# ChRiSlive


ChRiS> .. you cannot call it "LAW & ORDER" if it is unfair or unjust if 
kids are not taught this ... the article of ECHR/UDHR should be the 
FIRST examples of humanity taught by parents or school teachers NOT the 
LAST thing (or if ever) applied by police, corporates or govt 
scroll down or add (intelligence please) to comments at:
  more Rons on 220826 /27/-30...

(watching film about WILEY college" <> Denzil Washaington) but the city 
that bears his surname is  a liar a cheat & a destructive enemy of 
humanity....... ...

catch the other soft democratic capitulated articles ;

liberation.scot/index.php > !!!!!!!! !!!!!!

Pilger " 
counterpunch.org/2022/09/08/silencing-the-lambs-how-propaganda-works " 
please read with CARE!

" advocates of this big bang theory refuse to say what came before the 
big bang. Nothing is not an answer. They refuse to confront that their 
conclusion about the universe emerging out of nothing is identical to 
the Biblical teaching that the god of the Jews, Christians, and Moslems 
created the universe out of nothing. How do the big bang theorists 
explain their hidden theology? < 
counterpunch.org/2022/08/25/heavens-and-earth > "

" with regard to world peace. I would feel more comfortable 
contemplating the future of humanity if Gorbachev was running the show 
than any other political leader walking about on planet Earth!" & 
...dirtricks of govt agencies

... "KH: I think greed became good. And that made for assholes." >  MAY 
BE WORTH CHECKING ;americandreamdoc.com < .... as C-P  writers show 
their blue colours in antirussian Patrick COCK-burn spouts western 
PR_opaganda IGNORING the OBVIOUS reality that had Putin (& i am not a 
fan) not acted the USAcorp/NAzTO WARbiz nachine would have NUKES on 
their border by now! (on SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 Russia and NATO Tried to 
Wage War on the Cheap in Ukraine, But Could Now be Heading for Total War 
)..... & more COVER up of ameriCANT ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES; * 
(022/09/23/the-bomb-that-cracked-an-island-2)." <@ Amchitka> blast would 
be 385 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Cannikin 
became a rallying point for native groups, anti-war and anti-nuke 
activists, "

.& " Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!, awoke at five in the 
morning on May 30, 1989, to the sound of three FBI agents shouting his 
name < 2022/09/22/dave-foreman-and-the-first-green-scare-case >  big lie 
that the FBI pushed at their press conference the day after arrests that 
we were a bunch of terrorists" ..."Silkwood’s body was laden with poison 
as a result of her work at the nuclear facility. In her death, Spence 
vindicated her well-documented claims. <film? Silkwood>  what we are 
really dealing with is ordinary, decent human beings who are trying to 
call the attention of America to the fact that the Earth is dying.”".. > 
< cockP is oft false & this recalls idiocratic 'leadership" from ww2 too 
...whilst the risk WW3 "with each provocation by the U.S. and the Taiwan 
authorities--the noose will tighten" < 
2022/09/25/long-time-coming-the-second-sino-american-war/ > "  "< "put 
fossil fuel producers, investors and enablers on notice,” so that we can 
end our “suicidal war against nature.”
also SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 ( Clockwork Orange: The Intimately Related 
Impunities of Fascist Floridians Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis BY PAUL 
STREET ) reminds the world how PRESIDENTS are the lead criminals!.. " 
..as sheeple ..dismal chile < 
2022/09/21/how-could-chile-reject-a-perfectly-progressive-constitution > 
& "main obstacle is the US veto at Security Council, !!!! rather call 
them "secret Council"  "< 2022/09/22/its-time-to-call-israels-bluff/  
STOP isreali forced apartheid >" .& the UN has always been too weak to 
oppose the MONSTER USAcorp & its perverted allies! ( 
) " former British diplomat, Brian Urquhart, ‘who helped launch the UN’, 
wrote that “the partition of Palestine was the first major decision of 
the fledgling United Nations, its first major crisis and, quite 
arguably, its first major misstep”....

the "ameriCANT dream" is OUR world's NIGHTMARE! "(Disney) the most 
Ebenezeer Scrooge version of capitalism when it’s not necessary to do 
that. And it’s not necessary to do that and make a profit. They’re a 
storytelling company and should be telling a different story. " 
(_2022/09/23/the-american-dream-and-other-fairy-tales/) ...
..copied : 
slide to fascist swamp too!...

whilst; the UK is a FUBAR copy of the USAcorp swamp ( 
BUT there is DEFIANCE in LIVERPOOL: (who) Take the fight to the Tories, 
for socialist solutions to the crisis."  whilst they RESPECT the 
windSORES! ( 
counterpunch.org/2022/09/20/the-first-billionaire-to-become-uks-king/ ) 
& “Today was the best Conservative budget since 1986”.– Nigel Farage, 
ex-leader of the far right UKIP party 
 > "“reforms” come at a time when the UK economy is virtually on its knees. " HOWEVER LIVERPOOL with strikers;;; theguardian.com/business/2022/sep/19/hundreds-of-liverpool-container-workers-set-for-two-week-strik E? !!!

  Aleksandar Vucic, summed it all up in a recent speech to the United 
Nations in August 2022,
<horror world ..will wake ???;  “The seriousness of the present moment 
obliges me to share difficult but true words with you. Everything that 
we are doing today seems impotent and vague. Our words make a hollow and 
empty echo compared to the reality that we are facing.The reality is 
that no one listens to anyone, no one strives for real agreements and 
problem solving, and almost everyone cares only about their own 
Why prolong the inevitable end?
John Stanton is at jstantonarchangel@gmail.com

see also ; www.theleftberlin.com/about-us   first ...the...?  " “In an 
age when young people are questioning many of the systems that govern 
their lives, it seems only natural that they’d question the costs of 
living in a car-dependent society as well.” 
...<2022/09/16/the-new-fight-for-mobility-justice > "a reference to the 
well-trodden Reddit community, or Subreddit, r/fuckcars.<August 2022>, 
has over 313,000 active users with 3,000 online at any given time.  
purpose: “​​towards more sustainable and effective alternatives like 
mass transit, improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.” coalition 
of nonprofits, activists, politicians, and community organizers working 
together to envision a safer and more accessible future."... The 
Untokening works to center the voices of those forgotten in society’s 
rampage to expand highways, ?  ... "..whilst *To establish love, 
affection, solidarity and responsibility as among the highest of family 
values." !! < 
 > ..."Cubans look like they arrange their affairs with a seriousness entirely lacking".. in the capitalist west!..!

Footy interlude..
 ...( www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40967297.html )... corrupt 
UEFA have no enthusiasm to PUNISH either mancc clubs with points 
deductions although FFP restrictions have surely been violated!,, and 
Hillsboorough police crimes will surely be repeated (Paris 22) becaus e 
the 1989 murders of OUR 97 went unpunished! ( Uefa pre-prepared 
Champions League final statement blaming ‘late’ fans )....
fuss over Messi ; he is still one of the greatest with or withour 
nations success : ( 
www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40969001.html )..."  
responsibility go in a football crowd? " why when world soiety & selfish 
& supportive ofWARbiz, pollution , corrupt authority * swallows  fake 
inflation..? ( 
"concerns raised over state of Uefa amid cronyism claims" < 

UEFA as with the EU is in the wrong (corrupt-fascist) hands ( 
irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40967315.html )
cockburn's "news"  that "  the Conservative Party has become an English 
nationalist party since 2016 " supposing that NO one elsenoticed?? ( 


  1. https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/a-golden-red-october-22-23-updating-f-u.html

  2. https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/10/chrislive-chris.html?sc=1664787048508#c100351161574804360

  3. https://www.astromary.com/reading.php?token=43F62687A466DD5D3CBA9EA7629B97F7

  4. without Shanks there would be NO LIVERPOOL as a global entity he made OUR club & this should be recited by the fan nies of the modern money /media dominated game : “The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.” (and his reference to "NATURAL enthusiam" (or ratherthe lack of i!

  5. without Shanks there would be NO LIVERPOOL as a global entity he made OUR club & this should be recited by the fan nies of the modern money /media dominated game : “The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.” (and his reference to "NATURAL enthusiam" (or ratherthe lack of i!
    < https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/10-of-bill-shanklys-best-liverpool-fc-quotes/>

  6. __________________________https://www.astromary.com/reading.php?token=43F62687A466DD5D3CBA9EA7629B97F7

    fickle fan nies everywhere...

    "undeserved reference: to the departing monarch of the 28 billion rich family just reminds me how distant TIA is from socialist REd KOPITES of MY generation... this article reads like a Lfc-f s g PR_opaganda release...

    obviously there has been a physical/psychological "hangover: from the QUAD attempt and despite hopes that the pause would give some rest to squad members , the records shows that the REdS perform best with an unbroken momentum, still feel that tthe 2019 calendar year was the peak, & Gini / MANe are difficult to replace their work load under-rated in the stands & in the fen way shark boardroom... this season is ridiculous 13 games before the stupid world cup interruption,,,

    i dont care much for the english plastic money league, and hope that JK & co realize that the best bet is to give some priority to winning number 7 in Istanbul ..

    as a corrupt UEFA will never penalize the blue mancs constant violation of FFF..FFS! ( https://www.thisisanfield.com/2022/09/5-things-were-looking-forward-to-as-liverpool-return-from-international-break )

  7. =ChRiSflyer ; previous https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/04/from-april-fools-to-may-daze-will-you.html

  8. https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/05/do-you-know-your-enemy-more-rons-fubar.html


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