UNsubC-monty_5 ; will U continue to FEED the monsters of their FUBAR :game of THORNS: ???

see also (scroll down !!!) /montv-chrislog

UNSUB vrsion 5 ...will U continue to FEED the monsters of their FUBAR :game of THORNS: ???

SUPPORT ChRiS live CAMPAIGN and,,,, ME ;)  ChRiS live CAMPAIGN ; LbiRDco-op / REdGEMnet & global groups (VIAnon)

@ mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 ...but only Via , not "at" otherwise the FUBAR USAcorp & co goons will BUG (a.k.a co-vid 99 ha ha ha ! p.s. feck u 2)

Setting the scene... (this notebook screen, froze as I started to read : ( counterpunch.org/2022/03/17/nato-is-not-a-defensive-alliance/ )..preaching to the choir again chaps??? :p

at Miriste Xile / isle ;) its a sunny morning, with a strong wind, outside not in me...

i cant access wi-fi or the numerous articles & opinions on mainSCREAMedia or such so-called (IMO "pink) "counter-punch" if clever guys like John Pilger (faned HR journalist) think this mag is progressive, then I must be a 100 thousands years ahead of my time ..ha ha ..  

first sending this to the EX property owner ; the location is now permanent BASE of "freedom e Union N G O" & me

(at least until they assassinate, me , or worse!)

(i wont INSIST that you be a local/global REbEl but using " yeah but what about my family" is really a limited EXCUSE because if you are spoiling them (kids) they will turn out to be virtual a-holes & servants to their monster, anyway,

so....you can "KOP out" and scroll down to the "footy interlude" ..but its still all on YOU, too...

hello "alternative writers"  ,,  

a..k.a MASS - debaters!>?

So many of you "chatting" on social media or with your buddies; reading & writing clever & often informative articles , read mostly by those already aware of the mess the world is In! GET OFF YOUR ARSE! ...go and block "them "; their evil is not slowing down!

boycott your BIG local store

buy from small farmers/grocers/independents (and only what YOU/yours NEED!)

Take your deposits OUT of the banks (and tell them why)

if you have cash ; support young/independent enterprises that bring positives to your community

take your kids OUT of the system ; teach them to explore their own education & adventure (stop the BS chat line & USE the net!)

BE READY to be arrested for protests / strikes / blockades of corporations & their locations / fill the courts / jails with heroes ; YOU!

Leave your car in the garage, walk, run or ride a bicycle!

BE Ghandi, be CONSEQUENT!    no more fecking EXCUSES, its too late for more BS!


or just SHUT the feck up! and stop being a hypocrite!


F&U mission via REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op


EXile Home base




but YOUR FUBAR ; global mental asylum and OBEDIENT servants to their :game of THORNS: goes on..& on..until.

there is world war???? seems writers (who prefer to write than FIGHT for their :RIGHTS: are at "WAR" trying to be the cleverest writer of articles about sh7te..the SWAMP they and YOU made..since 2 thousand years & getting deeper in SHIT!

like ?? your "democratic President keeps up the MORONIC tradition of modenr leadership

( counterpunch.org/2022/03/15/bidens-sanctions-on-afghanistan-threaten-to-kill-more-people-than-two-decades-of-war )

well USAcorp bombs & drones may dispute this claim???

destroying the BEES? you dont deserve this once beautiful planet you SELFISH sheeple ...YOU dont care about HUMANITY so why would u worry about BEEs..

the WASPS are more akin to the 2 legged occupants of MY planet!

see counterpunch.org/2022/03/15/bees-in-the-anthropocene-four-thoughts

the hypocrisy of USAcorp ... why dont WE SEIZE LIVERPOOL football club as the biz backers are corrupt frauds,,,

OH, they arent russian?  damn!  ( counterpunch.org/2022/03/17/cracking-down-on-russian-oligarchs-means-cracking-down-on-u-s-tax-havens )   

....anyway; sharks always BREAK the :green deals: so much Hot air, YES REAL hot air will burn up the planet!! you selfish sheeple ( counterpunch.org/2022/03/16/the-impacts-of-green-new-deals-on-latin-america/   )

just like a "film PM" no UK PM "BLOWjob" would never oppose USAcorp, not even as weak as "zombie-robot Biden"

(  ... "   relationship based on the President taking exactly what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter ...a friend who bullies us is no longer a friend..." www.imdb.com/title/tt0314331/characters/nm0000424 )

(more from "california"

 a land of natives, then spanish-mexican rule..now infected by USAcorp too.. not least the prime fecker silly Gates.. " Russia's early 19th-century coastal settlements in California were positioned just north of a settlement in San Francisco Bay " its FUN to imagine holywood producing a FILM wherby the Russians had taken over that continent OR claimed "ownership" of San francisco now...? ironic laughing.. ( iLOL -) ?

Footy InterLude

 a reminder of the english plastic money league  status theguardian.com/football/2022/mar/16/arsenal-liverpool-premier-league-match-report  and 

Nottm forest 0 LIVERPOOL (FA cup) 1 (DioGO-al)

report https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/mar/20/nottingham-forest-liverpool-fa-cup-match-report

Chanpion league draw for quarter finals ; benfics v LIVERPOOL, careful, dont underestimate...

and last english plastic league game (now pressing man sh&tty frauds ) 





(version 3) see previous at (2) unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/03/lets-see-who-hacks-or-blocks-thisnew-2.html

(1) unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/03/lets-see-who-hacks-or-blocks-this.html

& MONTV at montv-chrislog.blogspot.com

for Z ?  ..  I am watching the "Mothman profecies" (again) yes, many "sightings" were made just prior to the Chernobyl disaster,,, I was ibn KIEV 3 times, one of the times I stayed with Irina Z;  a university prof & her scientist husband... ..both told me how on THAT day in 1986, ... they wanted to catch a bus to the office, to work, and with others waited & waited,, no Buses or Taxis...no radio/TV news  ,,,and instinctively (Kiev being only 60 kms from Chenobyl) they reasoned , without ANY govt news or info ..there had been a "nuclear problem: and just about everyone in their apartment block * elsewhere throughout a city, then of around 6 million, had a party....  & got drunk! (then washed the apartment walls with soap every day for a week!)

THE IRONY FOR ME WHEN WATCHING THIS film is that most of the inhabitants of this planet :BELIEVE: whether in a christian GOD, or the Islamic ALLAH, chinese & indian hindis, or even most native tribes of :america: worship natural "SPIRIT" (as  do I, in my way ) the romans & greek had a variety of gods ... BUT the same majority of sheeple laugh at :fantastic: stories of other dimensions, "spirits" ghosts or "mothmen" 

p.s. Z.. 

- did the courier get a delivery note, signed?

- any news from buddy Ratko??


... extra extra ;  ANTI-Propaganda 

& from " Sanctions on Afghanistan Threaten to Kill More People Than Two Decades of War" ... " (USAcorp zombie-Biden) decided to withdraw the U.S. military from Afghanistan last year, ...but more violent and destabilizing CONTINUED economic sanctions"..ongoing... "  health care system has been collapsing....World Bank data released last month shows that food prices increased at an estimated 40% annual rate since August" .... "  a million children under 5 “at risk of dying due to severe acute malnutrition,” according to UNICEF." ..." cause of this starvation crisis is the (USAcorp led) international economic policy "... “intensifying the country’s already serious human rights crisis.” ..producing fertile ground for groups like ISIS to gain strength. the most important reason to end this nightmare is that these sanctions are threatening hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of innocent people." (as USAcorp STEAL 7 billion USD of afghan people's money! )

EXPOSING  USAcorp/mainSCREAMedia PR_opaganda continues ; counterpunch.org/2022/03/17/nato-is-not-a-defensive-alliance 

"  so-called International Peacekeeping and Security Center in western Ukraine IS ;  a joint NATO/Ukrainian military base near the border of NATO member Poland that has specifically long been where US and NATO military trainers have worked with Ukrainian troops, teaching them the finer points of handling the lethal equipment being supplied to them by UScorp & NATO nations like France, Germany, Britain, & Turkey. " ,,,"NATO meanwhile is typically described as a DEFENSIVE treaty organization of countries .. But NATO is hardly a “defensive organization.”

Indeed, NATO was founded in early April 1949 when the Soviet Union didn’t even have a single nuclear weapon ,FROM THEN ON  has been an aggressive alliance designed to hem in the then Soviet Union, and to to threaten it with destruction by US nuclear weapons which were and still are stored in member countries, sometimes actually mounted on missiles and available for rapid loading onto US and NATO bombers parked on air bases all over Europe  " ... (NATo's sponsor/leadear USAcorp ); ALREADy had 200 nuclear bombs "developing more powerful heavy bombers like the B-36 and B-52. Why the rush? Because there were plans to launch a preemptive nuclear blitz on the Soviet Union" 

.. "clearly set up to allow the US to keep troops in Europe indefinitely and more important, to stockpile and prepare to launch nuclear weapons ".. cynical USAcorp/NATO leaders building thermonukes 1000 times more destructive than at Hiroshima, named the incredibly deadly MX missile with its ten 300-kiloton nuclear warheads, “Peacekeeper,” as that professional huckster Reagan did."   where & when did YOU protest against NATO??

(claiming it should protect nazty govts as in UK RAIN?) ... 

 " Gorbachev, in 1988, withdrew the Soviet Union & called for a “nuclear-free and nonviolent world.” Rejecting Dr. Gorbachev’s prescription, USAcorp/ NATO, expanded its military presence eastward to the borders of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.... which was slaughter-free from 1953-2014... killing resumed over whether the national government should be more aligned with Russia or NAT0  "

Cock-burning again ..should speak for himself - thats NOT OUR :picture of russians" (counterpunch.org/2022/03/17/oligarchs-have-shaped-our-view-of-russia-but-its-putins-corrupt-elite-that-has-hobbled-him-in-ukraine-war) ... ha ha Patrick writes " 

" It is extraordinary that they (russoligs) should have got away with mass theft("bandit capitalism ") for so long" . ..." WHY ??? didnt USAcorp , and their war-biz, big pharma & tech billionaires TEACH them?????????????????????..

as ...C-Ps claims ; " ruble continues to fall against the dollar, as Russia places capital controls on the currency transfers,, migration and remittances will slowly dry up in Central Asia. Kazakhstan’s tenge and Uzbekistan’s som are already struggling to hold their value. continued Western sanctions against Russia are going to have a serious long-term impact for the Central Asian republics...." " China, on the other hand, is well-positioned to play a key role  in years to come. " (maybe?) "in 30 years since the USSR collapsed.. China-Central Asia trade grew by 100 percen "

ChRiS > ? HELLO ? C-P writer Vijay Prashad ,buddies with Noam Chomsky, SHOULD WRITE that the USD has actually ZERO value???

Biden> " to Russian oligarchs and corrupt leaders who bilked billions of dollars off this violent regime: no more,” Biden said in his State of the Union address. “We are coming for your ill-begotten gains.”  

ChRiS> this USAcorp Zombie/robot idiot is beginning to rival UK PM "BLOWjob" for insanity.( NB  Biden represented DELAWARE 36 yrsin their Senate! ) ...USAcorp has 300+ years of genocide , murder, gun-toting killers, inside & outside of the (native owned) "american continent" FECK OFF!  " partly  Pandora Papers disclosed, USAcorp is leadING global corruption.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( the American Bar Association, uses their considerable political clout to block reforms... (flooding the world with lawyers as per the holywood film "devils advocate"..to cover up evil..?)  

..... " If it wants to clamp down on Russian oligarchs, the first step is to get our own house in order .." by Chuck Collins who co-edits Inequality.org... )

"DINNER for one"

"feasting myself" on the grill sunday, a sunny day, with a chilly wind, didnt deter, the chance to spend much of the day outside , and to "grill" (sorry not C1A "grilling" , like they do/did on "suspects" water torture & such by the black op agents of the "god bless america" PR_opaganda machine,,  no just my remaining cevapi, spuds & prociutto

..and a few glasses of local "Loze" (Rakija) in between, reading (again) "absolute friends" by Le Carre, IMO a better story than "tinker , taylor/...."  ..with windows into the "Berlin' of the past..& present..

  also jogged my recollections of "Dinner for one" a half hour TV routine, that almost every german TV channel used to show EVERY new years eve,...it was about an eccentric old english lady (rich)..who held a dinner for all her (deceased) friends & associates every year..at this time, and her (:english:) butler had to play the part of each of her guests and react to each of the old lADYs toast, so got steadily drunk as he went from place to place on the large dining table..reacting to the old girl... NO one in UK knew it, but the germans loved it..as it became "german tradition"

MORE ..or less...(added post 220323)

from C-P ( 2022/03/18/ )  "  she had moved to the US after the Soviet Union fell apart and by the time we met she had lived here for many years. She said, In Russia we knew the press was all propaganda. Here the propaganda is much more effective. People read it and dont even know it's propaganda. It was moving to the States that made a Marxist out of me. !!! but, writer Daniel Beaumont reminds me of the comment .." those who CAN..DO!,,those who cant DO, TEACH! " ...

naive Pro UK RAINer ... BTW the UK RAIN pres Zelensky named in " Pandora papers"  ..which A:: sheeple should ABSORB thoroughly because these are just the "few" caught out... yeah, YOu dont care though do you? as long as u have a house, mobile phone, car, Tv & other "mod cons" ????

(until a WAR , prejudice or poisoned air,food, water gets you?)

..USAcorp " stole $7 billion from Afghanistan on February 11, that was no mere crime of robbery. It was a war crime and a crime against humanity that condemns possibly millions of Afghans to starvation. In short, prelude to genocide" 

counterpunch.org/2022/03/18/starving-a-people-committing-a-genocide-bidens-sanctions-on-afghanistan  ) BTW .." in 2001 Taliban offered to turn the al Qaeda culprits over this was refused and (IRAQ was illegally) invaded instead!!!

UNICEF: more than 23 million Afghans face acute hunger, including 9 million who are nearly famished.

ChRiS> where are all you "NICE SHEEPLE" ? offering your homes & such to Afghan or Syrian REFUGEES?  not WHITE ENOUGH FOR YOU??? FECK U , hypocrites!!!

Clare Daly, MEP from Dublin> " five million children face famine, an agonizing and painful death, a five hundred percent increase in child marriages and children being sold just so they can survive, and not a mention of it, not here, not anywhere, no wall-to-wall TV coverage, no emergency humanitarian response " .."  What if Russia or China engaged in such murderous chicanery? Well, Russians and Ukrainians are killing each other right now, but the projected Afghan starvation death toll beats anything they’ve come up with so far. And though Biden s actions put (alleged) Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs to shame ""...

Robert Taft (history pre NAzTO>The building up of a great army surrounding Russia means inevitably an armament race, and armament races in the past have led to war [NATO] will do far more to bring about a third world war than it ever will to maintain the peace. 

Bloomberg> "the cumulative wealth of the richest Russians in the world has plummeted almost $90B since the start of the conflict. (Meanwhile,USAs 704 billionaires have gotten $1.7 trillion richer over two years of pandemic. Almost all tax-free.)"

Forbes>, "wealth of the US’ richest 3 oligarchs (Musk, Bezos and Gates) alone is $594 billion, a total that is greater than the wealth of the 100 richest Russian oligarchs combined at $558 billion."

" "freeworld?? ha ha ha  (USAcorp) IMPRISON ; more aggressively & systematically than any other country in the world, including China and Russia. Incarceration Rate per 100,000 people:

China:   121

Russia: 325

USA:     639  "

Jeffrey(C-P) > (THUG leader) " Zelensky in black stilettos is about the most interesting thing I've heard about him, second only to playing the piano with his penis. .."

FOOTy Interlude (cont)

Ruthless & "biased" Juergen, some players (VVD?) & Lfc fan nies have reverse prejudice, forgiving "Naby lad" & giving extra encouragement * and more & more "fresh chances " to Keita but "OX" who had TWO VERY bad injuries (worse than Naby)MUCH is given very rare starts, & opportunities, and even when he HAS in most cases put in a GOOD shift, is dropped, its a "catch 22" situ, a player like OX needs support ..he is a character and most likely may show his distain to Klopp(?) rather than kiss the coach's backside?  also I feel its so wrong (e,g, in the league cup final) and at forest sunday, to select "auto-first teamers) when for example the likes of Kells & Tako have gotten the team through the cup rounds. SO MUCH IS ACLAIMED ABOUT JUERGENS SQUAD BONDING...but....those od such status should avoid having favourites..we get enough of that shyte from mainSCREAMedia & Lfc fan nies..

I.e. Luis D only has to walk onto the field and they are creaming themselves with praise, as Mo breaks all records, MANe is showing his best form again, and : DioGO-al" acored his 19th goal of the season at forest to earn the club  SEMI FINAL v shi&ty....!! (i reckon , and would like, a draw in the english plastic league, and the blue mancs & a semi win! ) dont like semis at wembley ; its for money, and kills the tradition and glamour of a final)   ( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40833095.html )

started at forest; A B ; Joe Gomez, (MotM?) KonG, VVD, Kostas; Fab (Thiago 65,) Keita (Hendo 65, ), Ox-(Diaz 65, ); Elliott  (Tako 65,), Bobby, DIoGO.




Forest (its NOttm NOT Notts, BTW) :p .. were a major rival WHEN i was young, European Champs twice (knocking us out on the way to one of them) and of course were the opponents on that fateful day of FAcup semi 1989 ..the 15th april (a date i would, should & could NEVER forget, NOT "only" for the 97 bros & sisters MURDERED by the Tory-UK system ..but because 6 years later, I "died" on the same date,,, (coma) anyway...

Liverpool are in their 25th FA Cup semi-final, though they have not been in the final since 2012, and they last won the competition in 2006. Wembley hasnt really been Anfield South in recent years, but the League Cup and now that date next month with City, those days might be coming back soon.  " (maybe, funny a month or so i thought about a bet on the REdS winning 3 finals this season, would have been GOOD odds. but I avoid betting, and especially on my TEAM, as its always felt like "bad luck" .. ( i would back someone else to bet on it though..)

VVD ?JK comments pre nationalist break; 

irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40833524.html ?

LAST words?????

Christopher Benfey: -One advantage of writing nonfiction is that it doesnt have to be plausible :p

more " Free World:

Amman al-Baluchi is a 44-year-old Kuwaiti man with brain damage, the result of being repeatedly slammed against a wall by C1A interrogators for more than 2 hours; a prisoner in Guantanamo (alledgedly closed by Ex pres & pentagon/c1A puppet Obama)" 

Jeffrey 2> " bill modeled after the Texas abortion law, Tennessee Rep. Rebecca Alexander (Rep.) says that it would be permissible for any family member of a rapist to sue the victim of rape for proceeding with an abortion. "

..." first winner of the (old Soviet "MISS KGB" ); named Ekaterina Maiorova. During her interview, claimed that her favorite hobby was knitting, her favorite drink orange juice, her favorite movie was Gone With the Wind & her ideal man was .. James Bond " :p

" Globally, children will have their lives shortened by an average of twenty months from breathing polluted air, according to two new reports from the State of Global Air initiative...." 

ChRiS> (still worry about C19?? YOU make deadly bugs, fools!!)

for Z... the "jackal" film is entertaining too, interesting with a "Russian theme" at the start...! 

and having a BLACK F.B.I director involved , might have been too much for the russians to accept, and for me, unlikely as the C1A was always (!) commanding international (& "Black") security OPERATIONS .. even if an FBI chief was the first suspected target , probably because its from my generation, I prefer the "authenticity" of the original "day of the jackal" film less "thrills & frills" (target was French Leader Gen. De Gaule) ...watch it if you get the chance..!?

.N.B " UK's economic losses from Brexit are 178 times bigger than all of the trade deals cut ( by UK PM "BLOWjob") "

see this BIG > "" Open air testing of nuclear weapons by the US, USSR, UK, France and China may have led to more than a million cases of cancer worldwide and tens of thousands of premature deaths...."



___LOCAL conflict; v MSp

no one ELSE could live here with MOLD!

(I made a payment on Friday ) ....thats "GOOD WILL" ..without APOLOGY or YET ANY compensation from you

I REQUIRE that "statement" by post (registered) to F & U NGO care of C.R.S at Miriste!  (clearly signed by you)

MSp, OFF the record ..DO NOT come to Miriste, you will get trouble from ME,

go to Bratislava, hand in those cards and YOU WILL BE told (!)


(i have made a payment friday, BTW)


Confidential / FYeo CRSFU 220320.Miriste/Xile

from; ChRiSMITH / F & U N.G.O via Protonmail (encrypted)

to; MSp

YOU need to stop reactive writing,    

and START  TO read;

 absorbing  CAREFULLY,     ... all MY PREVIOUS five EMAILS ,

AS YOU SEEM TO HAVE missed THE KEY POINTS, and all you do is make me MORE ANGRY, stop acting like a spoiled child, go to give the "boss of bosses" info in Bratislava , by then maybe you have been "classified"and calm enough to understand/ and maybe I shall be calm enough to receive you (maybe).

you currently DO NOT UNDERSTAND anything!


you RISK losing everything with your stupidity!

Sent with ProtonMail secure email.

On Friday, March 18th, 2022 at 07:04, ChRiSFandU <ChRiSFandU@protonmail.com> wrote:

> > 1. did you find the cards in jacket pocket ? I dont think so??

> > 2. SEE attached AND absorb VERY carefully you need to be aware of ALL things..not just yours!

> > i will make appointment AFTER , ( after u go to Brat )

I am resolving all matters!













p.s. see attached  PIC, I am "couchsurfing" in my own place, ONE third is (if HEATED) inhabitable and YOU & the CORRUPT E>P>G (who will also be brought to JUSTICE) want me to pay e70 per month for minimum heat ... FECK OFF!


On Friday, March 18th, 2022 at 07:04, ChRiSFandU <ChRiSFandU@protonmail.com> wrote:

> > 1. did you find the cards in jacket pocket ? I dont think so??

> > 2. SEE attached AND absorb VERY carefully you need to be aware of ALL things..not just yours!

> > i will make appointment AFTER , ( after u go to Brat )

I am resolving all matters!


On Friday, March 18th, 2022 at 20:55, <info@nvocsp.org> wrote:

> Dear CHRIS,

> I can't reduce the price in my Miriste/Lustica appartman because it is minimal price.

> I'm not a charity or a Red Cross.   (!)

> I m owner property.  ( and same as all the other greedy b'stards?)

> I will try to help in areas where I can.











> If you pay you'll live - there if you don't pay you can leave.  (!)

> Depend of you.

> I will try to help in areas where I can.

> I will resolve all open issues AFTER APRIL 1.

I WILL wash several towers & pillow cases machine wash

 and bed cover machine washed too.

> I WILL pay electricity power.

> 245 euros - the bills in a four months, it's not much?


> I will bring you spatula and new pan.


> Thanks for cards, for boss of bosses.




> I will do my utmost to resolve all claims informed to me by "CRSFU".


> I will assist "CRSFU" in recoving claims from the original constructor

> or seller of said property GORAN DEVIC, from Novi Sad,

> I shall also confirm all offers made to Christopher R Smith relating

> to my football club


> I shall by the above agree also to act as witness in the prosecution

> of claims against;


> - Alexsa RECEVIC & family


> - Predrag IVANOVIC


> - Nermanja Ljumovic (to a lesser degree, if I am able)


> I shall IMMEDIATELY instruct E.P.G to amend future electricity bills

> (charged after April 1, 2022) to "CRSFU"

CRS> to ADD;

* I hereby respect & HONOUR the agreement made between us on 4th December, 2021 (attach YOUR copy)

* I shall not attempt to charge, change or increase any costs relating to the property occupied by "CRSFU" .

* I hereby respect and honour that "CRSFU" may utilize the property at Miriste as he/they see fit.


> Regards,


> Michal


 PS: Chris, you must know this.


Government has new Programme Accommodation for Refugees from Ukraine.

Government will pay 300 eur pre month for adult person

and 150 eur for children accomodation per month.

For example in my Miriste, Lustica, one mother and one child

per month from goverment income is 450 euros!

This is new.

So if you decide to leave ahead of schedule, it's not a problem.




F & U own  Miriste location before April 1 2022 . OR I do by Lien (claims , not even inc 5,700 files lost due to damp or replacement Laptop...(!) its "ONLY" a matter (after my :GOOD WILL" payment of e120 ; to negotiate a settlement - i would accept you  paying part of COMPENSATION  (in goods or services) ..NOTE;

the credit in my favour for paying you on ( in ADVANCE,) on 4 december for 3 months ,BUT ;

- the mold YOU SAW then;

- damaged my health

- damaged my clothes (some here have been witnessed)

- damaged my Laptop

- meant i must sleep on couch in Living room/kitchen

(this means i USED ONLY ONE THIRD of area stated in contracts/agreements!  Capische???????????)

- BofB agreed to re-imburse you via GF a/c Bd..

dont panic OR LIE! - and do NOT tell me that anyone else ; even "refugee" could afford to live here ;

no local services; costs are too high and MOLD !!!!






what the FECK happened to the Irish??? 

I sort took half a year to reacover from Irish REdS sucking up to USAcorp SHARKS like John W**ker Henry & hisjackals..

and their Lfc sheeple who inhabit the KOP i grew up on..

not only do I see YNWA on foreign flags (who have fascist Govts!!)

this: Specialised unit to be put in place to meet refugees from Ukraine in Ireland ;( irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40823823.html )

"O’Gorman has said that a specialised unit will shortly be put in place to meet refugees from Ukraine as they arrive at airports... "  around 2,500 Irish people have pledged to take in Ukrainian refugees as the numbers fleeing the country topped 1.7m in what has been described as the biggest humanitarian response in Irish history" ...

what the FECK ??? 

a) arriving at airports , like most refugees of USAcorp human rights abuse worldwide in the last 50 years???

b) whwre were you A_HOLES during RWANDAN genocide, or when millions wer fleeing the middle east...how many afghans , syrians and other people "of colour" have these HOSTS offered to take in in recent years..

c) IT stinks,.,  the "westwern" MainSCREAMed1A focus whenever WHITE people (:european etc;) are "in need" but

remember how the EU bolted its doors a couple of years ago when so many were fleeing (many came through the BaLKANS BUT THE c*nts HERE ARE AS PREJUDICED (I proposed offering them any of the THOUSANDS of deserted houses in this country, at least better than (maybe) tents in the middle of winter..

I am sick of the double standards, the HYPOCRISY combined with naive & simply stupid reaction to "RAS-PUTIN" NOT liking 

1) the USA/Cia illegally replacing an elected govt with a pro NATO govt in2014, via a coup!!!

2) NATO *which is USAcorp led & fiananced" breaking promises NOT to "go east" after germoney was (re)united!

3) amassing military forces in nearby Turkey, Poland and even along its borders with UK RAIN...

4) zombie-robot Biden & the dangerous fool Uk PM "blowjob" making THREATS ...

5) SANCTIONS, that will actually push RUSSIA to form alliances with nations HOSTILE to the west & risk WW3

this " Around 2,000 people fleeing the war in Ukraine, (many with family links here), have landed in Ireland so far with thousands more expected in the coming days.

Online portal 

The minister yesterday launched the Irish Red Cross's online portal allowing people to register accommodation and other offers of voluntary assistance for Ukrainians.  "

THERE are people in lIVERPOOL living from FOODBANKS!! 

feck all you racist hypocrites!

-----------------------not just about  FOOTBALL:  alternative currency ;  

& footy interlude

"  trinity video https://youtu.be/EEh8klRZ-jE 

& Ball CAN REdS video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbF0Ymdn8RA

- a few years old but a kind of preview 

to LbiRDco-op / REdGEMnet initiaves

contact our MEd1ATEAM via fumission@ursun.net / ngo@mypod-net.org

mewe.com/i/dawncrvena  contact now to join the LbiRD coin promo

(for all future REd shareholders)

its a (several years) old video, but mostly still relevant to our aims email fumission@ursun.net / ngo@mypod-net.org mewe.com/i/dawncrvena to connect with our mission & for information on the LbiRDco-op / REdGEMnet initiatives & global groups (&REbEL REdS resistance ;)  and to join the LbiRDcoin for future shareholders (see Explaining the 5 year plan AGAIN LbiRD co-op ; YOUR alternative coin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLQotpyFIMw "

with the USD & Euro about to PUBLICLY collapse (all has been an illusion since about 50 years, dont worry, be happy!)

OUR LbiRDcoin is already a great way to invest in OURselves and protect the future..

"we are not racist , WE ONLY HATE mancs" was a regular chant...before Lfc  fans joined the PC a-holes..  found this article of interest about Man U! O’Farrell and Roy Keane; ( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40824585.html )

Europe ; we updated & added comments (as usual provocative) @ european LOG ; rednet-alien.blogspot.com/

and sort of "fair comment" from "we get our kicks from" TRENT 66  at liverpoolfc.com/news/trent-alexander-arnold-were-amazing-position (match report from mainSCREAMed1A at theguardian.com/football/live/2022/mar/08/liverpool-v-internazionale-champions-league-last-16-second-leg-live )

brighton  v  LIVERPOOL

___________________OTHER/ALTERNATIVE MEd1A & MORE;

I keep saying and also AT THE TIME this was released ; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_(film) that;

MANY OF THOSE WHO frequent the cinema (pre-PLANdemic) enjoy & "support" the rebel, victims, mavericks etc who het badly treated by bosses, state etc etc...but THEN they leave the cinema, or switch off TV/Video and carry ON FEEDING the monster IN THEIR DAILY LIVES!!!! FECKING AMAZING how pathetic the MODERN SHEEPLE are!

added comments on My recent MEd1A choices.

"enjoyed" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Eli which could be a PREVIEW of the "remaining world" if you dont stop the pollution caused by your "lifestyle" or a nuclear war/accidental apocolype..etc etc... THE ODDS must be on destruction..because of the global mental asylum masquerading as "civilization" currently

I like watching actors with character such as Denzel (WASHINGTON) who in films as different as "Deja vu" (that wasnt)

the BOOK of Eli & such as "The Pelikan Brief" (another story thats been repeated time after time by the corrupt STATE & private "security agencies") as he creates a believable role whilst retaining his own :style: somehow, like Connery did so well...  & Bruce Willis, Nicolas Cage, Julia Roberts have also done to asn extent ...Travolta made me laugh, though, in "face off" having reversed roles with a criminal (played by N. Cage) swicthed to himself when "pappa's got a brand new bag" came on in one scene of that story (which I didnt feel would stay in my "lets watch again" list.... ;)

"JUST WAR rationale" 

I smiled, with some irony, at VALERIE MORKEVICIUS s article on C-P ...not only disagreeing with several aspects...

 but also that I am JUSTIFIED in going to WAR! ... (not only based on this article!) ;) "  ... “avenge injuries, if some nation or state … has neglected to punish a wrong committed by its citizens, or to return something that was wrongfully taken.” ...

THE USAcorp only sees itself?.... why do we allow "INFLATION" ?

Dean writes an article that only the enthusiatic numbers viewer will get into... counterpunch.org/2022/03/08/yet-more-on-inflation ) but MY solution which the capitalist/fascists , much the same animal, will hate... is  to STOP property speculation and profit other than an initial 20% on original construction , no profit on re-sale ..wages, (salaries) have to be increased to cope with inflated property, a house in an average european country region cost to build perhaps as little as 5-10% of its curent re-sale price, rent increases ..why? land which once BELONGED TO US ALL< is stolen , fenced or walled off , and re sold at ever -incrasing profit which , in the case of commercial property ? sold or rented, increased a) the need for workers to get paid MORE , and b) the prices of products or services  made at those locations to increase ' THE VISCIOUS INLATION spirals upwards ; MORE PROOF THAT THE WORLD IS A GLOBAL MENTAL ASYLUM! DO YOU NEED MORE EVIDENCE contact me via fumission@ursun.net / ngo@mypod-net or through MEd1ATEAM links at mewe.com/i/dawncrvena ?

a "thanks" to Linda Pentz Gunter for this article on THE Fukushima Nuclear claim, proving that the USAcorp regime is not alone in destroying nature, humanity & the health of communities. The japanese who blamed the victims, PLEASE GO DIRECTLY to HELL, or are you already there???? https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/03/10/the-fukushima-disaster-ruined-their-lives ..

and this... simply because I like reading the headline ;  ( counterpunch.org/2022/03/08/the-american-empire-self-destructs-but-nobody-thought-that-it-would-happen-this-fast ) <SMILE>

dont forget ;  unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/03/lets-see-who-hacks-or-blocks-this.html V the hackers, goons, sharks, hawks, jackals & their obedient sheeple



  1. intro to semi hols : (via KVR or...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG2R0H7n7W4

  2. this now blocked by F ing book !
    intro to semi hols : (via KVR or...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG2R0H7n7W4

    UK Rain, president is a thug, ..no non white immigration, nazties too , but ...where was all the "band aid" , hosts and support when afghan . syrian , palestnian & other coloured refugeess NEEDED help (and still do) ???? NOT WHITE ENOUGH??????????????? https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/03/unsubc-monty5-will-u-continue-to-feed.html USAcorp/NATO is a bigger murderer of civilians thab the (capitalist) ruskies !


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