “the answer to climate change.”

.. the nuclear lobby ..has switched to a desperate attempt to secure tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to keep aging, degrading nuclear plants operating & to apply the new Small Modular Reactor. .." despite ample evidence that funding nuclear power starves funding from renewables and actually makes climate change worse."

"bribery, corruption and racketeering scandals that erupted recently around legislation in three states aimed at keeping nuclear power afloat — ;;" $61 million dark money scandal that ensured passage of legislation guaranteeing the bailout of the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear reactors to the tune of $1.5 billion..." etc etc //.. despite all this, nothing changed. Nuclear power has remained the darling of Republicans and Democrats alike, ..." Almost 50 percent of the uranium supply for the nation’s 93 remaining reactors comes from Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.""

And yet, outrage over this has not brought protesters to the streets. Instead, the nuclear industry is banking, literally, on its political support, as well as a general lack of awareness among the American public about its costs and dangers. Thus emboldened, nuclear power is rebranding itself once more, seemingly immune to criticism or condemnation. But this doesn’t have to be the final word. Americans have stood up to, and held off, the threats of a surging nuclear power industry before.... ( This first appeared on "Beyond Nuclear".)

ChRiS> the sheeple are too busy being obedient slaves ..the only ones AWARE are the natives who still care for nature!


"All leftwing groups are divided by factions. Not right away but before long.  " .."unions can effectively rally workers against corporations, workers of all stripes, whether they’re men or women, Black, brown or white, native born or refugees born beyond US borders. Solidarity is difficult to achieve, but it’s well worth fighting for" : (by ; Jonah Raskin the author of Beat Blues_)

ChRiS>if their "PLANdemic" showed ANYthing about global sheeple , is "fighting the establishment ("game of THORNS") & its FUBAR dictators is too UNCOMFORTABLE, sheeple just obey, and look to their mobile phone or Tv for distraction..



ChRiS> HOW do you know???????????????? ; counterpunch.org/2022/03/23/cold-war-2-0-much-worse-than-the-original-cold-war/

"In 2003, General Petraeus asked “tell me how does this end”—the most memorable quote from the Iraq War. Once again, we are involved in a war—a war of horror and terror—with no idea of how it will end.  There is even talk of World War III and the use of nuclear weapons, which has allowed oped writers to discuss the unthinkable. but there is one certainty: the next Cold War will be more destabilizing than the original and will present challenges to national leaders who don’t appear up to the task.

UNsub> show me a PM or President that IS NOT a MORE RON????... (seems most writers follow...)

In the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, however, a series of U.S. presidents took fateful actions that gratuitously worsened relations with Russia.."  .(more Rons since Nixon. Reagan, Clinton, Bush x3, Obama.) &.  "In creating a Space Force, Trump moved toward an arms race in space...& "at the Munich security conference in 2007, when he lambasted the West for the expansion of NATO.  Anyone with only a modest understanding of Russian security concerns could understand that Putin had thrown down some serious “red lines,” although only former German chancellor Angel Merkel seemed to understand the seriousness of the moment..."" innocent Ukrainians..." (???) .." Kennedy was careful not to personalize the conflict with Nikita Khrushchev during the Cuban missile crisis..."

" United States (of A!)  already spends more than the entire global community on defense when you add the budgets of the intelligence community; the Department of Energy; Veterans Affairs; and the Department of Homeland Security to the Pentagon’s current budget of $780 billion.  The costs associated with our 750 military bases and operating facilities around the world will continue to grow.  Russia has only two bases outside of the former Soviet space. China has one on the Horn of Africa; instead, it devotes a trillion dollars to its belt and road initiative, the new Silk Road."

(USAcorp) already thrown trillions of dollars at nuclearizing our arsenal, ' .." spend $25 billion annually to deploy and maintain our nuclear forces, including our so-called national missile defense system in California and Alaska that provides only a “phantom defense.” .." not giving Chinese leader Xi Jinping any reason to believe that the Sino-American relationship would be improved if he responded favorably to any of Biden’s demands..." "  Roosevelt told his close advisers that the United States needed a new vision of domestic security, that we were “trapped in the ice of our own indifference.”  Now .. we are trapped in the ice of our own lack of imagination." ( by former CIA analyst, Goodman is the author of Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA and National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism. and A Whistleblower at the CIA. Goodman is the national security columnist for counterpunch.org...)

UNsub> he is hmmm stating the fecking OBVIOUS. C1A ; C&nts Idiots & A-holes.. isnt much of a "C.V." IMO (ChriS)

---------------------------read CAREFULLY; 

Pandora Papers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Pandora Papers are 11.9 million leaked documents with 2.9 terabytes of data that the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published beginning on 3 October 2021  The leak exposed the secret offshore accounts of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers, and heads of state as well as more than 100 billionaires, celebrities, and business leaders. The news organizations of the ICIJ described the document leak as their most expansive exposé of financial secrecy yet, containing documents, images, emails and spreadsheets from 14 financial service companies, in nations including Panama, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates, surpassing their previous release of the Panama Papers in 2016, which had 11.5 million confidential documents ]At the time of the release of the papers, the ICIJ said it is not identifying its source for the documents. Estimates by the ICIJ of money held offshore (outside the country where the money was made) range from US$5.6 trillion to US$32 trillion."

Disclosures; "In total, 35 current and former national leaders appear in the leak, alongside 400 public officials from nearly 100 countries and more than 100 billionaires..( 29,000 offshore accounts,  ).Some files were showing the date of 1970, but they were actually created between the years 1996 to 2020. The data included 130 billionaires, over 330 politicians, celebrities, members of royal families and some religious leaders. Among those names are former British prime minister Tony Blair, Chilean president Sebastián Piñera, Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta, Montenegrin president Milo Đukanović, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, Qatari emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, United Arab Emirates prime minister and Dubai ruler Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Gabonese president Ali Bongo Ondimba, Lebanese prime minister Najib Mikati, Ecuadorian president Guillermo Lasso, family members of former Argentine president Mauricio Macri and his spin-doctor, Ecuadorian Jaime Durán Barba, and Cypriot president Nicos Anastasiades."

(snip) A UK company controlled by Cherie Blair was shown to have acquired a £6.45 million property in London by purchasing Romanstone International Limited, a British Virgin Islands company; had the property been acquired directly, £312,000 would have been payable in stamp duty. Tony Blair's name appears in a statement of joint income for the associated mortgage. (snip) Supporters of former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko accused his successor Zelensky, who came to power on an anti-corruption campaign, of tax evasion.[27] Elsewhere, close associates of Russian president Vladimir Putin, like Svetlana Krivonogikh and Gennady Timchenko, were revealed to have secret assets in Monaco, and Czech prime minister Andrej Babiš, who had campaigned on promising to crack down on corruption and tax evasion, did not declare the use of an offshore investment company in the purchase of eight properties, including two villas, in Mougins on the French Riviera for £12 million. (snip) Other global names mentioned include Shakira, who was incorporating new offshore entities while going on trial for tax evasion; model Claudia Schiffer; (snip) Miguel Bosé, Pep Guardiola (!) and Julio Iglesias are also named... ...Data sources  The leaked files come from 14 offshore service providers that help clients establish companies in secrecy jurisdictions..."

(snip) Participating media outlets

For the uncovering of the papers, the ICIJ worked with journalists from 91 media outlets  in 117 countries

(snip) inc; Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Czech Center for Investigative Journalism, Confidencial, Private Eye, McClatchy, Univision (snipped)


 Malaysia: Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim called for the content of the Pandora Papers to be discussed in Parliament


 United Kingdom: Former prime minister Tony Blair and his wife denied any wrongdoing, 


 European Union: EU tax commissioner Paolo Gentiloni told the European Parliament that the European commission will present new legislative proposals to tackle tax avoidance and tax evasion by the end of the year.

 Czech Republic: The Czech National Police promised an investigation into any citizens mentioned in the Pandora Papers, including Prime Minister Andrej Babiš.  Babiš denied any wrongdoing, and alleged that the timing and/or content of the leak was aimed at influencing the upcoming legislative election.

 Ireland: Tánaiste Leo Varadkar stated that the Irish government and legislature would move immediately to close any loopholes in tax or company law that allow individuals and businesses to use the country as an offshore location.

 Russia: President Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed the accusations against Putin, who is not directly named in the Pandora Papers, as "unsubstantiated claims" after several individuals linked to Putin were mentioned in the leak.Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the United States was "the largest" tax haven and "billions of dollars in South Dakota belong to those accused of financial crimes." 

 Ukraine: President Volodymyr Zelensky's office denied any wrongdoing after he was named in the leak.  Ex-journalist and Volodymyr Zelensky's associate Serhiy Leshchenko said "there is no subject for a scandal" and "in Ukraine, offshore companies are so widespread that the owners of stalls already have an offshore company"..(snip)

 United States: The United States Department of State announced that it would review the documents published in the Pandora Papers. According to the leak, trusts in several U.S. states[(!) were sheltering at least US$1 billion for offshore clients.(snip)

UNSub> but the sheeple do not care about such high level crooks, too many WANT TO BE THE SAME!!!???


more from the global MENTAL asylum

(via c-p ..21-23 march)

(USAcorp) " propaganda barrage seeks to demonize the Russians as thoroughly and completely as possible, which now ironically includes attacks on Russia's oligarchy.  This hopefully will, open a can of worms for US oligarchic orchestra tors of such propaganda, whose hypocrisy is apparently bottomless....(UK) take over their yachts (what the hell are they going to do with them?). in the US(of A-holes) a large majority know we have our oligarchs, the infamous 1%;  financiers, military contractors and oil corporations, easily surpasses their Russian rivals..

"ownership of production and control of institutions (including the Pentagon), politics (both big-business-run parties) as well as mass media, "education, and (mis)information dissemination. Now they are taking advantage of  selling weapons, oil, and looting the worlds working class and the world environment.

But so what!  (USAcorp) " must support the brave Ukrainians in their struggle with Putin and those demonic Russians. 

By the way, do the Ukrainians have oligarchs?  (snip) You can fight and die for "your war profiteering oligarchs"...

UNsub> recall(Braveheart film scene , pre Sterling battle. ..:some said " why fight for THEM ("nobility") & their ownership of land...who also let me  starve..?!"

these (USAcorp) " oligarchs care so much about the suffering Ukrainians that they can't imagine fixing the situation by agreeing that the Russians might have a point about the expansion of that purely defensive organization NATO. If this outfit is "defensive", ? why does it seek to expand right up to Russia"s borders? ..propaganda doesn"t bother with such discursive parameters as logic."

UNsub> (arguement with BANAL cliche ; 

"best for of defence is attack" ?? )

(USAcorp) "oligarchs expect the red carpet to be rolled out in the world for their own interests and those of their allies, Biden and the corporate-driven leaders of the Democrats, preparing to risk nuclear war to continue a policy of US Imperialism that they have supported .. since the end of WW II. No sooner are we out of Afghanistan, than we are confronting Russia, with China in the background: "

UNsub> NOTE; when the Soviets collapsed and "USAcorp capitalism" won the (world s cold ) WAR, it sought out ISLAM, that ran its course, now its Russia 2 (altough they are NOT "BAD commies:  THEY are BAD capitalist dictators as BIG as USAcorp ...!!

"Biden began authorizing hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency military assistance for Ukraine. From the day we withdrew from Afghanistan to the day before Russia invaded, the Pentagon assigned at least $1.3 billion for work either partially or fully intended for Eastern Europe (Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Lithuania,

( Slovakia,!!) Slovenia and Ukraine)...." 

UNsub> :) excellent point ; biggest profits for USAcorp;

1)WAR biz

2)big pharma (oh didnt they MARKET the bug well??)

3)polluting industry (oil etc)

" Endless war anyone? " can't fathom that the Russians might have a point about protecting their borders ? especially given their recent history of invasions from the West...."

UNsub> imagine (as we stated before) if |Russia amassed weapons again in Cuba or along the borders with Mexico, we would be in WW3 already)

" But who among our oligarchic spokespeople pays any honest attention to history? (USAcorp) oligarchs will shed crocodile tears over dead Ukrainian children.  Where were they when civilians, the old, poor workers, peasants and children in poor countries, not to mention (their own) young men (mostly) and women were dying ; in Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Latin America, etc."

UNsub> where are all the Host countries & people opening doors to Afghan or Syrian refugees...??? NOT WHITE enough for you???

USAcorp (WAR biz criminals) ; "propagandists have been slamming Putin non-stop...."the world"s destructive greed-balls risk all our lives for their continued power and aggrandizement...may.. obliterate themselves.  Unfortunately, they are likely to take large numbers of the rest of us with them.' Let me suggest that the people in the world who have the most to gain and the least to lose from organizing to eliminate the dominance of corporate capital are way overdue to put together a real democratically driven world -wide upheaval that can unite all the world's vast majority.. who want to see an end to the endless wars and destruction of the environment that have been until now perpetrated with impunity by the world's oligarchies. (chuck?)

UNsub>  er what happened to "for the people , by the people ....

NOT just for the few???????????????? the sheeple..are weak ,MAN!



" Russian bombardment of Mariupol , similar to the Russian-backed Syrian government shelling and bombing of rebel-held districts in Damascus and Aleppo over the last decade....not much different from the (USAcorp) air force bombing of Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, Israel's bombing of Gaza and Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen over the same period. These attacks are all supposedly aimed at military targets and all kill civilians in their thousands...those employing mass firepower against cities do not know where the enemy is, so they fire at almost everything...People imagine that the mass destruction is caused primarily by bombing from the air, but in Syria and Ukraine sustained artillery fire is the more usual culprit." Does it work? Being under relentless fire for days means that nervous tension never eases. During the 15-year-long Lebanese civil war (1975-90), the capital Beirut was under constant shellfire ... Shattered buildings, broken concrete, collapsed tower blocks; these are the sort of terrain suitable for lone snipers and small units lying in ambush, as the German army discovered to its cost in Stalingrad in 1942/43. But much the same happened in Mosul and Raqqa, the Islamic State de facto capitals in Iraq and Syria, in 2016/17... Isis had built a series of strong points in houses, often linked by underground passages, which they would use to snipe and launch surprise attacks before swiftly abandoning them before the house was hit by a retaliatory air strike. They were only dislodged when most of the old city of Mosul was pulverised into ruins with horrendous civilian casualties. ...there was so little international reaction to this was because Isis was widely demonised and did not care much about civilian casualties.

.." (P Cockburn C-P)

UNsub> nor do/did USAcorp/NATO or "WAR Biz allies" (Isreal, UK, french , saudies etc etc) 


This week marks the 11th anniversary of the war in Syria.

"nearly 500,000 lives lost, the displacement of over 13 million people, and the destruction of its cultural relics.

The war started 11 years ago when "Arab Spring" protests for freedom and human rights broke out across Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.As demonstrations grew, Assad responded brutally and provided few concessions. Eventually, the initially peaceful protest movement evolved into a varied, armed opposition supplied by powerful regional states like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Non-state terrorist groups who opposed Assad's rule, like ISIL, exploited the chaos.U.S. then led an anti-ISIL military coalition in 2014, which still conducts operations inside Syria and has further contributed to the violence. What started off as a Syrian uprising has mutated into multiple proxy wars, including at one point between the U.S. and Russia. Neighboring Israel, which still occupies the Syrian Golan Heights, frequently strikes Iranian targets inside Syria. .." has become a recruiting ground for terrorists, a battlefield for states competing for geopolitical interests, and a boon for the arms industry. It's no wonder, then, that the world's largest refugee crisis has ensued there.

The fundamental rights of the Syrian people who courageously rose up and demanded dignity have been disturbingly lost amidst this chaos. A 2021 report by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria found that all sides in the conflict have committed the "most heinous" human rights abuses, including war crimes;  " U.S. drone attack in 2019 killed up to 64 women and children in the town of Baghuz, according to a New York Times investigative report. In other instances, Syrian military and Russian air forces have bombed civilian neighborhoods, hospitals, and markets. All parties must be held accountable for such crimes.''

"Ukraine war has further threatened Syria's food security, since most wheat imported to Syria comes from Russia and Ukraine..." U.S. economic sanctions on Syria are also hurting civilians more than their intended targets. They have not led to Assad"s ouster, but they have left communities without essential commodities...For the sake of the deceased and other long-forgotten victims, the international community must display the same resolve to end the war in Syria as it has so far in Ukraine." (by Farrah Hassen)

UNsub> you just are NOT "white enough" !!! for the sheeple & their :leaders: to care!


now zombie Biden & BlowJOB at UK

March 21, 2022

" Threat Inflation: Biden’s Recovery Plan Did Not Cause the Ukraine War or COVID-19 in China

, almost all wealthy countries have seen big jumps in their inflation rates, even though their economies were not boosted by Biden's " stimulus package ". "the UK central bank now expects its inflation rate to cross 8.0 percent."

UNsub> goodness save us from "experts & economists" ; "get a real job?" :p

C19 is another global - MARKETED fear.. or is this the C1A new product "C1A22'??

8%.? .in regions ravaged by USAcorp UK & co's WAR BIZ consequences; prices soar 150%+ ..USD etc is worth Zero, so TELL THAT TRUTH??? Baker telling what should NOT be done, as with so many writers on main or alternative MEd1A..state the fecking obvious, instead of either a) getting out on the street to boycott, block & demo against the shyte or b) react to initiatives (see my opening para) ChRiS :p


WHILST they steal OUR land, AIR & WATER;

......................." The global bottled water market was worth US$230.4 billion in 2020, and the top beneficiaries are all US and European companies. Pepsi Co's Aquifina brand tops the list, and is followed by Coca-Cola's Dasani and Glaceau Smartwarter, Nestle's Perrier, Danone (headquartered in France), Ozarka, and others...."

" Mega corporations like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Danone are making around 494 times what they spend by bottling water in Mexico and selling it back to locals who have no choice but to buy it. In Mexico and other poor countries and regions, companies are taking water from aquifers, springs, rivers, and lakes, and putting it in plastic bottles or turning it into flavored and sugary drinks, then dumping their used and dirty water back into water sources. That, along with other industrial pollution which is disproportionately disposed of into rural, Indigenous, and poorer communities, means locals are not able to drink tap water and end up paying extortionate prices to the European and US corporations..."

"Inequality in access to water the forty or so pear trees were totally empty of fruit. Bonafont's extraction of water from the Indigenous Nahua region has caused local wells and water supplies to dry up.....There is a lot of interest in territories where original peoples live because they are areas where people have habits and customs of looking after life, the rivers, the forests, Nahui says. That, along with discrimination, makes such regions more attractive to companies, she argued. Coca Cola, Nestle, and some pharmaceuticals have been awarded access to whole aquifers, to millions of cubic meters of water, and that means when there are droughts, they don't care. They'll take the water. "

"In Chiapas, Coca Cola's aggressive marketing includes using Indigenous people"s homes as distribution points.  in Toluca,  faces extremely high water stress, and the 3 billion liters of water that Coca Cola takes only worsens that."

...corporations deliberately locate in poorer countries so they get away with polluting more. In Guadalajara, where there is a lot of heavy industry, , milk processing plants, pharmaceuticals and more were dumping their waste directly into water sources, without any monitoring, no transparency, environmental laws aren't enforced.

The Santiago river, also near an industrial zone, was covered in foam a meter and a half high. Activists and scientists blamed Swiss pharmaceutical, Ciba Geigy, now Novartis. ...and European companies that are banned from using lethal substances such as benzene or bisphenol in their home countries, don't face that obstacle in Mexico... Poorer nations have been pressured to accept polluting industries under the guise of 'developing' their economies. ...Nahui, explaining that Bonafont has been able to steal water from Indigenous communities for decades thanks to "protection from the state"

(USAcorp) "offshores its pollution, and is also one of the largest exporters of plastic waste, sending its trash to Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, and more  though countries like Canada may also then re-export the waste...." : "In addition, poorer countries have fewer financial resources to monitor and punish corporate pollution, or to treat contaminated water... Nestlé started selling Pure Life in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1998. Local experts say that back then, they could go anywhere and get clean tap water for free, but nowadays everyone is drinking bottled water."

" correlation between countries with highly polluted water and high bottled water consumption; " strong marketing campaigns that portray bottled water as a healthy lifestyle choice... Top consumers of bottled water per capita include Mexico, Thailand, El Salvador, Indonesia, China, Brazil, Romania, Germany, the US, and India, while the countries with the worst water include India, Germany, Indonesia, Brazil, China, Thailand, and Mexico.Safely managed drinking water is still very much a privilege of wealthier countries.""

"A lot of charities and NGOs also have strong messaging about the damage caused by the plastic bottles. This messaging is accurate and useful, but it focuses on consumer choices and ignores the role of global power and economic inequalities. Some organizations even talk about "collaborating" with industry, though in reality companies like Danone do not engage with or listen to the communities they are affecting. We ARE cut off from the possibility of deciding what happens to the water in the areas we live in. Instead of access to water being a human right, it is expensive and inaccessible ( Nahui ) ( by Tamara Pearson; author of The Butterfly Prison. has a blog)


Weekly horoscopes  Gemini

UNsub> is mars in Uranus, ChRiS?

 handle it with reservations if a vocational opportunity seems too good to be true...' misunderstandings and confusion in your vocational area. Although you are not very eager to deal with professional matters, pay attention to the details and postpone important decisions.

Friday, and the weekend,  regain your inner balance.  brings back your sound judgment in professional matters. On Sunday, your ruler zooms into Aries, your 11th house, opening a freer period when you can mix and mingle with your friends as much as you want.!   (ChRiS; ha ha ha ha)


what are "semi hols: (here) ???

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UNsubC-monty_5 at;  unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/03/unsubc-monty5-will-u-continue-to-feed.html

add to M-U 6


last words?

what u DID to MY....earth ...

So many of you "chatting" on social media or with your buddies; reading & writing clever & often informative articles , read mostly by those already aware of the mess the world is In! GET OFF YOUR ARSE! ...go and block "them "; their evil is not slowing down!

boycott your BIG local store

buy from small farmers/grocers/independents (and only what YOU/yours NEED!)

Take your deposits OUT of the banks (and tell them why)

if you have cash ; support young/independent enterprises that bring positives to your community

take your kids OUT of the system ; teach them to explore their own education & adventure (stop the BS chat line & USE the net!)

BE READY to be arrested for protests / strikes / blockades of corporations & their locations / fill the courts / jails with heroes ; YOU!

Leave your car in the garage, walk, run or ride a bicycle!

BE Ghandi, be CONSEQUENT!    no more fecking EXCUSES, its too late for more BS!


or just SHUT the feck up! and stop being a hypocrite!

F&U mission via REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op
EXile Home base

______________________________________ MY rhyme of this time, isnt it a crime?

isnt it a crime..?
to be a hypocrite, at this time..!
to cry for the pain
of the sheeple of Uk RAIN?

they put a USAcorp thug in power
now they mostly hide & cower
their enemy is also a dictator
arent all leaders> sooner or later?

the main SCREAM med1A  criticize
but none of them are wise..
they tell you to host a WHITE :refugee:
what about all the dark FACEd victims they no longer see?

I am sick of all this hypocrisy
and of the bugs that begin with C (19-22)
sheeple die but many of you caused the swamp of today
all i do is fight their evil way..

but alone or not, win or lose,
there is nothing more me to choose..
I hate their game of THORNS, & your apathy!
I give my all, ..to be or not to BE!

ChRiS SMITH 220328

___________________ UNsub> this UK RAIN conflict is the WISH of USAcorp/?NAzTy0? YES because;
it fuels the BIGGEST profit maker ; "WAR-BIZ" and employs more young sheeple to "fight the ruskie threat"..

if YOUR FUBAR world (a.k.a. their "game of THORNS" ) wasnt so tragic, sick, perverse & in many ways RIDICULIUSLY INSANE 
i would just compare it with Soap (TV comedy) opening/intro #2 ..  youtube.com/watch?v=OSaNWYHmUvI or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BHQT3Omqtw 

and watching again; 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pelican_Brief_(film) /.... amazing?, well, not really, I suppose, that this film wasnt so well rated.. as other films based on Grisham's books (my fav being :the Rainmaker: ( which has the classic line of "when DID YOU FIRST sell your soul???" ) .. BUT for me ..it is a reflection on todays billion-trillionaires ..who could and do remove all opposition, one way...or another...

as "fossil fuel industry and its political allies are using Russia’s war on Ukraine and high gas prices to justify increased dependence on oil, now is the time for advocates of sanity and safety to use this moment to pivot away from petroleum as fast as possible..." “It’s more critical than ever in these moments to recognize that this is a chance to free ourselves from that dependency,” Rees concludes. It’s an opportunity to end “that cycle of conflict and fossil-fueled harm and pain and death, and to build a better world.”   ( “Rising Up With Sonali,”  Free Speech TV)

UNsub> much "wishful thinking" the sheeple are too lazy & apathetic & uneducated in alternative energy! will keep on poisoning MY planet..until they are drowning in their own swamp!
have a look at https://progressive.org/op-eds ; PLUS; 

28 march from P.Cockburn (again a c-per!) "Ukraine is no longer a blood-soaked exception in a zone of peace. It is, on contrary, the new northern extension of a giant zone of war that has extended over the last twenty years east-west from Afghanistan to north-east Nigeria and north-south from Turkey to Somalia and Yemen..." "  keep in mind that the bombardment of Gaza by Israel and Raqqa and Mosul by the Americans likewise led to massive physical destruction and heavy civilian loss of life.... “What arguments [for a stronger Western response] have in common,” ( International Crisis Group); “is an uncomfortable element of guesswork and wishful thinking. stalemates never last forever and when they do finally break, the violence is worse than ever. "

& from MARCH 16, (c-p too) "The Root Problem is War Not Putin"
BY TIMOTHY BRAATZ  ******* .." War is armed combat between political communities with the aim of inflicting serious injury or death on multiple, non-specified individuals...

War is slaughter.

War is a highly contagious disease, spreading germs the way a common cold causes its human host to sneeze. Among the many war germs are hatred, fear, dehumanization, tribalism, glorification of violence, and legitimization of murder. Without sufficient therapy, each war leads to the next..."


brief footy interlude ; Ireland's Euro U17 hopes in the balance after shock loss to Finland

p.p.s THE "rest"  ;;; 

when i was a kid we were "in the shadow of WW3" ..now, my feeling is that its no less than the global sheeple deserve
= TOTAL Anhilation.. (and no re- boot for the FECKING HUMAN RACE!!! )

 General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, in 1988, to withdraw the Soviet Union from the Cold War and call for a “nuclear-free and nonviolent world.” Rejecting Dr. Gorbachev’s prescription, the U.S. war syndicate’s European command, known as NATO, expanded its military presence eastward to the borders of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
Ukraine was slaughter-free from 1953-2014. The killing resumed in response to disagreement over whether the national government should be more aligned with Russia or NATO/European Union. infected with the essential war germ: the belief that killing is 1) a legitimate way to resolve conflict and 2) the only viable method of national defence... Civilian deaths are mounting. Millions have fled their homes...(but SPONSORed by the "WHITE west: unlike Syrians, Afghans, Yemenis & other "darker-skinned FACES" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"1940, Adolf Hitler sent German forces into Denmark. Understanding that military resistance was futile, the Danes—opted for protest, noncooperation, and sabotage. Their cities weren’t destroyed. Casualties were relatively minimal. The Danes  survived..." 

UNsub > whilst millions of Europeans died opposing the fascism (inc my Parents generation; ChRiS; IF all had reacted like the Danes, we would be writing now in Germanics???

"Of course, since an anti-military Ukrainian government would have shunned NATO’s advances, Putin might have left Ukraine unmolested. Putin, you see, is just a vector; the real enemy is war itself...."when a warlord orders a foreign invasion, tens of thousands of unarmed civilians, from around the world, could converge to stand in the way..." 

UNsub> you would stand in the way of USAcorp/NATO - half a BILLION bombs & explosives dropped since the 80s on civilians??

" Nonviolence is confronting your opponent with courageous compassion. Nonviolence requires the willingness to suffer, even die—just like soldiering—but without the willingness to cause harm..." ( BY TIMOTHY BRAATZ  *******  another C-peeer

UNsub> you are NOT considering that 99.99% of the global population SURRENDERED, accepting lock downs, self-imprisonment & islolation rather than RISK a 0.01% fatal risk... !!!!!!!!!  these sheeple ?????


US(Corp) seeks tighter UN sanctions after North Korea missile test

SAT, 26 MAR, 2022 - 05:29
The US has called for tougher UN sanctions after North Korea said it test-fired its biggest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to date. ...North Korean state media reported the North’s first long-range test since 2017, and South Korea and Japan said they detected it..." aimed at forcing the US to accept the idea of North Korea as a nuclear power and remove crippling sanctions against its broken economy.... 

BUT... At a UN Security Council meeting on Friday, US(corp) ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield proposed a resolution “to update and strengthen” Security Council sanctions.  originally imposed sanctions after test explosion in 2006..
Russian deputy ambassador Anna Evstigneeva said that further sanctions would only harm North Korea’s people, while Chinese ambassador Zhang Jun urged the council “to consider how to accommodate the DPRK’s justified security concerns”.

North Korean state TV dramatised the missile testing process like a Hollywood movie, & claimed the launch met its technical objectives and proved the ICBM could be operated quickly during wartime conditions... analysts suggested that the missile could reach targets 15,000 kilometres (9,320 miles) away when fired on normal trajectory with a warhead weighing less than a ton. That would place the entire US mainland within striking distance...& would make the “whole world clearly aware” of the North’s bolstered nuclear forces.,,,“formidable military and technical capabilities unperturbed by any military threat and blackmail and keep themselves fully ready for long-standing confrontation with the US(corp) imperialists”.( irishexaminer.com/world/arid-40837328.html )

---------------------------seeeeee???? ;;;;; counterpunch.org/2022/03/17/nato-is-not-a-defensive-alliance
& counterpunch.org/2022/03/25/ukraine-could-turn-into-another-endless-war-especially-if-nato-decides-more-than-just-peace-is-needed  BUT do not bother with ..Stephen F. Eisenman's ( 2022/03/25) a-cowards-war............"Literary Lessons"  

WHAT ALSO (YES THERE IS A LOT) annoys, and angers ME is "clever articles" whilst the planet slides into a swamp//WHO DO THEY THINK WILL SPEND A COUPLE OF HOURS, READING , AND RARELY ABSORBING A "CLEVER & pretty article" which seems more a case of self - PROMOTING when I PROPOSE they should be OUT in INSURRECTION against their (MURDEROUS) governors ======== (..."In Book III of The Iliad, Paris..In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Cassius tries to persuade Marcus Brutus.. Caesar’s wife, Calphurnia, echoing the warnings of a soothsayer (“Beware the Ides of March”), "

UNsub> the only relevant line of this?? “Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once.” ( “Et tu Brute,” says Caesar)

"William Blake was disdainful of military heroism. ".. “Fear & Hope – Are Vision,” .. understanding of cowardice: Putting yourself before another. More specifically, sacrificing others to achieve personal wealth, power, or fame. "
Vladimir Putin as Paris..." .. Nicole Kidman uses botox treatments because of her close-ups, .. no more narcissistic or sociopathic than most U.S. presidents.

UNsub> that much is not contested..

"corporate heads and their political toadies are no slouches when it comes to greed. ..."..Jilted by beautiful Ukraine (Helen)," "Zelensky as Marc Antony" ... (a thug!) in 2004, an “orange” revolution installed Victor Yushchenko who favored close ties with the EU; six years later, Victor Yanukovych replaced him – he was more Russia oriented; in 2014, a coup (supported by the U.S.) toppled Yanukovych and installed Petro Poroshenko, who was more Western directed. That year, Russia invaded the Crimea, and a civil war broke out in the Donbas region. It was still smoldering when Zelensky, a former TV actor and comedian, was elected president by a landslide in 2019. He promised to end corruption but didn’t. Three years later, his country was invaded.... " 

UNsub> WE know...as with so many C-pee- ers..preaching to the choir...!

" Ukraine’s frontline troops in the Donbas in 2014 were from the Azov Battalion. They were a neo-Nazi militia founded by Andriy Biletsky, who in 2010, said it was Ukraine’s mission to: “lead the white races in a final crusade against Semite-led Untermenschen.” .. Zelensky, publicly praised the Azov battalion for fighting to protect Mariupol. ..." 
 Americans and Brits think of Zelensky as the child of Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King, 

.." he asks nations to “close the skies,” meaning establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine..." an invitation to all-out war —

UNsub> Stephen only needed to highlight this, again & again until we find some intelligence on this planet???

"Biden as Nobodaddy (NOTE:::::: ) supported the bombing of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War and voted for both the Afghan and second Iraq wars, ... enthusiastically repeated the bald lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. "
a key supporter of NATO expansion. He claimed in 1998 that the Senate vote adding Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to NATO would assure “another 50 years of peace.” That was the vote famously described by George Kennan, the very architect of America’s strategy of containment, as “a tragic mistake.” Kennan added:

“This expansion would make the Founding Fathers of this country turn over in their graves. We have signed up to protect a whole series of countries, even though we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way. NATO expansion was simply a light-hearted action by a Senate that has no real interest in foreign affairs.”///.. "Biden tasked his bellicose Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to goad vain Vladimir into battle against TV star Volodymyr. ..." 
The war in Ukraine is a proxy battle.  (Stephen F. Eisenman is Professor Emeritus of Art History at Northwestern University..

UNsub? deleted the rest of the "promo" details... 


" Down with all colonial policy, down with the whole policy of intervention and capitalist struggle for the conquest of foreign lands and foreign populations, for new privileges, new markets, control of the Straits!

MARCH 25, " Imperialism and the Struggle Against It Begins at Home" ; STANLEY L. COHEN> With these words, Vladimir Lenin spoke life-times ago to a paradigm of a brave new world built of promise and justice, of hope and confidence in the certain collapse of imperial privilege and capital corruption. "

UNsub> comments on this log are by "ChRiS (R) SMITH"  the middle initial ; unlike the self promoting C-Pee ers ..it stands for REbEL! ;) .. ("game of THORNS"-keeper turned POACHER-pirate, ha ha ha)

" perhaps many, are shouting “Cohen you are an American apologist, a NATO parrot, a fascist in leftist dress,”   "

UNsub> ChRiS; " I am NOT ..BUT your title must be the PRIORITY of anyone born in or supporting "america"..I have GIVEN AT LEAST as much "service" to local & global community..and the tide of opinion MUST be counter-balanced, (C-Pee ers are often OUT of wack) ..

"During the second invasion of Chechnya, government dollars ensured that virtually all Russian media demonized Chechens while tamping down on reports of the destruction of villages and cities, the terror of refugees, and the sheer brutality by Russian troops.... "  ...Russian Internet service providers are required to link their computers to the FSB (the successor to the KGB) and seven other law-enforcement bodies tasked to monitor e-mail and other electronic traffic..."

UNsub> however in USAcorp & throughout their blackops WORLDWIDE; NSA, FBI, C1A etc (& other "agencies" do it covertly!!!!!

" more than 200 with punishments ranging from fines to prison. As of several years ago, more than one hundred, largely young women and men, were imprisoned for “extremist” speech such as that described above...."

UNsub> ? wheras in USAcorp anyone poor or with darkened skin is a "threat" and risks being gunned down in PUBLIC by "police officers" covered up by "alibis & excuses" ???

....pic  2 coronation (monty-unsub folder)

"    the Memorial Human Rights Center reported that the number of political prisoners in Russia had increased to at least 410 ... "

UNsub>;-  a fraction of those incaserated by USAcorp, UK, France & the BRD : covered UP by "other crimes"...even "the great Black Hope;  pres. Obama;  didnt close Guantanamo... NO ONE (sane) expects Russia to act better than USAcorp "most powerful democracy" (which HIDES but, welds, the worlds most powerful civilian MURDER machine) the TORTURE mentioned in this article is also used by "the "good guys' of USAcorp, its agents & military officers, atrocities in Vietnam & after are never publicly acknowledged and USAcorp will not accept TRIAL by the international court! so far

THE UN UDCR (1948) & council of europe equivalent is virtually ignored BY all "so-called democratic govts ever since their leaders signed up to honour the articles contained/.... 

"  the most recent Press Freedom Index, issued yearly by Reporters without Borders, Russia ranked 150th out of the180 rated states. "

UNsub> noted ! and USAcorp??  even C-P is relatively soft ...? in a "democratic nation that PREACHES to the whole world (and MORE than "interferes' with all...)  the "american dream = WORLD nightmare" USAcorp caused this as much as anyone ; is the biggest cause of global pollution & climate damage to MY PLANET!!!!

"   a very simple question: “Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations”? Though Vladimir Lenin said, “It cannot,” he also penned: “a lie told often enough becomes the truth.” ...

UNsub> article states "....the Struggle Against It Begins at Home!"....

 where is YOUR balance???? Lenin " who at first agreeing to its independence, along with Georgia and Finland, by virtue of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk which ended Russia’s involvement in World War I. However, after Germany’s surrender, Lenin ordered the absorption of Ukraine."  (writer ; Stanley L. Cohen is lawyer ) ! 
...("a lawyer is always an arsehole" from Le Carre's "Absolute Friends" I recommend it, u wont like the ending!!!!)


but this;;; (just as I was re-READING.) ..the local HNradio played "From RUSSIA with love" 
..someone has a dark sense of humour here!.....

MARCH 25, 2022
Thinking About the Unthinkable

"darkly amused by the large number of people ..dismissing the possibility of nuclear World War III>...  “That’s unthinkable, it would never happen.” ... "how close the world came to nuclear winter in October of 1962, when J F K   decided ... into a game of nuclear chicken. On October 27, 1962, Soviet submarine Second Captain Vasily Arkhipov’s refusal to agree with his Captain’s decision to assemble and launch a nuclear torpedo at US destroyers in the Saragossa Sea may well have saved humanity from annihilation. At the time, one-third of (USAcorp)’ nuclear Air Force  was in the air at “Defcon 2,” could have set off terminal human catastrophe with or without direction from US Strategic Air Command (SAC).

(USAcorp) was willing to risk global annihilation to uphold the principle of no Soviet interference in Western hemispheric affairs...& "hardly the last close call. .. Noam Chomsky observed marking the Cuban Missile Crisis’s 50-year anniversary:

‘Ten years later, during the 1973 Israel-Arab war, National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger called a high-level nuclear alert (DEFCON 3) to warn the Russians to keep their hands off while he was secretly authorizing Israel to violate the cease-fire imposed by the U.S. and Russia. When Reagan came into office a few years later, the U.S. launched operations probing Russian defenses and simulating air and naval attacks, while placing Pershing missiles in Germany with a five-minute flight time to Russian targets, providing what the CIA called a “super-sudden first strike” capability. Naturally this caused great alarm in Russia, which unlike the U.S. has repeatedly been invaded and virtually destroyed. That led to a major war scare in 1983. There have been hundreds of cases when human intervention aborted a first strike minutes before launch, after automated systems gave false alarms. ...."

"Russia has declared its readiness to use such weapons if “necessary” to maintain the integrity of the Russian state....
.." war has placed both US and Russian nuclear forces on heightened alert, shortening time frames for decision-making"
An errant Russian missile landing in NATO territory could spark deadly escalation. The No-Fly Zone that Zelensky and other “Close the Sky” fans have recklessly called for would ..." very possibly “close the sky” for all living things.  
.."both Russia and the US now deploy smaller scale nuclear weapons that make nuclear attacks seem more “thinkable.” ..they could spark a holocaust..."

... "consider more deeply (the USA) where 56% of “adults” and 68% of Republican “adults” think that Biden isn’t being “tough enough” on Russia regarding Ukraine....It is very dangerous indeed to turn tens of millions of an imperial superpower’s citizens into abject morons with propagandistic war media" ///....

Few Westerners imagined the scale of the carnage that was carried out during World War I, which killed roughly 20 million people, half of them civilians. Or the mass slaughter that was World War II, which killed 70 to 83 million. ..most .. thought Hitler’s rise to power, dictatorship, German re-armament, conquest of Western Europe, and Holocaust was unimaginable, unthinkable..."

.. Few (UScorp) Americans can or wish to acknowledge North American and US holocausts that have already occurred in their “homeland.” ... the genocidal Hell that  was for Native Americans or around the savage racist Holocaust that was more than a two and a half centuries of Black chattel slavery ...and the US republic from 1776 through 1865 –who before 2015 thought that a demented and malignant, openly eco-cidal, fascistic, and pandemicist lunatic and sociopathic reality television freak like Donald “I’d Like to Have Sex with my Daughter” Trump could ever be elected to the US presidency?"

UNsub> ChRiS> ..well WE DID! ..because the modern USAcorp will only elect those who have a billion USD sponsorship, so THE "devolution" from a Crook as Nixon, through cowboy Johnson, actor Reagan, morons Bush (x3) Clinton, pretender Obama, down the slippery slope to "Trumpet" ..and maybe bottoms out with Zombie Biden (and UK's PM "BlowJOB"..? :P

.".Greenhouse Gas Chamber Project" ... Is Ecocide unthinkable? ....One of the earliest warnings came in 1959, when acclaimed nuclear physicist Edward Teller told " continued mass burning of oil, gas, and coal could “melt the icecaps” and flood the world’s coastal metropolises, .."hardly stopped fossil capital and fossil capitalism from bringing us to the present precipice of sheer catastrophe. ..." ..(the IPCC) report shows that (unmentionably capitalogenic) global warming is increasing so quickly as to overcome our ability to adapt unless we rapidly and massively reduce the burning of fossil fuels. ...what UN Secretary General António Guterres calls “an atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership.” ..record droughts, massive storms, wildfires, rising seas, and blistering heat. " Half of humanity already faces extreme water scarcity part of each year. Climate-fueled floods, storms, and droughts displaced at least 13 million people in Asia and Africa in 2019. Rising heat is wiping out harvests and trees, spreading famine and malnutrition and bringing mosquito-borne diseases into new regions...

UNsub> but, as we see with UK RAIN, only when large numbers of WHITE faces suffer, will anyone wake up??

.." Global fossil capitalism is turning the entire planet into a giant Greenhouse Gas Chamber – a criminal project on a scale that makes Adolph Hitler look like a small-time gangster." .. "the Climate Menace is Worse... (than) cold extinction via nuclear winter (brought to us by rich and powerful white men) “unthinkable” when hot extinction via climate change (also brought to us by rich and powerful white men) is well underway? .." the planet’s atmosphere fills up with ever more ruinous carbon with each passing insane fossil-capitalist minute, setting off more permafrost and clathrate methane releases, turning more forests into tinderboxes, and liquifying more glaciers.

" Every day we avoid WWIII we continue to be lucky. Every day we continue to avoid the problem of global warming we just dig our collective grave deeper..." .." ..again some wise words from Chomsky;

‘In the midst of the Ukraine crisis, the IPCC released its 2022 report, by far the most dire warning it has yet produced. The report made it very clear that we must take firm measures now, with no delay, to cut back the use of fossil fuels and to move toward renewable energy. The warnings received brief notice, and then our strange species returned to devoting scarce resources to destruction and rapidly increasing its poisoning of the atmosphere, while blocking efforts for extricating itself from its suicidal path. The fossil fuel industry can scarcely suppress its joy in the new opportunities the invasion has provided to accelerate its destruction of life on earth. In the U.S., the denialist party, which has successfully blocked Biden’s limited efforts to deal with the existential crisis, is likely to be back in power soon, so that it can resume the dedication of the Trump administration to destroy everything as quickly and effectively as possible’  

" fossil fascist Amerikaner right .. are using the Ukraine Crisis to speed up the Greenhouse Gassing Project .... to increase the pace and scale of North American fossil fuel extraction and marketing. (And also, by the way, to ramp up nuclear energy, whose grave menaces to a livable ecology and human survival are also denied on the right.) Nothing is unthinkable under capitalism-imperialism, which is hard-wired for human extinction and faces humanity with the stark choice posited by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in 1848: “the revolutionary reconstitution of society at large” or “the common ruin of all.”

(BIG) Here’s something officially unthinkable worth more than just thinking about: organizing for a socialist people’s revolution against our capitalist and imperialist masters of war and ecocide.


+1. It was largely with Trump’s environmental policies in mind that Chomsky rightly described Trump as “the most dangerous criminal in human history” – the most materially lethal actions ..– took place in relative silence and behind the scenes...(see Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective, White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism )...." transfer of resources [and federal energy and environmental offices] to private hands came with little presidential flourish... It proceeded quietly, methodically, indicating ‘some level of preplanning –  (by Paul Street)   



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